Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Halloween Costume Contest
Back in the days that most costumes were home-made and rayher shabby. Enjoyably crap, if you will.
Bonus - The Three Main Religions. "Think of it like a movie. The Torah is the first one, and the New Testament is the sequel. Then the Qu’ran comes out, and it retcons the last one like it never happened. There’s still Jesus, but he’s not the main character anymore, and the messiah hasn’t shown up yet.
Jews like the first movie, but ignored the sequels, Christians think you need to watch the first two, but the third one doesn’t count, Moslems think the third one was the best, and Mormons liked the second one so much they started writing fanfiction that doesn’t fit with ANY of the series canon."
Bonus 2 - A relative is posting "Ten Albums That Shaped My Life" on FB. So, I'll respond with "Ten Great Album Covers".
Number 10 :
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Monday, 29 October 2018
Feeding Time
Sorry. Can't blog.
Waiting for the boys to arrive...need to prepare their bottles.
Bonus - Helluva Shot
Sunday, 28 October 2018
Midge and Gaston
Midge Monteith, and her faithful companion Gaston.
Gaston was 5/8 Alabama Truffle-hound, 1/7 Ontario Elk-herder and the remainder was polecat. A real mixed up dog.
Bonus - Gaston's display reminded me of Squirrel Nut-Kin-'ell
Bonus 2 - Cat or Crow?
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Girl with a Stump
Saturdays are always better with a pretty girl carrying out some horticultural up-keeping.
Bonus - Let me just reopen this ice-fishing hole.
Bonus 2 - Snow on the ground - USA 2017-2018
Friday, 26 October 2018
Getting a bit wintry now.
Yes, the weather is turning decidedly chilly now.
Time to put on the snow chains, and look out the commuting sled.
Bonus - 'Wynona's Big Brown Beaver,'
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Grandmama's Kittens
Ah yes. The days before every camera had AutoFocus. And slow ASA speeds means slow shutter speeds, meant some camera shake.
Damn those days.
Bonus - Bizarre tale of boy who used internet to plot his own murder
Bonus 2 -
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Monday, 22 October 2018
You might think you know this
...but you might be wrong.
This is actually the decoy Stonehenge built in 1940 to disorientate German bomber pilots. This one is actually located in Norfolk.
Bonus - CHOCOLATE contains the words HOT COCOA, each in order.
Bonus 2 - Want!
Sunday, 21 October 2018
....and the Winner is...
From the Miss Florida 1974 set, here's the decision moment. A change from the pictures of gorgeous young ladies in ridiculous fashions. (Tho' the swimsuit shots....)
Strangely, it's impossible to Google-fu any information on this event.
Bonus - The crash of United Airlines flight 826 and TWA flight 266 (The New York midair collision)
Bonus 2 - Phone Boothes
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Friday, 19 October 2018
Miss 3737
FINALLY, we get to image number 3737.
And for the mystical numbered slide, we have a... well, my first thought that this is a character sketch for the SchoolMarm at Royston Vaset Primary School.
A scary one. Slide is marked
Jul 1972 Porter's Grange.
Bonus : Portuguese Navy deploy Reconnaissance Drone. Briefly.
Bonus 2 - HydroDipping
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Spot The Ball
Ah, Spot The Ball (or Fix Th' Ba', as I recall it being labeled in the Aberdeen Press and Journal.)
And it's still going (possibly) and it's in decline.
Giant Megacolon
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Travels with Old Yeller !
Old Yeller ain't so good on his paws, so Cousin Nancy just carries him around.
No. She's not going to throw him in the lake. Definitely not.
Bonus - If a giant mirror was orbiting earth
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Gaulden Manor
As a slide, not very interesting.
Looks like a very skew window in that wall, but checking the For Sale brochure suggest it's not that bad. (And is partially hidden be foliage now.)
Bonus - Karl-Gerät 600mm self propelled mortar firing
(More info)
Monday, 15 October 2018
Fashion Fades ...
...but Style is Forever.
And somebody's modelling a dress with a print that's based upon a snooker table. Complete with balls !
Bonus - Competitive Musical Chairs
Bonus 2 - The Perils of Sleep
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Crafty Lad
Yes, Papercraft is THE engrossing hobby for 13 year old lads.
Bonus - The The - Uncertain Smile, Live in Dublin 7th July 2018
Saturday, 13 October 2018
It's No Bra Day in Brocklemere
No, seriously, Wikipedia confirms that today is No Bra Day.
And Janey, above, is going Bra-Free as she explores the margins of Brocklemere, the hidden gem of the Lake District. A lake so secret that onl one in ten printed maps actually show its location.
Bonus - Obviously, I'm going bra-free today.
Bonus 2 -
Friday, 12 October 2018
Today's wedding photo
No, not from the Princess Eugenie / random Posh Git event at Windsor.
Today is the day to revisit the "Sid's Wedding, Sept 1965" set.
Yes, this is possibly one of the worst-exposed set of slides ever to be retained for posterity.
Coal mine at night quality of lighting.
And every my humble photo-rescuing skills can't recover what isn't there. Quality wise. But there's enough there to make is seem that Sid is the bloke in the white dress and veil.

Bonus : Animating the Mercator projection to the true size of each country in relation to all the others
Today is the day to revisit the "Sid's Wedding, Sept 1965" set.
Yes, this is possibly one of the worst-exposed set of slides ever to be retained for posterity.
Coal mine at night quality of lighting.
And every my humble photo-rescuing skills can't recover what isn't there. Quality wise. But there's enough there to make is seem that Sid is the bloke in the white dress and veil.

Bonus : Animating the Mercator projection to the true size of each country in relation to all the others
Thursday, 11 October 2018
The Knick Knack Shop
For all your Knickers, Knackers and Knick-Knacks.
Interesting word, knick-knacks.
Bonus - Bullshit asymmetry principle The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
...and the crowd go wild!
Driven wild by the exotic sounds of Kurt Krammlisch and his Good Time Nuremburg Bavarian Band. CD's available from all good record shops.
Bonus - Wow.
Bonus 2 - The Garter Toss: Vintage Photographs of a Wedding Tradition
Bonus - Wow.
Bonus 2 - The Garter Toss: Vintage Photographs of a Wedding Tradition
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Why? Mr Photographer, why?
Such a tedious photo - why would a photographer take it...let alone keep it?
And what sort of idiot would buy such slides and .... oh. I can answer that.
Bonus - Chewbacca defense
Bonus 2 - Enjoy the simple things
Monday, 8 October 2018
Sunday, 7 October 2018
Filby in Norfolk
A family member has bought a house in Filby, Norfolk, so I thought I'd try to find a suitable slide to illustrate the scenery. This one, fits the bill.
Look at the horizon - flat. Very very flat. That's what you can expect in Norfolk. (And will no massive canyon to look at either.
Bonus - Bison in the Mist
Saturday, 6 October 2018
The Family That Camps Together...
....Stays together.
But I am intrigued by the vehicle (?) in the bottom right corner. Can It Be Real?
Bonus - Wouldn’t it be better if self-checkout just died?
Friday, 5 October 2018
What Goths Used To Look Like
Goths have existed for many many years, but it's amazing how the fashions have changed.
Fifty years ago, goths hanging out in cemeteries, were not as cliche-ed in their clothing. Their ethos was that even the most depraved individuals can ust look like everyone else.
The only clue to this pair's goth-ness (other than hanging around at gravesides) were Trevor's goatskin shows and Mabel's dress, in dalmation-skin print fabric.
Bonus - the world’s first domesticated foxes
Bonus 2 - The Eternal Life of the Instant Noodle
Thursday, 4 October 2018
The Last Sun of Summer
Yes, summer is coming to an end.
So, while the last warms rays of sunshine are still around, head out and bask in the warmth.
Bonus - Nice
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
And Now - "Anarchy In The UK"
One's man's crusade to make the Accordian cool again.
Doomed to failure.
Bonus - The Interesting Isochronous Curve
Bonus 2 - The Fermi Paradox
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
The Crystal Chandelier
Yes, the actual Crystal Chandelier that inspired the song of the same name.
Located in The Red Lion, Middlesborough.
Bonus -Man hears Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody" for the first time.
Bonus 2 - When you three-point turn skill matters.
Monday, 1 October 2018
Interior Decorating 101
Still life with Stuff.
Bonus - James Brown and Pavarotti. No, Really!
Bonus 2 - Art in Port William. The Man.
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
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