Thursday 22 January 2009


Today's interesting word - Jeepney

As you're an intelligent bunch of web surfers ( found this bog) you're probably well spoken, erudite and literate. You may well have encountered the word Jeepney, and may have seen one on your trip to the Far east.

On the other might not. In that case, Jeepneys are the most popular means of public transportation in the Philippines. They were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II and are well known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. They have also become a symbol of Philippine culture.

See, this blog is educational as well as slightly random.


Sarah said...

I've never heard of a Jeepney but they look pretty similar to a lot of the of vehicles encountered in the school car parks around here - except the ones here have more dents.

And I'd just like to add that I've never set eyes on your bog!

Tepid Halibut said...

Similar, but I'm sure most School Run Moms would be aghast at the cramped and unsafe nature of the genuine jeepneys. Still, it would brighten up the car parkls to see some over here.

And...damn. The curse of unskilled typing. Still, the offer to view my bog remains open. ;o)

Arkangel said...

Reminiscent of the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test methinks