Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Friday, 31 January 2020
We Need Leadership...
...Not Government by Insult."
On this Brexit Day, I thought this slide was fairly appropriate.
I'd be fascinated to know the circumstances of the original slide scene.
Bonus - 75 years ago, the worst ship sinking death-toll....and you've probably never heard of it. MV Wilhelm Gustloff
Bonus 2 - 40 years ago, R.I.P. Professor Longhair Crawfish Fiesta
Thursday, 30 January 2020
The Groovy Gran
In the Late Sixties / Early Seventies, the fashion for bright op-art prints wasn't just restricted to fresh-face young chicks.
Even the more mature old hens of the day were transfixed by such patterns.
Bonus -
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
Hey? Where did my drink go?
Damned slight-of-hand magicians!
Bonus - The trippy world of 1970's McDonalds adverts.
Bonus 2 - The Aristocrats
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Monday, 27 January 2020
The Red Wellington Gang
In a similar manner to Star Trek's red shirt ensigns, in this family it's the Red Welly kids who get splattered with the first volley of snowballs.
Oh heavens.... I remember that style of winter clothing.. The horror....the horror....
Bonus - Table Cube Nest
Oh heavens.... I remember that style of winter clothing.. The horror....the horror....
Bonus - Table Cube Nest
Sunday, 26 January 2020
Requiem for Disaffected Pre-Teens
Or to give it its week-day name, "Bratty kids hanging around at the fountain."
Enjoy !
Bonus - Population Density in the UK
Bonus 2 - Professor Roger Fisher suggested implanting nuclear launch codes in a volunteer. If the President wanted to activate nuclear weapons, he would be required to kill the volunteer by hand first. He stated "He has to look at someone and realize what death is. Blood on the White House carpet."
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Home is where the Antler Chandelier is.
I can only assume that "It was acceptable in the Seventies". I've a few other slides of this cabin...clearly the pride and joy of someone. Hmmm. Interesting.
Bonus - Pigs ... Balloon ... Trigonometry ... Death
Bonus 2 -
Friday, 24 January 2020
The Duct Tape B-17
I'm guessing this is a scratch-build B17 Flying Fortress, but it sure does look like duct tape.
Bonus 1 - Top Kiwi-Fruit growing nations
Bonus 2 - Slim Gaillard's tribute to the B-19 (or likely Douglas XB-19)
Thursday, 23 January 2020
The Signal Box
So, today we have many men's secret passion - steam engines, trains and mechanisms.
Again, I have no information on this particular signal box, and the text on the wall doesn't appear very useful. There's probably one bloke out there who could probably identify where and when this slide was taken, and recognizes that particular arrangement of points levers...but he probably wouldn't frequent this blog.
Bonus - Pope Clement VIII LOVED coffee.
Bonus 2 - Interesting Fact The chemical that gives Parmesan cheese it’s smell, butiric acid, is produced by dead bodies. Meaning dead bodies smell like Parmesan or Parmesan smells like dead bodies. I think I prefer the former.
Wednesday, 22 January 2020
The Dam Spillway
Although I'm not a Civil Engineer (in fact some say that I'm an uncouth engineer :-) ) I've always been fascinated by dams and reservoirs. Huge constructions, which when completed, give very little clue of their existence.
Sometimes, it's just spillways such as this.
Bonus -
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
An Irish Street
Monday, 20 January 2020
The Snow-Ducks
I expect that this explains were Tesco's frozen ready-stuffed ducks come from.
Bonus - Actually, that's barely any snow, really. For comparison...
30-second timelapse of 24 hours of snowfall in Newfoundland, Canada. No, Really !
Sunday, 19 January 2020
Uncle Will
Excellent !
It happens rarely, but
a. A slide that doesn't deserve sneering at, and
b. A slide with useful info written on it.
Googlesuggests Will Kimple
Bonus - Metal music is so popular in Finnish Culture, that there's a metal band in Finland targeted towards children. The band is called Hevisaurus and they are a heavy metal band that sings about Dinosaurs and Children's stories.
It happens rarely, but
a. A slide that doesn't deserve sneering at, and
b. A slide with useful info written on it.
9-5-1954 - Vacation - Countryside near Caldwell, Idaho - Ed's Uncle Will Kimple.
Googlesuggests Will Kimple
Bonus - Metal music is so popular in Finnish Culture, that there's a metal band in Finland targeted towards children. The band is called Hevisaurus and they are a heavy metal band that sings about Dinosaurs and Children's stories.
Saturday, 18 January 2020
The Dads' Corner
While the ladies have their little get-together, the gents find a shady corner for them t smoke, drink and discuss Mrs McGruder. (The saucy tart.)
Bonus - Journey to Scotland's Most Remote Pub
Bonus 2 -
Friday, 17 January 2020
Red Kiosk In Chinatown
As it says in the title.
No date, bt that's a very retro car in the reflection...
Bonus - Devo - Mongoloid Original 1975 video
Bonus 2 - Gene and Sandy Ralston are a married couple in their 70s, who also happen to be among North America’s leading experts at searching for the dead.
Thursday, 16 January 2020
Slide number 4200
This is slide numbered 4200, (related to the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything) but strangely it seems to be Blog Posting number 4146.
That numerical discrepancy will cause me some sleepless nights. Perhaps.
The subject is Nijo Castle, in Kyoto, with the lovely Lisette featured in a restrained manner.
Bonus - First Day in his new job, Ben Sliney had to make a big decision...
Bonus 2 - Stolen therapy goat found, reunited with depressed cow
Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Strange folks, The Finns
Artistic, yet strangely disturbing.
Slide was labelled :
Helsinki Hvittrask 1-1987
Probably a temporary exhibit here
Bonus - Brexit will have soon cost the UK more than all its payments to the EU over the past 47 years put together.
Bonus 2 - in 1818, German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer described the post-orgasm moment of clarity as "devil's laughter", explaining: "They have fulfilled their need to reproduce and are momentarily caught in the abyss of meaninglessness."
Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Middle Distance Reservoir
A rather tedious shot of...some countryside.
But ... what's this.
A little bit of TV-show grade image enhancement reveals another visitor to the area.

Show your support with a rather NSFK NSFW product.
Bonus 2 - The Hammerhead Bat
Monday, 13 January 2020
In the Parade Ring...
We have "Floggy Glongsom", and three-year old filly by Froggy Blossom out of Cavity Wall Installation.
She's been unplaced in the past two races, neither of which she entered.
Today, she's ridden by Arthur Two-Stroke, who will be carrying a silver tea-tray as a handicap.
No, I can'r take horse racing seriously as a sport.
Bonus - Facts.
- Agatha Christie was a keen surfer.
- Lord Kitchener had four spaniels called Shot, Bang, Miss and Damn.
- At any one time, 45 million people in the world are drunk.
Sunday, 12 January 2020
Suzie .... and "Bobby"
Like many teenage girls, Suzie has a special friend. A special imaginary friend. Bobby Perot.
The difference here is that Bobby is legally recognized as Suzie's official end-of-life care advisor. Makes it rather tricky for the hospice.
Bonus - Picture before evacuation due to the Erupted Volcano on Taal.
Saturday, 11 January 2020
"Slap that rump, Mrs McGruder"
As the weather here in Slideville turns cold and windy, let's remember the sunny days of 1961, and the ladies of Milford Drive. To the accompaniment of Betty's Ukulele, they had a debauched time while the kids and husbands were away.
Bonus - The UK's massive decline in Coal Power.
Live Info - As I type, over 1/3 of UK electricity is coming from Wind Power
Friday, 10 January 2020
Mr Smug
To me, it's the sort of face that Ijust want punch. Repeatedly. As soon as I see it.
Basically, 'co I know that it saves time. Eventually, he's going to do something to justify it.
Bonus - The Speculum Finally Gets a Modern Redesign
Thursday, 9 January 2020
Drifting Downstream
"It was a sunny day in 1958 when Uncle Ken decided to try the li-lo. He seemed happy and was drifting around in the sun, but he was taken away by a fast moving stream.
This was our last sighting of him as he drifted downstream. We often wondered where he ended up."
Truth be told, we has spotted in Ogdenville a few weeks later with a young lady and a small child. When approached he pretended to speak only Bulgarian...but the family suspected the truth...
Bonus - The Vilification of Enemy Leadership in WWII
Wednesday, 8 January 2020
One last Christmas Kids slide.
It seems like I've been bit sparing with the Christmas slides this season, so here's another one for you.
Charlie, Bonzer and Charles and a very1960's aluminium christmas tree.
Bonus - (speechless)
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
Monday, 6 January 2020
Sunday, 5 January 2020
Remembrance of Summers Past
The smell of the sea. The sand. The UV rays and the legacy of skin melanomas.
Bonus - Hikers find skeleton of Japanese American who left internment camp.
Saturday, 4 January 2020
Winter Sun
Taking the opportunity to head out for some shopping, Mrs McGillicuddy was regretting he decision to "Go Commando" under her warm woolen coat. The basque may have been titillating, and she had no intention of missing the forfeit from last nights party...but gosh, there was a chill wind around he weekend.
Bonus - Just Because.
Friday, 3 January 2020
Gurn for the Camera
Thursday, 2 January 2020
Grumpy Gran
Wednesday, 1 January 2020
Well, we made it. Survived 2019. Survived Boris, and Trump, and Prince Andrew, and Elections, and Brexit-Fails. Phews.
Kick off your slingbacks and party !
Bonus - Time's Top 100 Images of 2019
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