Wednesday 23 June 2021

The Less Visited Sites of Idaho


Mention Idaho to most folk, and a majority will say "       What?", and some will thinks of a fairly dull state.

However, if you know where to look, you can find marvels such as this. It's "Burt Coleman's Retreat" built by Burt in the 1930's using the proceeds of his moonshining business.

You'll probably recognise the design as being a scale model of the Schönbrunn Palace, in Vienna. Unfortunately, Burt chose to scale it by 93% meaning that it was actually more trouble that it was worth. So, despite using cheap labour from the post-Wall St Crash depression, Burt went bust just before completion.

Bonus - When UK citizens move, where do they move to? This shows data for 25 big cities. Beware - Big Image. ( Reddit )

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