Monday 12 July 2021

The Queens Head

A nostalgic view of an old pub (or at least, the sign of an old pub) from a time that little villages were not crammed ith parked cars.

It looks like The Queens Head is a tied pub, part of the Charles Wells of Bedford  chain. I've not tracked down where this pub is, or most likely WAS, knowing how many pubs have disappeared, but you (dear reader) might want to.

One of the big clues would be the road sign on the left.

Bonus - So, England lost at the Euro Football Final. I do feel sorry for the England players, but I don't feel sorry for the portion of the supporters who were utter scum.

Bonus 2 - 'Woke coke': Drug dealers marketing 'ethically sourced' cocaine.

Bonus 3 - In every family, there's always one ....


BarneyGoofball said...

That looks familiar, and .... yup. I think it is Ampthill.,-0.49494,3a,75y,59.28h,91.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sA7y-xwVonPXEvxqeqE0WWA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Even the scroll-work on the pub sign is the same.

Tepid Halibut said...

Yes, Barney, that certainly looks like it.
Thank you and congrats.
Your £1000 prize is in the post.