Monday, 30 July 2012

A rockin' good old time

Style Notes - Short drainpipe trousers and Big V Sweater never go out of fashion.

Note : The Slide Guy blog is reducing to half power this week. The usually level of chattiness will be cut back. (You'll be glad to hear that.)  Bonuses may be lacking in excitement.

Bonus - Because I can - Howlin' Wolf - House Rockin Boogie

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Kev will stuff and mount your fish

Another visit to the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo, and this time it's one of the exhibitors who appears to have suffered an excess of Clam-Juice, and shortage of customers.

Bonus - Perfect appliance for too-pale vampires.

Bonus 2 - The true meaning of the Olympic Opening Event

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Olympic-Free Slides

It would be cheesy, predictable and lazy for me to spend the next few weeks posting Olympic-related slides.

Well, I won't. This will be a 100% Olympic-Free blog, starting with this slide of the Pulaski family enjoying their new speedboat on Lake Wobegon.

Bonus - Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, Holland, 1928      Damn.

Bonus 2 - The way things used to be.  Tokyo 1964 Opening Ceremony Highlights

Friday, 27 July 2012

Fever Pitch

Apparently, there's some sort of big sporting festival starting today.

Yeah, me too!     Not very well publicised was it ?

Still, this little tyke seems to have heard of it, and is doing some chair-standing to better see the arrival and departure of The Touch. (Some promotional stunt, I'm lead to believe.)

Bonus - Energy Conservation - Expert Edition.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Poisoning Pigeons In The Park

...was the title of a song by Tom Lehrer. YouTube link.

This little angel wouldn't stoop to such levels. Oh no, no chance of avian culling.

Bonus - Kill Kingstons Pigeons.  The readers comments are ace.

Bonus 2 - Skippy and the second coming.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

You can find it.... the YMCA !

Even men in shorts - wearing socks and jesus sandals.  Hmmm

Bonus - All The Elephants

Bonus 2 - Fart Trek

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Worst. Slide. Ever!

Quite simply, I doubt there's a more inept slide in my collection.

Tho' at least part of it is properly exposed & focussed.

Bonus - An oldie by a goodie. Exploding Banana Mask

Monday, 23 July 2012

Where In The World

It's been a while since we had a quiz, so here's a good tricky one to puzzle over.

Where In The World Was This Slide Taken?

a.      Skegness
b.      Kansas City
c.      New York
d.      Falkland Islands   ?

Bonus - 55 years ago, 6 stood under atomic bomb blast -- on purpose.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Precision Swiss Movement

Bonus - Precision Swiss Movement of another kind.

Bonus 2 - Precision Japanese Movement

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Marching Season

Summer has arrived in Slide-Villa, and it's time to strip off, slide on the full wool kilt and plaid, and head off to annoy the neighbours with some full-bore bagpipe displays.

And these rather feminine faux-highlanders seem to have the same idea.

Bonus - On the subject of pipers....Smoke On The Water

Bonus 2 - Excellent Dude !  Dude?   Are you OK?

Friday, 20 July 2012

Not Your Colour

Sorry Geoff.

Pastel Baby Blue is just not a suitable colour for you.   Black, navy Blue or Khaki perhaps, but not that shade of baby blue.   Try again.

Bonus - Derby Oylmpic Torch Boo-Boo

Thursday, 19 July 2012

The Artist At Work

Artist-In-Residence at the Batley Townswomen's Guide, here we have Mrs Maureen Ponk about to give an illustration of her erotic guide creation technique.
Readers will remember her wonderful graphics for the manual "The Joy of Sex ", "The Joy of Celibacy" and "The Joy of Cooking".

Readers may also recognise her dress, which was made from the pelts of three caught, skinned and flayed Muppets.

Bonus - 1650's Coffee Ad.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Mossy Wood

OK.  Stop sniggering at the back.

A copse with a preponderance of mossy outcrops.  Quite restful and artistic really.

Bonus - Portal Cat

Bonus 2 - Infinite Cat Box

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Vintage Airshow

To commemorate Farnborough International Airshow (just finished), this looks like a suitably dull slide. Not sure if it is actually Farnborough, but it certainly is dull.

Bonus - People along the tracks for Bobby Kennedy's coffin transport.

Monday, 16 July 2012

The Dome

There are some who would argue that this slide belongs in the Tedious Tuesday category.

I disagree. It's an excellent shot of a dome roof, but it is devoid of any details which would identify it.  The lack of religious icons like crosses, and intricate geometric patters in the surrounds make me think it ma be a mosque or Islamic structure.  Info greatly appreciated.

Bonus - The Locations of Famous Album Covers Shot in New York

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Dirty Clown Gang

No, I'm not referring to Hollie Stevens the 'Queen of Clown Porn'. I'm referring to the unfortunate outbreak of mold inhabit this 'ere slide.

Makes a creepy slide even creepier !

Bonus -  Not linked as that would give away the surprise.  The boredom of fishing...

Saturday, 14 July 2012

O_O GI Small Bowel

Yurp !    Just had a new set of slides delivered. Medical and surgical illustrations.  Many of them are quite abstract, some are graphic, some are labelled.   This one seems to reside in the the Gastro-Intestinal series, and is abstract yet slightly disturbing.

Bonus - Also disturbing - Snake Venom + Human Blood =...

Friday, 13 July 2012

Mrs Smug Hogs the Mashed Potatoes

The Curse of E6 / Etkachrome.

HATE the desaturation that Ektachrome slides experience.

LOVE the smug grin that Edna has as she monopolises the mash.

Bonus - Star Trek Movie Night.   It's boring being on the starship month after month.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Focus Dammit !

Modern folks, with their 20GigaPixel, auto-everything cameras rarely think about what to focus on.... and normally the camera delivers a reasonably sharp picture.

Way back when, slow films and manual cameras meant that focussing was critical. It could make the difference between a damned fine picture, and a close picture.

Here, Mr Photographer (women weren't permitted to operate cameras...for voodoo reasons.) has set the focus at infinity, and hoped that the subjects with be sharp. 'fraid not.   He needs to understand Depth of Field.

Bonus - The good old days, when children enjoyed good clean fun

Bonus 2 - Got Talent?  Nope

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

New Orleans Tours

New Orleans, decadent jewel of the Southern States. Home to more Houses Of Ill Repute than any other city. Allegedly.

And it looks like Gladys (Centre) is worried about being rearrested for previous crimes, as she waits with hubby and sister for a tour of her old haunts.

Bonus - Hard on the teeth - Rock Food Table

Bonus 2 -

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nice....umm.... Nice Sky

Tedious Tuesday means...well, you can guess.

Tho' it can merge with the Bad Photography category, such as here. Looks like UK, but no location on the slide.  Any claimants?

Bonus - Another great Blog - Awful Library Books.  Favourite So Far - Showers for All Occasions.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Cheeky Chap

Someone obviously wants a bit of that fruitcake.

Bonus - Switzerland - invade at your peril...they're prepared.

Bonus 2 - O_o

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Granny's Barbecue Secret


Yes, there's nothing better than an overcooked burger slathered in Campbell's Tomato Soup.  Yum.

Bonus - Luxurious Light Fixture Gets Tested in a Slaughterhouse

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Grand Opening


Yes, it's the grand opening of All-Ways Travel from Feb 1969...and the joint is jumping.

A little Googling suggests this is in St Petersberg, Florida.

'tis a pity that the slide is slightly out of focussed, or this would have been a contender for the Slide Guy 2013 Calendar !

Bonus - Mesmerising - Mushroom Sorting

Friday, 6 July 2012


Nature's helicopter, and a marvel of evolution.  Or proof of the existence of a Cosmic Creator...if you believe that sort of guff.

Bonus - Experiments that didn't need to happen.  #55  That's what happens if a box of garbage falls into a volcano lake

Thursday, 5 July 2012

United Kingdom - I Say !

Well, if USA gets it's flag on here, so can the UK.

Bonus - How many photos have ever been taken?

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

America...dammit !

Home of Truth, Justice and Americanism.  And Mom's Apple Pie.   And Super-Sized Type 2 Diabetes.  And Jambalaya.

Bonus - America The Nutty - Greater Green River Intergalactic Spaceport

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

One-Eyed Jack

Tuesday is Tedious Tuesday, with some of the finest (?) boring slides every to be projected for a invited party of friends and neighbours.

Why this slide ?  I can only assume that it was a prop in an amateur magicians act.

Bonus - Sacred Cod of Massachusetts

Bonus 2 - Jimmy Carter rabbit incident

Monday, 2 July 2012


A view over the rooftops of Chesterfield in Derbyshire. You can make out the Twisted Spire of Chesterfield Cathedral on the right.

Bonus - Which came first - The Piano or The Tree ?

Bonus 2 - The 3D revolved alphabet

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Gas Lamp

I think I'm on a bit of an Architecture / Artistic mood at the moment, and this slide just caught my eye.  Stylish, no?

Bonus - It may sound like a song title by Capt Beefheart, but Candle flames contain millions of tiny diamonds is a Ronseal title.