Tuesday 25 October 2022

"The Stump"


As we tumble towards Halloween, it's worth visiting some of the spookier corners of England.

Today, we visit "The Stump". Also known as "Hilda The Hangman's Tree", this tree was reputed to be the home of (yes) Hilda The Hangman, or her ghost.  Famed in Dorsetshire for her attempts to abduct young soldiers from the nearby Army Camp with promises of "Nookie".

Alas, once enticed into the woods, to this very stump, Hilda would vanish, leaving the horny soldiers hanging here.

Fascinating, no?

Bonus - ‘World’s dirtiest man’ dies in Iran at 94 a few months after first wash

Bonus 2 - I am an evil man, and laughed at this.

Once in a ...ummm

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