Kids and Fancy Dress.
Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Muriel clearly remembers her "Special Forces" training. When nipping outside, for a quick fag, always remember to hunker down to minimise your size for enemy snipers.
Unfortunately, she forget the basic camouflage lessons : A high contrast blouse, and a lit ciggie makes it easy for Charlie to spot you.
Bonus - One of our sharks is missing.... Interesting.
I have to admit, the scenery in the American West is spectacular. And Peggy here would probably enjoy it more, if she was facing that way.
Bonus : Letter to American Newspaper. “A lot of deer get hit by cars west of Crown Point on US 231. There are too many cars to have the deer crossing here. The deer crossing sign needs to be moved to a road with less traffic.”
Historical Note : This is the monastery that inspired Wembley Stadium. Wembley Monastery was the first to have a removable roof. Admittedly, it did take 82 years to remove or refit the roof.
Bonus - The Stone Roses on University Challenge
Ostensibly, a picture of a bar supporting the Walloon-based brewery Bieres Piedboeuf, this slide reveals so much more. From the exhibitionist girl, to the reflection of the tour-bus.
It also confirms my suspicion that many slides are just grabbed shots from inside the bus, rather than from real encounters. You can ever see the reflection of the photographer in the window (just.)
Bonus - Roar !!
Bonus - another great headline Nazi Racoons Invade The UK
...but we may well be in Canada. Possibly Toronto, if that's the Bulova Tower
Bonus - Man Beats Woman With Frozen Armadillo. You can't argue with news stories like that.
Pictures of Middle-Aged Eastern European Yokels, in traditional peasant costumes ROCK !
Bonus - Chilled Dog is Chilled
Seems like the obvious thing to do. Build bonfire, place stones in fire, when fire dies down, fill gutted pig with shovel-full of roasting rocks. Result.
Bonus - Last night went well. This was popular : Pork fillet stuffed with black pudding and an apple, mushroom and cider sauce
Bonus 2 - Garden...Of Death. And others
I've got The Gang coming round for dinner tonight, so I thought a Food_Related slide would be appropriate. Ideally, an Offal-related shot, but strangely there's not that many pictures of chicken livers and kidneys etc.
So, I hope this will do. From 1963, and possibly the world's least hygienic cotton candy / candy floss stall. Yumm
Bonus - Another short film - Plot Device
Remember that banjo-playing kid from Deliverance? Ever wonder what he did when he wasn't pickin' at his banjo-strings? Well, now you know. He taunts kittens with bits of grass. Not very sinister really.
Bonus - Allegedly, stoners come up with bizarre concepts. Highdeas tried to share them with the world.
Tatami mats...outside ?
What could have happened? Could a diet of Sashimi and Ramen result in such noxious flatulence that indoor living is impossible? That's my bet.
Bonus : While technically, this is both Safe For Kids and Safe For Work, I would urge caution. But "Thanks Smokey" did amuse me...
Surprisingly, some extreme Googling turns up nothing on the East L.A. Tigers, so no Big-Al fact-a-roonies for all you sports-fans out there.
And no clues as to why the coack front, right is wearing an obviously fake set of glasses/nose.
Bonus - Lycanthropography: Howling at the Map. An odd map, promoting An American Werewolf in London
Due to water shortages. The slide was marked as 1976, so that does tie up with the famously rather dry summer that year.
Bonus : Car Parking The Russian Way
"No, when I'm dressed like this, I'm no longer Jim Wilson, jobbing actor. I'm Senior Guy de Lombardi, Emissary from the Count deLuca, of Venice."
"And don't you forget it !!"
Bonus - Cave and Cash. Powerful stuff.
"You're not quite in the picture. A couple more steps back ..."
Seconds later, Madge was at the bottom of the cliff, and Ronnie could run off with the Bank Manager as he wished.
Bonus - The Acme Catalogue
What could they be for? Ah, Yes...
Behind the wooden pole, a rather snazzy coffin. That explains it.
Tho' I'm still intrigued by the sign - LUCY Sovinres & Handi Crafts Shop. Just the thing to bring back to the relatives.
Bonus - Do dogs appreciate Julia Roberts? I guess not.
Now I'm the last person to jump to conclusions based upon someone's appearance, but this young lad is....
Scratch that. I'm the FIRST person to jump to conclusions based upon someone's appearance, but this young lad isdestined to grow up into a John Deere cap-wearing, fiddle-playin', "Squeal like a pig, boy", vestigial tailed redneck of the finest kind. Might even have a shot at being Mayor of Hicksville Arkansas, and from there, the sky's the limit.
Bonus - Blackboards in Porn. Seemples.
That's what the engraver wrote. A Mormon motto, I suspect.
The subject of the slide....hmmm. Maybe some LDS surfer may be able to inform me, but it looks like the entrance to a lecture hall or worship place. However....it seems a bit odd to me. A mini-gallery for a select few to view and vet the attendees. How rare !
Bonus - No particluar reason - Talking Heads Psycho Killer
One of the delights of foreign travel is just wandering around the local markets, marveling at the masses of cheap tat on offer. You always buy something just to keep the local;s happy, and immediately regret it. If only we could travel thru' time and alert the unwitting fools...
Bonus : Snoop Dogg makes video tribute to Welsh gardener's record-breaking swede
Not even Kodachrome could cope with this extreme contrast shot, but who knows...it could still end up in next year's calendar.
Bonus - The Writing of Stones
A recent acquisition... a bunch of slides of road signs. Oh Boy ! That's a goldmine, especially as each slide has detailed info.
This one :
"Cornwall sign, nr Tavistock Sept 1975"
Winner !
Bonus - Abandoned Russian Ekranoplan