Saturday, 29 February 2020

Leap Year Superstitions

The leap year - the odd gift of  astrophysics to the calendar - inspires some odd traditions around the world.  Most famously, is the tradition of ladies being allowed to propose to young men...which is why I'm posting this from a secure bunker in.... a remote location.

But, in Arizona, it is the custom to weld a young suckling pig to a stretcher, ready for a night of merriment and debauchery.


Bonus -

Friday, 28 February 2020

The Shady Lady

In her suburban suburb of Norville, Mrs Margaret "Meg" Dumont is a bit of a legend.

Some say she was the inspiration for Edith Massey, The Egg Lady (or John Water's movie fame).   Some say it her ability to excite a man to ecstasy using just her feet.

All we know is that she's not called The Stig.

Bonus -
Every warning sign has a story behind it...

Thursday, 27 February 2020

The Seal of Approval


It's not easy coming up with good, or even adequate, titles for these Blog Posts.

Please, cut me some slack !

Bonus - News changes by 180° in a few hours.  China will not send ducks to tackle locusts in Pakistan, says expert.

Bonus 2 - In light of the current Coronavirus Pandemic, there's clear news from the CDC. 
CDC guide on how to wear face masks with beards and mustaches resurfaces amid coronavirus outbreak

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Garden Scene Number 8

I'm sure some of you will recognise this scene from the Series 4, Episode 34 of The Rockford Files, just before Jim Rockford rushes out  of the conservatory to tell Kelly (Mary Spiggot, on left) and Kathy (TC LaRue) the identity of the Blackmailer.

Bonus - Pine martens help to restore red squirrel population in UK and Ireland.

Bonus 2 - Bass queen Carol Kaye in session for Pet Sounds, 1966

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The Naval Spies

This may appear to be a really tedious slide...

... but what if I was to tell you that this slide was found in the possession of a known Russian Spy, and seems to show some covert surveillance of the latest (at the time) US Naval research craft.)

That changes things.

But it's not true.  It's a dull slide.

Bonus - How Real Sociedad thrashed a third-division team 8-0 but won their hearts.

Bonus 2 - R.I.P. Katherine Johnson, a Hidden Figure in NASA.

Monday, 24 February 2020

The Dig

Fascinating things, archaeological digs.   A chance to uncover life from decades, centuries even millennia ago.

However, scraping one's way thru 8 feet of mud, so tempting.on a wet Tuesday in Stoke....not so tempting.

Bonus - Rugby - and keeping the ball alive.

Bonus 2 -  Four Looks
Click 4 Big

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Before Car Radios...

In the days before the invention of car radios (1974, by Herr Gerhardt Blaupunkt of Dusseldorf), this was the only way to have some music while you drove.

These were the leading car-band in Toledo - The Travelling Troubadours. 1.29 dollars per mile, and no travelling above 40mph.

Bonus - This morning, I have mainly been making a Chocolate Birthday Cake.  Nom, Nom, I hope.+
Not my birthdy ... yet.

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Quite Moist

The past few weekend in the UK have seem storms, localised flooding and general grumpiness about weather.

So, this image seemed appropriate.  No date or other info, that a Triumph Herald??

Bonus - Competitive Juggling.

Friday, 21 February 2020

The Vintage Fire Engine

This is one from the odder set of slides that I have.  A set of card-mounted 35mm Black n White Negatives !  How rare.  Dating from 1937, allegedly, they do have the authentic feel of period clothes, cars and trucks.


Bonus -
The Punnage

Thursday, 20 February 2020


I suspect that this is in Yosemite, and possibly within sight of Half Dome, so why would anyone photograph this ?

The world is weird.

Bonus -

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Name That Building

If you're like me....which luckily, you probably aren't, then you probably have an extensive of American Civic Buildings.

So, chances are that there's no challenge here - you already know that this is The Montana State Capitol building. Obvsly.

Historic images.
Inside - Strange

Bonus - Today, we discover the Melting Point of Cat

Bonus 2 - One man's trash is another cat's best find.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Still Life with Large Helmet

OK, so I'm back to the usual slide blogging activities. I'd like to pretend I was off doing something interesting or controversial....but in reality, I was advising Boris Johnson on his hiring and firing policies.

So, time for an artistic posed still life image.

Bonus -  Don't Mess With The Gang
The Guys...

Monday, 17 February 2020

The White Cliffs of....Somewhere.

Sorry...I'm a bit distracted and otherwise preoccupied tonight.

No meaningless blub...or Bonus tonight.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Could almost be a painting...

Same bag o' slides as yesterday's Golden Gate Bridge, but I doubt if this is one was taken in America.

However, it is a rather good picture - with a definite painterly vbe to in.

Bonus -

Saturday, 15 February 2020

It's That Bridge Again

Possibly the most famous bridge in the world.
Possibly the most photographed bridge in the world.
..and yet, this photographer has managed to do something a little different with this shot. (Or maybe just under-exposed it by accident.)

Bonus - You couldn't make it up.  Donald Trump Obsessed With Badgers.

Friday, 14 February 2020

For St Valentine's Day...

Nothing says Everlasting Love like some field cooked feed, and Manny and Laura are just awaiting their "In The Wild Baked Alaska" to reach optimum temperature.


Bonus - The mattress landfill crisis

Bonus 2 -

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Mystery Medical Malady

From the big box of medical teaching slides...this.

 Luckily, there's no info on the slide, so I hope some of you medics out there can identify this.

Bonus -

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Toot Toot Cars

Good Lord.

I think I remember these.

At Cadona's at the beach, in Aberdeen - I think I remember having a go on these as a child back in.... a long time ago.

And I think they were quite crappy.

Bonus - Reminded of this at wor.

Dalek Relaxation Video.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Oldest Schoolhouse in the USA

Yes, the sign above the entrance is a very useful starting point for any research.
Yes, this appears to be St Augustin in Florida.
The area seems to be rather commercialised now.

Bonus :
I Say !!!

Monday, 10 February 2020

Quite Good Camoflage

It probably wasn't the first intention of that coat designer, but it does seem to have some camoflage type properties.

Bonus - The most Dutch thing ever?
NK tegenwindfietsen wordt hardlopen 2020

Taking advantage of Storm Ciara
Dutch Headwind Cycling Championships

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Oi Haz De Fishees

I know that Americans love showing off their fishee catches but this doesn't look very American to me.  Maybe the With-Fish-Portrait is universal.

Bonus - All hail HappyToast and his Trump Nose-Flags.

Saturday, 8 February 2020

In Gwendoline's Conservatory

Normally on a Saturday afternoon, Gwendoline would be summoning up the devil Pazzuzu, in readiness for the East Hartford High School PTA Coven, but today, she's chillin' in the conservatory.

Bonus - Quiz Time.Davos or Davros?
Are these quotes from the evil leader of the Daleks or one of the global elite at the World Economic Forum?

    I scored 9/10 :-)

Friday, 7 February 2020

A Convertible Full of Teenage Cheerleaders

A car-full of mischief, most likely. 

 Nope, I can't make out what's written on the door sign, and Yes, that post-title is definite google click-bait.

Bonus : Grateful to the Grateful Dead

Lithuania Basketball and Skully

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Brexit Day Five - Breakfast Supplies.

Dave Five, and I'm still safe in my Brexit Bunker.   Breakfast today was a irradiated do-ring and a bottle of Fresca - stored since my neighbours built this shelter.

Tough luck Liebermanns - You should have locked the door. Finders' Keepers is my policy.

Bonus - Whipsnade Zoo announce low-cost alternative to a trip to Dignitas.
Death in 5...4...3...2..

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Andy's Birthday

Yes, today is Andy H's Birthday.

So, here's a reminder of the past, Andy's 8th Birthday Cake, and his favourite GoBot-wrapped gifts.

Of course, this was when Andy was still Zack, just before the gypsies gave him away to a relatively normal couple.

Bonus -

Monday, 3 February 2020

What About That Superb Owl?

 Woke up this morning (Alabama 3 reference) and refused to check the news website or radio.

Spend morning watching the LIV Superbowl between Chiefs and 49ers

Excellent match.

Unlike this blurred image from a completely different gridiron game.

Bonus -

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Palindrome Day - Everywhere

Yes !!!!

If you're British, today is 02022020,  and if you're Hamerican, it's 02022020.  Or if you're observing ISO's 20200202.    And I'm posting this at 20:02

None of which lends itself to a slide image, so to mark Super Owl LIV, here's an image of the 1965 Armadillo Bowl match between the Lexington Paddlefish and the San Antonio Bigfeet.  The Bigfeet won 34-6.

Bonus - Prankster Flew Katie Hopkins to Prague to "Win" a Fake Award.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Post-Brexit - Day One

They've done it.  They've only gone and done it, they crazy fools.

The UK is out of the EU....and everything's gone crazy.  How will we cope?

So, this slide seems almost appropriate...tho' the presence of the Australian / New Zealand flag seems a bit ... odd.

Bonus - Those Brexit Celebrations in full.

via Gfycat