Yes, Friday.
A time to relax, and hit the bottle. Phew.
Bonus -
Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Margo's facial expression (and Gerry's) tell you all that you need to know. After 3 hours clenching, her sphincter muscles are about to give out, releasing a 43-second Trouser Trumpet of epic volume
And then, The Smell....
Bonus - Birds Eat Poop A Lot, And Scientists Are Still Trying to Figure Out Why
People usually associate bull-fighting with Spain, Mexico or France, but are often surprised to know of the Scottish experiment with bull-fighting.
The sinking of the Armada on its attempt to sail back to Spain left many Spaniards ship-wrecked and marooned in Scotland. So, adapting to the economic climate, some started Bull-Fighting.
This was the Bull-Ring at Peebles in 1966. By 1970, the bull ring was un-used, and the structure was bull-dozed to create space for another 18-hole Golf Course.
Bonus - North Korea accused of sending balloons carrying excrement into the South
Nope. No idea where it is, so if anyone knows, please shout up.
The latest in a series of Tedious Tuesday slides.
Bonus - Litter Defence Volunteers LDV. Not to be confused with Leyland-DAF Vans.
Yes, looking out the window, the view is of 1960's Monaco.
Despite the fact that I live in the Gorbals in Glasgow. Must be one of them optical illusions thingies. (Actually, just realised that that slide image may be left-right reversed.Oops.)
Bonus - There must be a story behind this...
Whether you consider this a Late May Spring Bank Holiday, Whitsun, or Memorial Day weekend, I hope you're enjoying the weather and not worrying about sewage disposal in the coastal waters.
Bonus - Tokyo Advertising
In the days before Tindr / Grindr, men would meet men at the Port Talbot Steelworks Beach, an discuss coal mining, rugby and singing in choirs.
It was a simpler time.
Bonus - Inside a Family Home Built Around a 12,000-Year-Old Boulder
Phyllis was only the local Pharmacist's daughter, but....
...Oh Crap.
Rishi Sunak has called a General Election for early July.
I need to hibernate....
Bonus Joke :
Two clowns are eating a cannibal
Suddenly, one turns to the other and says, "I think I messed up the joke."
Yes, it is Tedious Tuesday, but needed a new background for my PC, and this fitted my mood. From an undated slide.
Bonus -
I've said it before, I'm saying it again, and I'll probably say it in the future...
People Photograph The Oddest Things.
I guess that this sort of vandalism / graffiti / tagging was new and unusual at some point, so maybe I can understand the effort to catalogue this new artform.
Bonus - The speed of a hawk attack.
Note. This isn't Ed Sheeran.
Actually, this probably isn't Ed Sheeran. It's from 1982, nine years before Ed was born.
OK. Perhaps Ed has mastered time travel, but that toddler ... my understanding of time-travel logic is that it implied Ed was time travelling at the age of 2 years (his time-line.)
Complicated stuff, this Time Travel lark.
Bonus - What could go wrong? Leaving a loaded clothesline on wheels inside an automated garage
While supping some Bovril from a polystyrene coffee cup. Glamourous.
Bonus 1 - Marble Sculptures of the Limbs Of Queen Victoria’s Babies
Bonus 2 -
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If I fits... |
You might think that this is a picture of The Blue-Hilled Mountains of Virginia, but I cannot confirm. The odd colouring stems from the poorer colour stability of Ektachrome slide films (and other E6-based processes. Kodachrome For The Win.
Funnily enough, this slide dates from May 1960. I wonder what else happening sixty years ago...
Highland Cattle, or Heilan' Coos, to be precise, and a very distinctive breed.
The even have their own preservation society
This is, obviously, the island of Squat, in Derbyshire's Foremark Reservoir.
Often mistaken for St Michael's Mount in Cornwall, Squat is actually a 86% scale model of St Michael's Mount and was built by students foe 1993's University of Wessex Rag Week.
Bonus - Every Single Frame
Admittedly, it's probably a church wedding, and just a pic while waiting for the bride, but... Where's the fun in that.
Bonus - Puppy Love
Bonus 2 - Cracking open a 117-year-old Antarctic milk time capsule
OK. I'm flummoxed.
Dealers in what? Or is Nashua a brand name for something? Kitchen Spatulas?
It's probably Nasua, the town in New Hampshire, but more questions than answers.
Bonus -
FINALLY, I've managed to restore the Blog's ability to upload images. Praise be.
Bonus - In Defense of Eating Brains
Just a nice, homely image.
Wish I knew more about it.
Bonus - That Susan Boyle Moment - Theme from Titanic.
It seems to be an attempt at "The World's Worst Table-Lamp" creation.
Nice idea (?) Hideous Endpoint.
Bonus - Torture Devices For Your Frat House And Lodge From A 1908 Catalogue