Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Saturday, 30 September 2017
The End of Summer
Last day of September, so Autumn starts tonight. Oh well.
So let's look back to Summer done past, and bask in the sun.
Bonus - (crowd joins in )
Bonus 2 - The Mystery Behind Crater Lake's Old Man
Friday, 29 September 2017
Last day of my holiday, and so far achieved 3 of the 47 things on my "To Do" list. And I'm not really sure I should personally claim the credit for the England Cricket Team win.
So, here's a minimum effort slide posting. The slide says "Hyacinthus Bosio 1769-1845" so you're right in thinking it's in the style of François Joseph Bosio
Bonus - The Magic of Dragons
Bonus 2 - Cat Wars
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Mmmmmmm. Roast Boar.
Organic, free range and porky. Yum.
Bonus - On The Lavatory - With Frank Hovis
Bonus 2 -
Hove, UK
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Project Triton - Record Attempt Under Way
Slide chosen to be vaguely relevant.
Project Trident are, as we blog, making an attempt on the World Record 24-Hour Water Speed Record.
No, seriously.
Three chaps from Project Triton are currently pedaling their craft around Rutland Water, attempting to break the current record of 126 miles.
Current progress via Twitter
Bonus - Quietly Confident Pointless final round.
Bonus 2 - numerical distribution in pi (3.14159.....)
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Kurplatz Konzerte
What a Show !
The audience go wild for the polkas of Wolfgang von Schmetterling.
Bonus - How Many People Are In Space Now?
Bonus 2 - North Korean Tastes in Porn
Monday, 25 September 2017
The Four Bells of Santa Maria
Obviously there story of the The Four Bells of Santa Maria is well known to one and all, but this view is not the view that most pilgrims see.
This is from inside the mausoleum, and is rarely accessible nowadays (due to The Littlejohn Effect).
So, enjoy this view.
Bonus - Half-Drag
Bonus 2 - The Lyrics to All The Young Dudes. So now you know.
Sunday, 24 September 2017
On The Trail with Carlos
A production still for the NBC TV programme "On The Trail with Carlos"
The premise was that Carlos Castignada would drive over some of the forgotten mountain passes in The Rockies. On his travels, Carlos would sing to his canine companions Cuddles (left) and Spongmonkey (on the hood of the pick-up.)
The series lasted one season, and would have continued to a second, except for the loss of Carlos on the Shelton Trail. It seems Carlos suffered a heart attack, but even in death, Carlos tried to keep Cuddles and Spongmonkey alive. Alas, they only survived a new weeks, sustained by ... well, you can guess.
Bonus - WTF Amazon? And there's more! A bit more info
Bonus 2 - Just to wipe that from your mind THIS is how to open a show.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Sandra, Siren of the Swimsuit and Ciggies
Some slides just sing out to me, and this is one of them.
Often, it's just a matter of a close inspection of the details - for example the slightly loose swimsuit (roll on the arrival of lycra), the slightly goofy expression, the ever-present cigarette, the folded wheelchair in the background, the possible caravan / mobile home location, etc.
In fact, with a bit of a clean-up, this might be a candidate for the 2018 Slide Guy calendar.
Bonus - Local Seattle Gas Station Sign Has the Best Messages Ever
Bonus 2 - Q&A: Why can’t horses vomit?
Friday, 22 September 2017
Indian Gap
"Indian Gap
Elev. 5266"
I don't think that there's much more to be said on the subject.
Bonus - Australia sends out same-sex marriage survey with barcode 'bumsex'.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
If Dolphins are so intelligent ...
... how come they voted 72% in favour of Brexit?
Dumb Mammals !
Bonus - Have you Read the Most Popular Book from the Year You Were Born?
Bonus 2 - Clickee Biggee
Hull, UK
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Belle at the Hull Marina
I'm just back from a few days away. Having visited the UK City of Culture 2017, I'm now ready to share my pictures of the tourist mecca that is Kingston-upon-Hull Marina.
And the opinion is.... Meh.
It was OK. Clearly the subject of much regeneration money, it's still rather shabby in places.
So, today's slide shares one important feature with Hull - Water. However, while Hull has brown water, here Belle poses beside blue water.
Bonus - Continuing the water theme ... Yikes !
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Ahoy Mateys
Yarr !
It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, so I be hopin' ye lily-livered sons-of-a-barnacle be true to the pirate code.
Bonus -
Monday, 18 September 2017
Meet Ernie
This is Ernie.
You may recognise him, from the shout "Hey Erie, Scram. And stay out of my shed."
Bonus - The Benchtop Trebuchet simulator.
Bonus 2 -
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Photographers photographing photographers
Ronseal Blogpost. Photographers photographing photographers.
Bonus - A Taste of New York
Bugger : Harry Dean Stanton has died. One of those character actors who improved any movie he was in. Some videos below the cut.
Friday, 15 September 2017
The Blumpkin Finch
One of the rarest members of the Finch family, the Blumpkin Finch ( Fringilla Blumpkinia) is only found in remote regions of Estonia, living on blueberries and termites.
Here we have a male specimen, in it's summer plumage. It's natural is the Red Necked Phalarope.
Bonus - Occasional Cleaning
Here we have a male specimen, in it's summer plumage. It's natural is the Red Necked Phalarope.
Bonus - Occasional Cleaning
Thursday, 14 September 2017
The Arwine Grave
I've said it before, and it remains true. People photograph the Strangest Things.
Like this. The gravestone for Margaret and Lewis Arwine.
Here They Are.
Bonus - Oysters Can Get Herpes, And It’s Killing Them.
Bonus 2 - People who know me, know that I hate, loathe, detest and dislike The Daily Mail. And yet, I keep reading bits of it. Despite headlines like....
She posted pictures of the fish to Twitter, asking for help identifying what it is.
Most biologists agreed that it must be some sort of fish.
Yes, Fish turns out to be fish. And the Readers' Comments are depressingly predictable.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Debbie in Denim
Denim. Never goes out of fashion, and suitable for every occasion.
Bonus - 9/11 - How the news spread over the TV channels.
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Sid's Wedding ... Again
Another visit to Sid's Wedding - one of the most inept sets of slides I have. This is why lightmeters were invented folks.
Tho' I will admit that maybe Sid married his bride in a cave, due to he ugliness.
NB : playing with lighting settings doesn't help much.

Bonus 2 - A Tear Within A Tear
Monday, 11 September 2017
Sassy !
This Sassy Lassie is clearly a happy graduate ! Well done Sally.
Bonus - Taxidermy done so horrible it is beautiful.
Bonus 2 - The remarkable career of Thomas Abernethy
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Present Time
I know it's not Christmas yet, but I've started thinking about presents.
Only one idea, and it'll suita few friends, but can't reveal anything yet.
Bonus - When Hurricane Irma brings gifts
Bonus 2 - Hurricane Irma is over Florida, as you can tell from the airspace hole.
Saturday, 9 September 2017
The Polish Egyptians
After the success of Music Ha; act Wilson, Kepple and Betty, tribute acts and wannabe acts emerged in all sorts of places. Here we have Januszcek, Szewczyk and Magda, on their retirement tour of the housing estates of Warsaw.
Bonus - Sisterly Love
Friday, 8 September 2017
Shapes and Colours
Artistically Abstract.
Righteously Random
Things in a Photograph.
Bonus - Had a meal out tonight with the lovely Misty. The European is still a damned fine restaurant.
Bonus 2 - Icelandic Has the Best Words for Technology
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Still Life with.... HONK!
That's a fine old goose there, Mr Trump.
Does it have any Magical Properties?
No? Oh, that's a pity.
Bonus - Aluminum and Mercury
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Victor Struck An Odd Heroic Pose...
Googling for Cervena seems to lead to New Zealand, and this slide doesn't really suggest New Zealand to me.
So ... No idea where this is. Suggestions ?
Bonus - Oh, Go On Then.
Never Stops Being Funny
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
The Dreamhouse of Tomorrow - Today !!!
Yes Ladies - You could have the Dreamhouse of Tomorrow ---Today.
Complete with...Formica.
Actually, while this slide is tedious, the wondermaterial Formica is actually quite interesting.
Bonus - Clemens Habicht's 5000 COLOURS is a CMYK colour gamut jigsaw puzzle of 5000 pieces. Each tile is an individual colour and the task is to place each colour exactly in relation to every other colour. Video
Monday, 4 September 2017
Polypoid lipoma sigmoid
Polypoid lipoma sigmoid
"Lipoma of colon is a rare entity. So far to best of our knowledge, only 254 cases have been reported in the literature.[1] It may be asymptomatic to mildly symptomatic depending upon the size of the lesion (larger than 20 mm).[2] Though the diagnosis can be made easily at surgery or autopsy, but before that it may lead to many differential diagnostic problems, such as polypoidal carcinoma. We report a case of submucous lipoma sigmoid colon in a woman who underwent left hemicolectomy with clinical suspicion of malignancy"
Bonus - Halloween Costume Idea
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Necks of Red
As Bo Diddley said, You Can't Judge A Book By Looking At The Cover, but I'm guessing that these are not Jehovah's Witnesses on the prowl in urban New York.
No, Red Necks in Arkansas would be my guess.
Bonus - Roy Orbison on a Go-Cart
Bonus2 -
Saturday, 2 September 2017
Friday, 1 September 2017
This Rock Marks The Spot
Plaque commemorates Daniel Webster, the American Orator and Politician.
It seems like the plaque still exists, tho' to my eyes, somebody's changed the rock !
Bonus - Game of Thrones cast singing Tom Waits - I Hope I Don't Fall In Love With You
Bonus 2 - Nominative Determinism
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