Sunday, 31 March 2019

Happy Mothers Day

Yes, it's the traditional Mother's Day, and this year it coincides with the tart of British Summer Time.  So, the ideal time to travel back in time to this slide, marked as "Mothers' Day 1957". Dig those fashions.

Bonus - Wow

Bonus 2 - The Dreams Of A Man Asleep For Three Weeks 

Saturday, 30 March 2019

Experimental Brain Swap

Here we have the results of Dr Jan von Styewpid's pioneering surgery-free brain swap. Gerry Casales and Boomer the Hound swapped consciousnesses at a Montana medical facility in Jun 1960. Alas, the procedure to reverse the swap was unsuccessful, but both parties seemed content to live their lives in the wrong bodies.

Bonus - 66 million-year-old deathbed linked to dinosaur-killing meteor

Friday, 29 March 2019

Maureen, On The Rocks

Maureen achieved fame by coming Second Runner-Up in the Miss Devon Butchers Beauty Contest 1968.

The high-point of her life, I'm afraid.

Bonus - The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.

Video       Fan Art

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Probably Not St Ives, Cornwall.

A fine shot of three of Reginald Iolanthe Perrin's Mother-In-Laws, but despite being in the same box of slides as yesterdays, I doubt this shot was taken in Cornwall.

Dorset, perhaps.

Bonus - Ying and Yang

Bonus 2 - MAGA - Making America Ghastly, Always

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

A Gurning Buffoon

The mention of Barnoon End makes me think that this is in St Ives, but I can't really be more precise than that. Sorry.

However, this view on Google Street view looks like the modern version.
Bonus -   Best Before Dates - They're just for guidance. Right?

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

The rock....but not "The Rock"

Still feeling like Crap, so after a quick Wrasslin' reference, I'm off.

Bonus - WTF?

Monday, 25 March 2019

Blah...slide. Blah .... Japan. Blah.

Great.  I've come down with some Man-Flu.

I feel crappy.

Take this slide, and let me suffer alone.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Ormesby St Margaret


Looking for a slide today, and delved into the vaguely interesting "UK RoadSigns" collection.  And this was the first one out.  Curious, because Ormesby St Margaret is about a mile and a half from a house that my sister tried to buy.

This slide dates from August 1975, but there still seems to be a similar sign. 2007

 (Actually, Head of Government.)

Saturday, 23 March 2019

All The Fun of The Fair

A sunny day, and the arrival of the travelling fair...but what about those ominous dark clouds...

Surely that won't affect the day spent being fleeced by the carnies...should it?

Harris Brothers

Bonus - After the Big One: Can You Imagine America Without Los Angeles?

Bonus 2 - Nice Trick Shot

Friday, 22 March 2019

A Gaggle of Geishas in a garden

Whether is is authentically Japan, or local themed planting...I don't know.

Bonus 1 - Did you know there's a natural forest in Greenland??

Bonus 2 - WTF, Cat !?

Thursday, 21 March 2019

One For You Train Buffs

I'm certain that there are some gentlemen out there who could tells you a LOT more about these units.

Not me.

I can only say that on the rights is W53083.  And using Google, that tells me its a Class 116,
Built by : BR Derby Works.

Which is nice.

Bonus -

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Mangy Mutt

Miniature Poodles.

What's the point?

Weird looking curs.

Bonus : Lake Baikal looks like a science fiction movie location.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Ten Days To Go

Ten Days until the glorious Brexit Re-Independence Day / Descent into a Post Apocalyptic Wasteland (Please delete are appropriate) and there still appears to be absolutely no clue as to what is happening.

So, courtesy of a convenient intradimensional time-travel portal, here is a slide showing the City of London, ten years after Brexit.

A definite improvement.

Bonus - A Skateboard that transforms into....

Bonus 2 - Lord Bob Boothby. â€˜A Shit of the Highest Order!’

Monday, 18 March 2019

Old-School Glamour

Today, so much "Glamour" photography seems to border on the semi-pornographic.

This slide, however, is preferable in so many ways.  The sort of prim and proper good looks that you rarely see nowadays.

Apart from a bit of that Dita Von Teese vibe. :-)

Bonus - 60% of a cow is used for food, and parts of the other 40% can be made into antifreeze, blood thinners, insulin, marshmallows, and toothpaste. More Info

Bonus 2 - Miniature Airport

Sunday, 17 March 2019

A Japanese Bride

After yesterday's more traditional ceremony, here we have a Japanese Bride seemingly clad in pink candy floss.

Let me think about that briefly.   A Japanese model wearing just candy floss...

Ah. Yes, where was I ?

Bonus - Left Land / Right Hand Oops

Bonus 2 - Whoa.   Street Art

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Friday, 15 March 2019

Hello Dave

You'd need to be a culturally unaware retard to struggle to recognize "David" by Michelangelo.

But this is probably a replica of the famous statue.

Bonus - C. S. Lewis Reviews The Hobbit, 1937

Bonus 2 - Genuine, I believe

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Arabic Architecture

Slide collecting gives me a large number of church photographs, and they're quite dull.

The occasional mosque / temple slide can sometimes make up for it.

Bonus -

  Happy Pi / Pie Day.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

"I'm Tina, and I'm Your Server Tonight."

I get the feeling that we're not in Kansas any more.

Unless, perhaps, if Kansas is the American Home of Batik and Ethnic Prints.

Bonus - Death metal music inspires joy not violence

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Scorched Earth

This could just be a case of Ektachrome Slides degrading with time, or the results of an y hot summer, or it could be the results of a deliberate Scorched Earth policy.

While doing some Googling starting from Scorched Earth Policy, that eventually led to an article about Sherman's Neckties.

Bonus - Red Right Hand
Bonus 2 - - BREXIT Explained.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Where In The World - Quiz Number 34

Using your skill and judgement, which of the following locations matches the scene in this slide.

  1. New York City, USA
  2. Venice, Italy
  3. Budapest, Hungary
  4. Alice Springs, Australia?

If needed, you can Phone-A-Friend.

Bonus -

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Yvonne Trims Her Front Garden

Trevor, her hubby, has been saying it's been getting a bit "bushy". Any more, and she'll have to get the electric trimmer out.

Hey...why's everyone sniggering?

Bonus - : The most destructive material on Earth. Concrete
Bonus 2 - Colouring Corruption

Friday, 8 March 2019


Looks Germanic to me.

But could be Carlisle.

Bonus - OOPS

Bonus 2 - Ekranoplan in action.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Slugger Jeff

Slugger Jeff Knocks One Out Of The Non-Existent Stadium.

That is all.

Bonus - Read The Small Print.

Bonus 2 -

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

The East Staffordshire Men's Rambling Society

The East Staffordshire Men's Rambling Society (ESMRS) is basically just a cover name for hen-pecked men to escape their wives on a Saturday, and head off to a remote pub, to discuss whippets, drink real ale and play dominoes.
Beards are optional, but de rigeur.

Bonus - The Simpsons Goes Dark.    VERY DARK

Bonus 2 -

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

H is for Humdrum

I was looking for something interesting to say about this slide...but there really isn't much.

I thought the H in the license plate number H-48527 might indicate a Hawaiian location....but it doesn't look like it.

That leaves the interesting green-stripe flaw in the slide on the RHS.

What a tedious slide.   

Bonus - Florida man faked his murder using a gun and a weather balloon

Bonus 2 -

Monday, 4 March 2019

Composition With Geek - No. 887

Been a while since I included one from the Easter Holiday - School Trip To Spain sets, so...let's correct that right now.

Bonus - All You Need is Weed.....or Yeast

Bonus 2 - Today would have been Patrick Moore's 96th Birthday.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Fabulous Fifties Family Fun Fest

Looks like the family are out for a great day out.  And what a selection of classic Americans cars - Fins, Chrome and massive trunks.

Bonus - Ring

Bonus 2 - The 50 Best Movie Soundtracks of All Time

Friday, 1 March 2019

Little Nikki's Birthday Cake

Looks like littlle Nicola's excited by the arrival of her Birthday Cake.

Minutes later, her face is going to be buried in the brown sticky mess.

Something she learned from her mother, perhaps.

Bonus -