Friday, 31 May 2019

On The Road Again

"You'll get knocked down.  The streets are so full of cars nowadays."

Bonus -

Thursday, 30 May 2019


Did you realise that Highland Cattle come in other colours?   Russet Red might be the stereotype, but there are also Black Coos and White Coos.

Bonus - The Lucrative Black Market in Human Fat.
(Yippee - I'm sitting a fortune !)

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

The Spate

Today's gone "a  bit moist", so I feel justified in posting this slide.

Don't know of the location.  Or date. Or...anything, so I'm going to say that it's in Timbuktu.

Bonus -

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

At Play in the Secret Garden

Not a particularly bad slide, and not particularly tedious.


Bonus -  So wrong...but I Want !

Monday, 27 May 2019

Standing At The Crossroads...

...waiting to do a deal with Mr Scratch.

One of the geekiest part of this hobby of mine, possible geekier that the the original photographer photographing roadsigns in September 1975, is trying to find the exact location of slides.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Sunday Afternoon Drive

Alas, in my neighborhood, the weather is not conducive to Sunny Sunday Jaunts.

So, back to the Meths and Codeine for me.

Bonus -Cat in a BeanBag
Bonus 2 - 
 (yup. Me.)

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Friday, 24 May 2019

The Birthday Boys

A bit of a Birthday Party for Little Ian and Big Iain, both of whom celebrated birthdays recently.

Party on Dudes.

Bonus - Banksy Crashes the Venice Biennale

Bonus 2 - News today : The End of May

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Matching Outfits

Cute, tho' slightly embarrassing if one of them decides to run of political office years later.

I suppose all politicians have some skeletons in their closets.

For example How Donald Trump avoided the draft during the Vietnam War

Bonus -

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

The Ghosts of Childhood (Again)

It's always annoying when that happens.   Accidental double exposure.

Or maybe spirit photography revealing spirits and poltergeists.

Bonus - Happy Birthday Little Ian

Bonus 2 - Meanwhile, in another part of the office...

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

The Corner Entrance (or Exit).

Today's slide is marked as Ubeda El Salvador which does rather confirm my suspicions that this is Sacra Capilla de El Salvador

The cornerway exit / entrance does intrigue me, in a geeky way. I wonder how rare such a configuration is.

Bonus - A little corner of America that will forever be British.

Bonus 2 -

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Joy and Suspicion

I love the different facial expressions of this couple. There's definitely an Album cover / short story / one act play waiting in those eyes.

Bonus - Deontay Wilder.  Game Over.

Bonus 2 -

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Friday, 17 May 2019

Not Going To Vietnam

1969, and this is the moment when Joe Fitzwilliam hears that he's not going to serve in Vietnam.

Thanks to a family connection (Uncle Chris is a Senator) Joe would be assigned to an Army research facility in Arkansas.

Alas, Joe was selected to take part in a trial of the military applications of LSD, and unfortunately... well, Least Said, Soonest Mended.

Bonus -

Thursday, 16 May 2019

This Little Fishee

...was split, gutted filler with billberries, and cooked over an open fire.


Bonus - Carbon Dioxide Emissions by country. 

Bonus 2 -
Ukraine's Dnieper River

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Perfectly Camouflaged

It took me ten minutes of staring and squinting at this image before I realised what the subject was.

A dead tree branch.

C'est la vie.

Bonus - 

If families get their surnames from their deeds, such as the Smiths or the Fletchers, the Dickinsons have a lot of explaining to do.

Bonus 2 - Notre Dame rebuild suggestion.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

The Sunflowers of Anarchy

"The Sunflowers of Anarchy".  Now there's a phrase that gets absolutely no exacts hits on Google.  And yet, through my actions, it's a phrase that could appear on any internet user's screen from now until forever.

The power I have.

Bonus - for some reason, I laughed so much.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Struggling To Stand

Heather Smith discovers one of the downside of daytime drinking - she struggles to maintain an upright stance - even with the help of a convenient lamp-post.

Bonus - Not in the mood.

Extra - RIP Frankie.  You were a great cat.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

"Just a few more steps back..."

"Hah. So they think they can write me out of their wills.   I'll show them..."

Bonus - UK OFCOM Report on words which may provide offense if used in television.

Bonus 2 - Farewell Norma Jennings. Obit
Peggy Lipton as Norma Jennings in Twin Peaks.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

What is the plural of "Puss In Boots"?

Yes, this is a slide from the collection.  Time for me to monetise my slide collection....

Who will start the bidding?

Bonus - Game of Thrones is Just Live-Action Shrek

Friday, 10 May 2019

The Elephant In The Room actually the elephant in the countryside.

Marvelous skin and colouring, so it's a pity that the hefferlump is out of focus.

Bonus - Scholars Believe That โ€˜Jack and the Beanstalkโ€™ is a 5000 Year Old Tale.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Fire Boat

One of those slide which I think has potential.

But not sure what for.

I'm thinking that this is a detail of a Port Authority Fireboat...but who, when, where?

Bonus - Guy Biking Across the World Picks Up a Stray Kitty

Bonus 2 -
Cat Shaped Kindergarten, Germany

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Lions Drag Strip

So evocative of the age.

Lions Drag Strip  was a US raceway in the Wilmington district of Los Angeles, California adjacent to Long Beach that existed from 1955 to 1972. The track was named after its sponsors Lions Clubs International and featured many races that were sanctioned by the American Hot Rod Association (AHRA).

More Pics

Bonus -

Tuesday, 7 May 2019


Today, we feature the rarely-celebrated sport of Virus Fighting.

With no TV support, and less spectators, it's a sport in need of a superstar. And this might e him.

Pedro "Cough Cough" Solera is the master of the sport, and can fight two viruses at the same time. Without a shirt.

Bonus - Nice Skate Action

Monday, 6 May 2019

Mr Brendan "Sticks" O'Toole

Sticks is a member of the popular Beat Combo, Andy James and the Blithfield Showband. Here, he's demonstrating his virtuosity with a pounding 7/9 rhythm.

Bonus - Brad Pit's brother advertises beer... in the style of....:-)

Bonus 2 -
Three mudmen from the Asaro tribe of Papua New Guinea. 1970

Sunday, 5 May 2019

The Lazing On Summer Lawns

Sunday Afternoons - Perfect for a bit of lazing around.

Just been scanning in another hundred slides - gosh it can be boring - and this slide made me think it could be a cover shot for some Hipster's debut CD Release.

Bonus - Pop Songs re-imagined as Pulp Novels.

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Is That Barry Chuckle????

I mean, the slide is from America, and dated August 1951, but the groom does seem to have Barry's nose and chin.   Could it be ?

Bonus -

Friday, 3 May 2019

West Side Fire Dept

Could it be Boats and Water three days in a row??

Sadly not.

However, Why Are Dalmatians the Official Firehouse Dogs?

The tradition of Dalmatians in firehouses dates back more than a century. Nowadays they mainly serve as mascots, but before fire trucks had engines, Dalmatians played a vital role every time firefighters raced to a blaze.
Bonus - Silent Movie Stunts During the 1920s Were Insane