Thursday, 31 May 2018

Derek The Seagull

This is Derek.

He's a seagull.

And that's basically all that I know.

There are those folk who claim that Brian played the role of The Stig for three years, but there are some obvious problems with that theory.

Bonus - Clever Girl.... oh.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Meanwhile, in another part of town...

...Thomas "Big Tam" McGlashan prepares his body for another night of serious drinking.

Bonus - Half Japanese - Paint It Black.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

A Mexican, Escaped Into The Wild

Well, it certainly looks like an Agave plant, gone native in a field of English buttercups.

But I could be wrong.

Bonus - The Longest Poem (assembled from rhyming tweets.)

Bonus 2 - Too Close for Comfort

Monday, 28 May 2018

Bank Holiday At The Beach

Whitsun Holiday Monday / Memorial Day

Perfect for getting some time in the sun.   Popular place.

Bonus - "Time Of Fear"  Japanese Internment Documentary

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Bags Shopping

 Just a marvelous little scene of some ladies shopping. There were even more shopping bags and handbags above their heads, but cropping the slides, alas means that you can't see them.

Then I noticed Mildred on the right. What The Heck Is She Wearing????  And that pattern?   designed by a madman ??

Bonus - Something different. My birthday gift to myself - a portable pizza oven.  Tried it out today.

The Results ?  Fan-flipping-tastic !

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Wilfred and Wolfred

It probably seemed funny to Wilf at the time.

Strangely, Wolfred's dog buddies don't know him as "Wolfred". Nope, his dog-name is "Prince Poopmuncher".  Dogs...sheesh.

Bonus -

Friday, 25 May 2018

Thursday, 24 May 2018

A Birthday Surprise

Just imagine.

You're at work, celebrating another birthday, when...fffftt!   A pin-prick at the back of your neck, and everything goes black.

You regain consciousness, and open your eyes to ... this.

What The Fruggin' Heck ?

The Kids.... the Jack-in-the-box poised to do something ... the basement location  ...   the large wrapped packages of illicit drugs.
You really hit the jackpot this time.

Bonus - Because I can

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

A reminder of Cooler Days

With slideville still experiencing an unseasonal heatwave, let's have a reminder of days of snow-men and snowball fights.

Lovely stuff.

Bonus - Baby's hand mummified by copper coin

Bonus 2 - Combat High – A Brief But Sobering History of Drug Use in Wartime

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

The Road to The Horizon

An interesting location, but the slide suffers from a sloping horizon (and all the water draining off to the left) and having been stored up a pig's arse, and cleaned using a Brillo pad.

Bonus - Today is my chum Little Ian's birthday, so for him...

Monday, 21 May 2018

Adam and Jocasta

Not for them the slumming delights of Inter-Railing.

Ew !

No, Daddy's lent them the gite for the summer, tho' only with the basic complement of staff.

Poor little rich kids.

Bonus - Bodypainting

Bonus 2 -

Sunday, 20 May 2018

A Papal Indulgence

I'm sure you'll recognise Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, of Pope Paul VI to his friends.

Here he is, reading requests out on the Feast Day of St Cooper.

"Dear Pope, please bless me, for I have Herpes."

"Dear Pope, please bless my grandmother, for she has mange."

"Dear Pope, please play "You Ain't Seen Nuthin' Yet", by Bachman Turner Overdrive"
    "Yep.  Good call.   "

Bonus -

Friday, 18 May 2018

Ummmm A Care Package ?


I'm genuinely bamboozled by this slide.   What is the

My best guess is that it's a care package sent to some overseas Peace Corp do-gooder, who sent this slide back as proof that it arrived.

That Life Magazine dates it as 1966.

But .... Canned French Fried Onions?????

Bonus - Bad-Ass of the Week

Bonus 2 -

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

The Young Hipster

Young Charles "Chet" Charlesworth has a decent claim at being Seattle's first hipster.

Before him, only old men wore checked shirts.

Bonus - You think YOU had a crappy day?

Bonus 2 - And....Stretch

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Mmmmm Mold

Not a Tedious Tuesday Slide, per se, but certainly a disturbing slide.

This, kids, is why you need to keep your treasures slides in a safe, clean and dry environment.

Bonus - 

Monday, 14 May 2018

A Tranquil View

Makes me think of Scotland, but it was in a box o slides from California / Mexico / West Coast USA.

Nice view, tho'.

Bonus - 91 years later: Michigan's Bath School disaster remains deadliest of its kind in US history

Bonus 2 -

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Daredevil Dominic

Dodging Death and Sharks on Lake Fruiti, the smallest of the Notso Great Lakes.

Bonus - How Stupid Are People - The ADE_651

Bonus 2 - M4A3(75) W Sherman tank "BOURG LA REINE" then and now

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Larking About

Jenny, Meg and Walter, larking about outside the o'Brien's house.

Playing the game "Pinky Armadillo", the rules of which have been forgotten.

Bonus -

Thursday, 10 May 2018

What a Contrast

This was a very poor slide when I scanned it, very light subject, very dark background.

So with a bit of unsubtle PhotoShopping, this give some idea of the background (with the kinky go-go boot girl) while leaving the main subject non-washed out.

She may be a washed-up alcofrolic, but that's another matter.

Bonus - Disturbing

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

A View From The Aircraft

Often, the view out of the window of an aircraft can be magical, beautiful, educational or interesting.

But not in all cases, clearly.

Bonus -
Russell Crowe names koala chlamydia clinic after John Oliver

Bonus 2 -

Monday, 7 May 2018

Strange Uncle Heime

Bank Holiday Monday, and some non-traditional glorious sunshine to mark the day.

And sunshine can to strange things to men of a certain age.

Uncle Heime, for example.   Here, he's .... umm....  well, no-one knows what's happening in his head.

Bonus - Goldman Sachs Asks ‘Is Curing Patients A Sustainable Business Model?’

Bonus 2 -

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Phew ! What a scorcher

Yes, it's Sunday 6th May, and it's bloody warm outside.  And I speak from experience having driven 420 from Aberdeen, heading south in Brillint Sunshine.

So it seems appropriate to deploy this slide - marked as Sidmouth, but devoid of useful info. However, a quick surf confirms that Sidmouth is the location, and may not have changed since 1968, or whenever.

Bonus - Stock Photography. Strange.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

I Say ! Nymph and Satyr

This was marked as an artwork by Alexandre Cabanel, but it doesn't look like his Nymph and Satyr painting.

Interesting.  Dirty old beggars, these Pre-Raphaelites.

Bonus - Batman's Grandfather?

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Macedonia Dardanelles Mesopotania

No info on this, but following a hunch, I'm fairly sure that this is the
Royal Artillery Memorial, at Hyde Park Corner.

A work by Charles Jagger and Lionel Pearson, and features a giant sculpture of a BL 9.2-inch Mk I howitzer upon a large plinth of Portland stone.

Bonus - Heading off on a tangent...