Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Sunday, 31 December 2017
The Family at Christmas
Christmas-time is family time.
Bonus - Charles Darwin almost gets one.
Bonus 2 - Daily Mail - Economic with its Drug Reporting
Bonus 3 - Wolves and Trophic Cascades
Last slide of 2018 - Phew.
Saturday, 30 December 2017
Phil's Harem
Christmas time, and Phil has assembled his harem. From the Left, Lydia, Summer, and Gertrude, all of whom left their loving husbands to move in with the "Linwood Lothario".
Not shown are Alice, who too the photo, Esther (serving six months for transporting a baboon over state borders without permission) and Eduardo. We don't talk about Eduardo.
Bonus - Utah teacher fired after students see nudity in art.
Bonus 2 - Inverness, Florida, if you're wondering.
Friday, 29 December 2017
Christmas Clutter
Presents opened
squabbles settled
grumpiness enhanced.
Yes, The Magic of Christmas.
Bonus - I Want This Game
Bonus 2 - Hello
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Nice Day For A Spin
This was an odd slide. Not because it was a MonoChrome Slide (Agfa used to make Scala film) but because this was a set of B+W Negatives, mounted in a 35mm slide mount.
Odd. Very odd.
But a nice vintage set - and apparently from 1937.
Bonus -
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Worth A Second Look
A nice little view of a continental building. Or so you might think.
A closer look shows that those people...ain't people.

Bonus - Medieval War Was Fought Because Of A Bucket
Bonus 2 - Hybrid Kids - Happy Xmas (War is Over!)
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Boxing Day Wander
Best way to blow the Christmas Cobwebs away - A brisk, bracing walk.
Ending at The Dog, Duck and Dog Inn, for a swift one.
Bonus - Doggo Loves Cheese
Monday, 25 December 2017
Yay! Santa's Been
...and he's brought this naughty girl some real Goddawful crap.
(Actually that looks like it's a piggy bank. Or piggy hound.)
Merry Christmas, One and All.
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Saturday, 23 December 2017
The Christmas Carol Concert
Or maybe it's a wintertime outdoor beauty contest. (In which case, I fear for the girls survival in the swimsuit round.)
Bonus - Tonight is Night of the Radishes
Bonus 2 - Problem = Opportunity
Bonus - Tonight is Night of the Radishes
Bonus 2 - Problem = Opportunity
Friday, 22 December 2017
The Mid-Winter Feast
It may just be my filthy mind, but it seems like Frank is Stuffing The Turkey, both culinarily and metaphorically.
Last day at work this year, so ... Yay ! And thank you to all those who have to work over the Christmas break.
Bonus - Snow-Clearing by Professionals.
Bonus 2 - Family Photo Time
Last day at work this year, so ... Yay ! And thank you to all those who have to work over the Christmas break.
Bonus - Snow-Clearing by Professionals.
Bonus 2 - Family Photo Time
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Here's Junior
Someone's proud of their Little Hooman.
Bonus - Worth Watching until the punchline
Bonus 2 - Job Satisfaction :-(
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
The Brothers' Baby Beach Buggy
I don't think they want to share :-)
Broken by Boxing Day ???
Bonus - The royal fistula that changed the face of surgery
Bonus 2 - US Is One Of Just 4 Countries Not Paying Performers For Radio Play, And The Others Are...
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Whooda Thunkit.
A tedious slide of Niagara Falls.
Bonus - Break down styrofoam in days instead of hundreds of years
Bonus 2 -
Monday, 18 December 2017
The Ghost Monument
Accidental Double Exposures can be Awesome.
Today, A Jock In Stocks, with the mysterious appearance of the Monuments to Ectoplasm !

Bonus 2 - New Law of Urination: Mammals Take 20 Seconds to Pee
Sunday, 17 December 2017
And on the catwalk next....Noelle
Noelle is wearing an outfit that she design and made herself, with the aid of sunglasses and a pint of Long Island Iced Tea. The outfit would be ideal for a visit to an abattoir, or initiation into a Nunnery.
Slide marked as Nov 1974, Miss St Peter(burg)
Bonus - If you drew a dick on a vampire's face while they were sleeping they'd never find out about it.
Bonus 2 - Best Plumbus Ever
Saturday, 16 December 2017
Traditional and Modern
Frustratingly lacking any info, this slide really gets mt bran thinking.One question, mainly.
What's the benefit of an Up On Stilts house? Is it in preparation for rising sea levels?
Bonus - Meet the newest dog on the force. Meet Officer Kiah.
Friday, 15 December 2017
Make Room For A Mushroom
Every year, thousands of mushrooms are purchased for Christmas. People buy them "to have in an omelette" or "maybe we'll have a fry-up" or "I fancy a mushroom rissoto on BoxingDay". Laudable aims.
However the reality is that the musrooms are left forgotten at the back of the fridge, alongside the trifle-infused cheese, and are thrown out in January when mum has a clear out fridge day.
It's a waste.
Remember - A Mushroom Is For Christmas, Not For Life.
Bonus - No CGI, This REALLY Happened.
Bonus 2 - Remember to clear off all snow from your car.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Here's One I Made Earlier
Unusually, I have a fairly good idea of the subject of this slide.
No, not Mrs Ethel Kubrista, nor her gently psychedelic dress.

So, something about Scientology. Maybe.
Bonus - 8 .... 9 ... 10 ...
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Neighborhood Summit
A chance to discuss the important matters of the day.
- Dallas Cowboys or Pittsburgh Steelers?
- Nixon or McGovern?
- The Redhead at #332 or the Blonde Divorcee at #376?
Everyone's got an opinion.
Bonus - Wheeeeee !
Bonus 2 - Stealth Starbucks.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Monday, 11 December 2017
Fred West and Busty Brenda
OK. He's probably not actually Fred West, but he looks like him.
A Little.
Bonus - Scammer gets scammed. (And tattooed.)
Bonus 2 - List of unusual deaths
Sunday, 10 December 2017
The abstract Something
I've been staring at this slide for several weeks, and I'm still perplexed as to who, what, why, where or even which-way-up.
But I like it.
Bonus - Road Rage Retreat.
Bonus 2 - Why Is Your First Instinct After Hurting Your Finger to Put It in Your Mouth?
Saturday, 9 December 2017
The Family Sledge
I'm still not sure if that's a real sledge, or half a metal stepladder.
Looks like fun, though.
Bonus - Card Against Humanity actually sound like some of the nicest guys in the world.
Example and Testimonials and CAH Against The Wall
Friday, 8 December 2017
The Wedding Guests
These two, let's call them Mr & Mrs X (even though they're actually Archie and Sandra Higgins), may appear to the very epitome of decency, are in fact swingers.
In fact, I have it on good authority that under that black woolen coat, Mrs X is wearing just a string of pearls. Mr X, is wearing a device known as The Devil's Saucepan, and is the cause of his grimacing face.
Filthy beggars.
Bonus - What The Heck, Bangkok????
Bonus 2 - Back-Flip like a Champ!
Thursday, 7 December 2017
"This is inedible muck"
"...and there isn't enough of it."
Actually, today is the 76th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. I know I have some slides from there, but it'll take too long to find them Dammit.
Bonus - Orca fishes for bird.
Bonus 2 - Anti-Vaxx - Bullshit.
Actually, today is the 76th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. I know I have some slides from there, but it'll take too long to find them Dammit.
Bonus - Orca fishes for bird.
Bonus 2 - Anti-Vaxx - Bullshit.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
It's beginning to feel a little like Christmas
Yes, had my first trifle a few days ago, and will have a mincemeat pie in a few hours.
Writing cards and, now, posting Xmas Present slides.
Yes, December is here.
Bonus - Winter and a Zen Moment.
Bonus 2 - Scrapped Planes
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
The Gateway To A New Life
Yes, this is the entrance to the Cowdenbeath and District Scientology Compound. Situated on Dogbreath Avenue, it provide facilities such as free-range monster truck racing, underwater canoeing and Interactive Goat Staring.
A great place for a holiday.
Also from Scotland. This tempting idea for a Christmas Present. (NSFK)
Monday, 4 December 2017
The Fisher Men
Makes a pleasant change from the usual anglers, here we have three fishermen.
Bonus - Internet rises to the challenge to 'name a badder bitch than Taylor Swift'
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Kids At Play
Ah. Memories of times past.
That child could be me, but its was a green dress in my case. :-)
Bonus - Trailer - Batman Ninja
Bonus 2 - Tom Waits/Cookie Monster mashup - God's Away On Business
Saturday, 2 December 2017
A Moment Of Contemplation
Probably just me, but this slide reminds me of a certain shot of Princess Di.
Now that I compare them ... not really comparable.
Bonus - Special shout out to TYWKIWDBI, always a good source of distraction (and bonuses.)
Bonus 2 - The power of the Interweb - harnessed for good. (Language NSFK)
Bonus 3 -
Friday, 1 December 2017
And who is this little chap?
Yes, it's slide number 3400, and it's of "Lord Ronald Gower, Stratford."
Well, that's what the slide says. In fact, that's the name of the sculptor (a notorious Uranian), and the subject is William Shakespeare.
Wiki Link.
Bonus - God Hates Trees
Bonus 2 - The Only Time in History When Men on Horseback Captured a Fleet of Ships
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