Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Where in the World?
It's Quiz Time !
Where in the world would you fid this building?
A Memphis, Egypt
B Memphis Tennessee
C Munich Germany
D Thessaloniki Greece
E Toulon France
Bonus - Take That, Cheat
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Pilot Boat No 2 - And A Swarm Of Locusts
You're right.
That's not a swarm of locusts. It's just a very dirty n dusty slide.
I could / should clean it, and restore the slide to pristine condition .... but ... just imagine how hideously tedious that slide would be than.
Bonus 1 - Peter Bradshaw reviews Bicentennial Man
Bonus 2 - Review and Pics - Teenage Fanclub at Rock City (28-Nov-2016)
Monday, 28 November 2016
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Grampa's Gang
And he's Mighty Proud of them. Ev'ry one o' them the product of his seed, or his seed'd seed.
Bonus - Fair's Fair.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Happy Thanksgiving
Typical. Bl**dy Typical.
I know that I have a bucket-load of Thanksgiving Day meal slides, but...can I find them?
Can I heck!
So, here's a wife basting a gammon with brandy. Possibly as an alternative to the TGDay Turkey.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Unknown Military Dude
"He was a man with a military bearing, which he tossed into the air and caught in his pocket." Major Dennis Bloodnok once said.
Bonus - Bloodnok's Stomach
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
On finding this slide, I immediately started wondering about the context.
Sixties, obviously. A formal cemetery, and scaffolding for TV cameras?
Alas, with some research, this isn't anything to do with the assassination of JFK (53 years ago today).
No, it's the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, United States of America.
Bonus - Come on, Fair Exchange !
Monday, 21 November 2016
Medical Procedure

Well, I think I know the basics of what's being illustrated, but lets see what Google Images reverse search reckons the image is.
String Instrument.
Hmmmm. No.
Bonus - America, split into two. Trumpland and Clintonland.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Jim's Friends
Cryptically, that's all the info I have.
Bonus -
Flying over Iceland (Part. II) from Yannick Calonge on Vimeo.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Little Miss Smellypants
...seen her with her daughter Melodie.
There's a wonder quality about 1950's Kodachrome, yes?
Bonus -
There's a wonder quality about 1950's Kodachrome, yes?
Friday, 18 November 2016
Two Happy Chaps
Perhaps they were at Teenage Fanclub's gig last night at Sheffield Leadmill.
Excellent night - marred (for me) by an idiotic portion of the audience who spent the whole night travelling back and forth between the two bars. I reckon the same cockwomble in a U2 t-shirt squeezed past me seven times. FFS.
Actually, these two chaps are probably in 1950's America, judging by the fashions, and the phalanx of demobbed Liberty Ships in the background.
The Extraordinary war record of Yang Kyoungjong
Thursday, 17 November 2016
By The Time You Read This....
...I shall probably be in Sheffield, with my homeys, enjoying the music of popular beat combo Teenage Fanclub.
Oh Yeah !
Bonus - Japanese Tyre Ski-Jump
Bonus 2 -
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Extreme Euphoria !
You can see it by the faces, but Molly and Ted are high on Ecstacy.
Drugs - Just Say No.
Bonus - Bad Dog, Bad Dog.
Bonus 2 - Skull Art
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Upstairs At Eric
No, not the famour "Upstairs at Eric's" by Yazoo.
No, this is upstairs at Eric Hargreaves's newly purchased semi-detached in Godalming.
No Electro-Pop here, just.hardcore wide-swapping.
Bonus - Damn. That screws up my Chrimbo Prezzie Plans
CafePress Takes Down T-Shirt Calling Donald Trump A Cheeto-Faced Shitgibbon, Saying It Violates Frito-Lay's Trademark
Bonus 2 - While researching that phrase, I came across this and have been giggling like at idiot since.
Monday, 14 November 2016
The Wedding Shot
There's nothing to beat a wedding slide, is there.
So many chances to gloat, criticise or humiliate. Especially the fashion no-no of a white tuxedo.
Bonus - A flash flood
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Saturday, 12 November 2016
A Vision in Pink
Google tells me that this is post number 3001. Woo !
Today, we have a cutesy pink bride. From Japan. Probably.
Bonus :
Friday, 11 November 2016
Hipster Gran
Hipster Gran, roasts her own coffee beans, uses a corded drill, doesn't shave (anywhere) and rolls her own feminine hygiene products. Hipster Gran.
Bonus -
Having a break from Trumpocalypse with
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Mountain Stream
After yesterdays surprising POTUS result, today we have a calm, restful, tranquil mountain stream.
We needed to calm down, and maintain a reasonable blood pressure in the face of such madness.
Bonus - The Most Expensive Liquid In The World.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
The Donald J Trump Charm School.
OhMyGod America, what were you thinking? President Donald Trump???
What next? Secretary of State Kim Kardassian? Secretary of Defence Sarah Palin?
Bonus : Still ... Possibly the only POTUS to appear at Wrestlemania
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
POTUS Election Day 2016
Note for future archaeologists: Today Tuesday 8th November 2016 is the date of the epoch-defining election for the next President Of The United States (Of America).
Oh good grief.
I wanted a vaguely appropriate slide for the day, but due to the lack of information of 99% of slides, I couldn't find anything quickly. So, here's a poor quality slide from 1952, which, at least, has a wall poster of the President Of The United States. At the time, Harry S Truman was the Dude.
Bonus - Vaguely appropriate :
Donald J Trump vs Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Oh good grief.
I wanted a vaguely appropriate slide for the day, but due to the lack of information of 99% of slides, I couldn't find anything quickly. So, here's a poor quality slide from 1952, which, at least, has a wall poster of the President Of The United States. At the time, Harry S Truman was the Dude.
Bonus - Vaguely appropriate :
Monday, 7 November 2016
Autumnal Colour
or as our American readers would have it "Fall Color".
Lovely colours, yes?
Bonus - Unexpected catch
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Clive (as Nancy.)
After of years working in the Covert Surveillance Section, Clive had "gone native" and just preferred to life his life that way.
Bonus - Why are there crushed stones alongside rail tracks?
Bonus 2 - Friendship
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Admiring The Fish
The annual Portland Oregon tradition of "Inspecting The Fish", whose origins are lost in the mists of time.
Been sorting out slides for next year's calendar, and this was one of the Also-Rans.
Bonus 1 - November the Fifth. Anniversary of the horrific Byford Dolphin accident.
Bonus 2 - OK. Now THAT'S an impressive firework.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Devil's Lake, Wisconsin, 1956
Sixty years ago.... hmmm.
I wonder whether today's selfies, belfies and food pics will be collected and viewed by strangers in sixty years.
Still. Devil's Lake. There's gotta be a story behind that name. Devils Lake was so named because it is situated in a deep chasm with no visible inlet or outlet.
Bonus - The Ghastlytrump Tinies
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Patrick and his Barn
Deep in the woods of Arkansas, Patrick Starr guards his barn.
Inside, the most fabulous thing in the known universe.
But I've said too much already.
Bonus - X-Ray of a Pregnant Dog
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
The Letcher In Red
or, as it's more formally known
The Vision, Dante and Beatrice
Ary Scheffer (1795–1858)
Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Bonus :
The true spirit of Halloween
Bonus 2 :
Happy 80th Birthday
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Hello Oklahoma
Fitting perfectly into the "People Photograph The Strangest Things" category, we present .... A map of Oklahoma City.
Dull, yes?
Bonus - Deadly lightning kills more than 300 reindeer in Norway
Dull, yes?
Bonus - Deadly lightning kills more than 300 reindeer in Norway
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