Tuesday 31 May 2022

Oh Boy. That's a bit dull


The slide appears to be The Mansion House, in York, but I'm severely doubting that this slide will inspire anyone to visit it.

Despite that, the website says "Past the grandeur of the prominent green doors and beautiful facade lies a home built for entertaining royalty, with a rich civic and personal history. As the oldest purpose built home for a Lord Mayor in the country, the stories of scandal and frivolity woven into the fabric of the building are still being told, and we’d love for you to discover them."

Bonus.   On the other hand, the art exhibit The Moon Museum, features artwork by Andy Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, David Novros, Forrest Myers, Robert Rauschenberg, John Chamberlain, and would probably attract many visits, ...were it not for the cost of getting there. 

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