From the "British Road Sign" set, this isn't a British Road Sign. Crazee !
This slide was labelled "Detail, British Museum Stn, Central Nov 1975", so who am I to disagree.
Bonus. Utterly Heartwarming. Child's Favourite Toy....To The Edge Of Space !
Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Saturday, 29 September 2012
It's Gin & Tonic. Well, basically Gin.
Sun's over the horizon. Mainsail has been spliced. Time for a small restorative drinky-poo.
So, Lorna The Lush slowly slips off her seat, let's move onto something wonderful.
Bonus - Fifty Animal Impersonations
So, Lorna The Lush slowly slips off her seat, let's move onto something wonderful.
Bonus - Fifty Animal Impersonations
Friday, 28 September 2012
Dupont Plaza Center
Hey Kids ! How much fun does this place look? I mean, it's named after a Chemical Company, and can't even spell "Centre" *. Even the architecture wouldn't look out of place in 1970's Moscow.
Fun Fun FUN !!
Bonus - Someone needs a diet.
Bonus 2 - Bitchin' Picture of a Rhino and his posse.
Fun Fun FUN !!
Bonus - Someone needs a diet.
Bonus 2 - Bitchin' Picture of a Rhino and his posse.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Give Me A G !
I know I've made this observation before on other slides, but.... is that really a girl ? Something about the face makes me think "It's a Bloke".
Anyone disagree?
Bonus - From Child's Art to Soft Toy. And Poo.
Bonus 2 - Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (A capella)
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
It's always Funny Looking Kid time
He'll be grown up now, and could be Chief of Police, Mafia Enforcer or Captain of Industry. Makes no difference, I know he used to look like an odd little fellow.
Bonus - Damn. Where am I going to get a Llama from at this time of day. Ah-ha ! Of Course.
Bonus 2 - Squirrel with Ninja Skills
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Never been too sure why people take these sorts of photos.
Could be almost anyone, almost anywhere, almost any year.
Great memory-jogger.
Bonus - GPS Shoes !
Bonus 2 - Just a moment in time, and then gone forever.
Could be almost anyone, almost anywhere, almost any year.
Great memory-jogger.
Bonus - GPS Shoes !
Bonus 2 - Just a moment in time, and then gone forever.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Myrtle and Mabel
Posing at the end of the day in the September sunshine.
Bonus - 'We want the finest movie quotes available to humanity. We want them here, and we want them now.'
Bonus 2 - Shoe Bargains
Bonus - 'We want the finest movie quotes available to humanity. We want them here, and we want them now.'
Bonus 2 - Shoe Bargains
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Field Outing
Springfield Photography Club take a break for some classy snaps during an outing to Blair Witch Woods in southern Kentucky.
Blair Witch...that sounds famil....oh my goodness ! Someone call a copyright lawyer !
Bonus -
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Van Wegals - October 1967.
Haven't a clue who the Van Wegals (Van Weigals?) are, but that was what was written on the slide.
I'm guessing a favoured Van Weigal fellow has gotten engaged, and is bringing his fiance to meet the uncles. At a distinctly home-built home in the sticks. Notice the logs bottom right - any relation of Twin Peaks "Log Lady"??
I also like Uncle Louis - far left - clearly worried that the photograph might steal his soul...
Bonus - Last Night - Mysterious Lights in the UK skies.
Thirty Three Years Ago - Mysterious Flash in the sky
Bonus 2 -
Friday, 21 September 2012
Turtle Power !
Here we have Donatello and Raphael collecting a sh*t-load of kendo stick for more practise. Don't mess with The Turtles.
Bonus -
2012 Yeosu EXPO HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP - Hyper-Matrix
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
The Covered Bridge
Blurred, and poor composition. I'm not even sure it is a covered bridge, but quite charming really.
Bonus - Raghu Dixit. Wow ! And his side on the recording.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Getting Chillier
Yes, I know it's only September, but it's definitely getting chillier in the mornings.
Bonus - Evolution vs Wealth
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Party for Peg
That's what's written on the slide - Party For Peg, with a date of Jan 1964. Clearly, peg was enjoying her "Swing into 1964" New Year's Eve party.
Love the decor. I'm going out on a limb here - modern life has gotten more boring since people stopped installing bars in the corner of their log cabins.
Bonus - Woman gave birth to horse in Nigerian church (with picture !)
Bonus 2 - Man rapes duck in Turkish village
Love the decor. I'm going out on a limb here - modern life has gotten more boring since people stopped installing bars in the corner of their log cabins.
Bonus - Woman gave birth to horse in Nigerian church (with picture !)
Bonus 2 - Man rapes duck in Turkish village
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Ennui and a Green One-Piece Swimsuit
Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much sunshine your city gets. Or how much leisure time you have. Or how many swimsuits you own.
Sometimes, you just get overwhelmed by the immense boredom or existence. At that point, everything is just...meh.
There doesn't need to be a particular reason, tho' maybe there's a trigger for it. Like here, where Mildred's ennui is triggered by the realisation that she has a crinkly boob.
Bonus - Barney Gumble's Movie
Bonus 2 - Dull News in Local Papers
Friday, 14 September 2012
Accordion Frenzy
People sometimes ask me about the development of the accordion / squeeze-box with referece to modern pop music.
Well, I say "sometimes" but what I mean is "once".
And even then, those weren't the words they used.
And I was very, very drunk at the time.
Bonus - Joanie's hidden talent
Bonus 2 - Modern Freaks
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Star Of The Sea Painted Church
I still get a little twinge of happiness when I find a slide with no info about the subject, and then manage to locate it in real life.
Frexample, this little church. I tracked it down to be the Star of the Sea Painted Church on Hawaii Island. The church used to stand in the town of Kalaplana, but that was swallowed by lava from the Kilauea Volcano, and the townsfolk managed to move the church out of harms way. It now stands isolated near the destroyed village.
I suspect this is pre-move.
Bonus - How I feel about work, at the moment
Frexample, this little church. I tracked it down to be the Star of the Sea Painted Church on Hawaii Island. The church used to stand in the town of Kalaplana, but that was swallowed by lava from the Kilauea Volcano, and the townsfolk managed to move the church out of harms way. It now stands isolated near the destroyed village.
I suspect this is pre-move.
Bonus - How I feel about work, at the moment
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
From a pack of slides covering trips to France, Eire and Hawaii. I'm guessing this is a hawaii shot.
Bonus : Nature's Recycling - Fort Bragg's Glass Beach
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
An Impressive Knob
Glistening in all its glory.
Would grace any fine front door.
Bonus - Oh how the world has changed. Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace. Worth a click. :-)
Monday, 10 September 2012
Edna's New Hat
From what I understand, certain social function need, no Demand that any woman attending should be properly dressed. And that includes a hat.
Weddings and Church are the obvious examples of such a social gathering, but here we have Edna demonstrating that a visit to the local abandoned abattoir needs a suitable Titfer. And what a hat it is. This one is from the Victoria Beckham Premium collection, and here is rendered in crushed purple velvet to match Edna's girdle.
Bonus - Don't Look Down.
Bonus 2 - Autumnal Arrival
Weddings and Church are the obvious examples of such a social gathering, but here we have Edna demonstrating that a visit to the local abandoned abattoir needs a suitable Titfer. And what a hat it is. This one is from the Victoria Beckham Premium collection, and here is rendered in crushed purple velvet to match Edna's girdle.
Bonus - Don't Look Down.
Bonus 2 - Autumnal Arrival
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Papa Clown
September is here, so I'm going to have to start thinking about next year's Slide Guy Calendar, and this clown (and his family) is definitely in contention.
Anyone who wants a wall calendar, please get in touch.
Bonus - Stanley Kubrick definitely loves his One-Point Perspective shots.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Great Granny Gertie
Soaking up the sun at the arse-end of summer, Granny Gertie is surrounded by fourteen of her successors.
Bonus - Life and death in Aleppo
Bonus 2 - "The Buzz". A brief history of the ... ummmm ... intimate massager.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Deer, deer, deer
As a minor observation....capitalism in action.
A zoo, they've paid to enter the zoo. Still, the entrance fee will go toward care and food. But, lo, observe the pole-mounted machine. Yes, you pay for a handful of dirt-cheap food to feed to the deer.
The best way to improve your profits, would be to make the deer-food from dead critters ! Ain't Capitalism Great ?
Bonus - Lovely mental images from this "Worst Person for the Job" discussion.
Bonus 2 - Children vs Animals
Thursday, 6 September 2012
A Different View
From the box of slide covering a School's Trip To Majorca at Easter, 1971. Obviously, most of the slides are the traditional predictable "Here's Bob with a waiter" sort of guff, but just occasional there's a more creative shot.
Like this one.
Bonus - I wonder - was the message was understood?
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Daddy's Back
A little moment of history.
Deeply significant for husband, wife and son involved, but totally irrelevant to everyone else in the photo (and modern viewers as well. Probably)
Yes, that does appear to be a Boeing 727 in the background.
Bonus -
Monday, 3 September 2012
Defenders of Natural Bridge
My first thought was that Natural Bridge was an archaic and endangered card game, but actually it's actually another battle in the American Civil War, this time in Florida.
Fans of the blog will recognise Maude in this slide, and will undoubtedly conclude that this was another horrendously deteriorated Ektachrome slide, made readable by witchcraft and conversion to monochrome. And they'd be right.
Bonus - For Reb - The Flying Tiger Aerial Attack (with optional cat.)
Bonus 2 - Shaolin Ballet Stance?
Sunday, 2 September 2012
At Olsen's Pond
Summertime. Perfect time for the family to decamp to Olsen Pond, and muck about in inner tubes. Great fun.
At least until someone remembers the decomposing body that they found there.
Bonus - Speaking of dead bodies and bodies of water - Where the wild roses grow.
Bonus 2 -

Saturday, 1 September 2012
Michigan Bus Guys
Another Month.
Another Bunch o' Slides
Love the white sign - "Michigan - Water and Winter Wonderland" Yeah.
Bonus 1 - Plane spotting with Black Moon
Bonus 2 - No. Actually 34,969 was Count von Count's magic number.
Another Bunch o' Slides
Love the white sign - "Michigan - Water and Winter Wonderland" Yeah.
Bonus 1 - Plane spotting with Black Moon
Bonus 2 - No. Actually 34,969 was Count von Count's magic number.
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