Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Friday, 31 July 2020
Glanures is the French word that translates as "Gleamings", but this clearly is not a gleanings class.
It's also a Hungarian word which means Goat Impersonators.
So, I surmise that this slide is of a 1978 Hungarian High School Goat Impersonating class. Nice.
Bonus - If / when the glaciers melt, the sea level will rise by 70 metres. This site shows how the maps of the world will be affected. Me? I move from being 50 miles from the sea to having a beach-front property.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
The Original Dennis the Menace
They do say that young Dennis Watson of Canterbury, England was the original inspiration for the strip cartoon character Dennis The Menace.
The American one, not the UK one. Obviously.
Actually, that was just a rumour thatI started 39 seconds ago, and already it's being quoted as a fact on a New Zealand website.
Bonus - Interesting.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Dewoitine D26
So, clever Blog readers, are any of you able to name this plane ?
Go on, have a try, but it's a tricki...
Good Lord. You're right.
It is a Dewoitine D26
Bonus - FFS
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Blue Sky, Fluffy Clouds
What an incredibly tedious slide.
Yes, I'm sure that the photographer was in a gorgeous location, but,,, this slide does not, and cannot do it justice.
Bonus - Appendix May Actually Have a Purpose (News from 2007.)
Bonus 2 - Oh Boy. Flat Earth 101 - You know, maybe they're rights...
Monday, 27 July 2020
And with this ring...
It's an engagement.
In the middle of a bunch of South American Scenery slides, there were around 6 slides of these two.
Sweet. Tho, I'm fascinated by the football shirt she's wearing. Anyone recognise it ?
Bonus - This weekend, we saw the demise of Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac, and CP Lee of Albertos y Los Trios Paranoias. So, here's Kill from the Snuff Rock EP. Ah... 1978.
Sunday, 26 July 2020
A Trip To The Badlands
This Ektachrome slide has rather deteriorated with time, and the colours are now a little "off".
So, I was going to spend a few minutes correcting the hues, saturation and tints...but... I actually like the image as it is. You may disagree, but this is my blog.
Bonus -
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Saturday in the Garden
1969, and a sunny day for Charlie and Bob to have a splash around with their cousins. This is the classic sort of summer that some of us remember.
Bonus - Scientists have found that some fishes absorb up to 99.956 percent of the light that hits them. The deep-sea menagerie just got a whole lot weirder.
Bonus 2 -
Friday, 24 July 2020
What is the heck is this...gruel?
Clearly, baby Zach is no fan of creamed turnip. No wonder, it's also used to repair pot-holes in the road.
Bonus - Final Qantas 747 departure from Australia leaves a special message
Thursday, 23 July 2020
'owzat !!!
In honour of the English and West Indian Cricket teams, and tomorrow's Final Test, today we have Charlie's treatment of Bob's infamous slow leg-breaks.
With the semi-classic Tartan Duffel Bag Wicket.
Bonus - President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Happy To See Wednesday
Little Johnny seems very happy to see the arrival of "Hump Day", and no wonder. We're just two days away from the weekend :-)
I've just noticed. Clogs. Wooden clogs.
How odd.
Bonus - I've managed to revert Blogger to the old template. Yay !
Bonus 2 - Photographer Updates Postcards Of 1960s Resorts Into Their Abandoned Ruins
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Looks like a gorgeous location..
but there is more to good photography is just finding a great location, and just snapping.God-damn this Google interface.
Monday, 20 July 2020
The Garden of Unearthly Delights
or, 187B Glebe Terrace, Perth, to give it it's formal name.
The middle of summer is clearly the wrong time to do some planting out in the garden, but CoronaVirus has robbed 4 months from my usual horticultural calendar. So, today some plants arrive (I'm trying to help the struggling plant nurseries) and hopefully, some will "take" and provide luxurious growth like this slide.
Bonus - How big is Vietnam? Bigger than your probably think.
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Randy, acting up (As Usual)
Yes, Randy. Again.
Maybe it's a result of surroundings (yes it's sunny, but it looks rather desolate and uninspiring) but Randy does look like an annoying little git.
Bonus - The Battle against Screwworm.
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Saturday at The Country Club
A Saturday in July, so let's all head down to the Country Club for Martinis, Gossip and Bitching.
Friday, 17 July 2020
The Curious Details
Looks like a standard, dull suburban scene to me, but there are a couple of odd details that I've noticed.
- The strangely cruddy awn
- The impact dent on the odd looking car. (Looks more Czech than American)
- The house configuration...with that odd little shed (?) on the right. What's that all about?
Bonus - Creative planting
Thursday, 16 July 2020
In The Days Before Speedos,
...daring young men at the beach would sport swimming trunks like these.
The most prized were Dingleberry's (r), which were manufactured in Turin from repurposed American Paratrooper's Parachutes. The combination of silk and Italian tailoring meant that suave gentlemen all over the USA would covet their fathers's Dingleberry's.
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
The Gang's All Here
Very nearly neglected to post todays slide. NEARLY...
Bonus - When you about to appear on television, THINK about what you're wearing.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
The Eccentric Toddler
Sorry. I just can't find the words necessary to describe or comment on this slide.
It's a baby.
The photo is off-centre
And it'sbadly focused.
Bonus - 112 Years Ago... (and If You're Curious.)
Monday, 13 July 2020
Sunday, 12 July 2020
The Photographer Photographed
Pictured here in the pretty little market square of Fakenham, in Norfolk. As you know, this market square inspired many of the finest formal spaces of Rome, Vienna, Madrid and Wrexham.
Bonus - Reasons for not wearing a face mask
Saturday, 11 July 2020
The End of School Term
I guess the schools must have formally finished by now, and these teachers are ready for some serious drinking and debauchery.
Friday, 10 July 2020
It's Wimbledon Week.
So, instead, have this classic Tennis Slide, of a Classic Tennis Lady. Pam Shriver, would be my guess, but who knows.
Bonus - Want It.
Bonus 2 - Fancy a New Hobby?
Thursday, 9 July 2020
The Chunky Cat
Today's randomly selected slide is of this rather "big-boned" ginger puss-puss.
Looks like he's just defeated and eaten a small Alsatian.
Bonus -
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
The Princes' Gate
I hope you appreciate the correct punctuation.
The Princes' Gates is a triumphal arch monumental gateway at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was built to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Canadian confederation and was to be named The Diamond Jubilee of Confederation Gates. The structure's name was changed when it was learned that Edward, Prince of Wales and Prince George were travelling to Toronto. The princes cut the ribbon on the structure on August 30, 1927.
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Dried Up River Bed
In winter - A veritable maelstrom of angry, surging, swirling water, able to
take the life of any fool stupid enough to venture in.
By summer - Boring, dried up riverbed.
Bonus :Infinite Zoom
Monday, 6 July 2020
London, Chatham and Dover Railway
The London, Chatham and Dover Railway (LCDR) was a railway company in
south-eastern England created on 1 August 1859, when the East Kent Railway was
given Parliamentary approval to change its name. Its lines ran through London
and northern and eastern Kent to form a significant part of the Greater London
commuter network. The company existed until 31 December 1922 when its assets
were merged with those of other companies to form the Southern Railway as a
result of the grouping determined by the Railways Act 1921.
This would appear to be the Badge of the LCDR from the first Blackfriars Railway Bridge
Bonus -
I'm glad I'm sober when watching that.
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Hipster Barn Conversion
In the ultimate Hipster move, Max and Elsbeth have taken their new built Barratts five-bed detached executive home in Hoxteth, and converted into a shabby, creaky wooden barn, just for their collection of Vietnamese Pot-Belly Pigs and halitosis-positive bullocks.
And in five years, they'll convert into a house boat. Just because they can.
Bonus - Exploring The Last Supper.
Saturday, 4 July 2020
'murica ! Hell Yeah !!
Independence Day - And personally, I hope 2020 is the last one with that orange buffoon Trump at it's head. What a pultroon.
Bonus - The surprising story about the iconic "Confederate Flag" in Wikipedia.
Bonus 2 - Today is also Liberation Day in Rwanda
Friday, 3 July 2020
The Queen's View
Throughout Northern Scotland, there are several beauty spots known as "The Queen's View".
The name derives for a view which was much admired by Queen Victoria in the 1860s. She must have admired many, many views.
None can really compare to this Queen's View over the Tayside sewage facility, just outside Dundee.
Bonus - This Word Does Not Exist. It does now.
Thursday, 2 July 2020
The Vicars and Hookers Evening
Time for a tart.
Every July the second, the Newburgh Round Table have their annual Vicars and Hookers fundraising party. Today, we feature Monica O'Flagherty showing her assets in a spaghetti-strapped number.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
The Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls
Well, that's impressive.
There were no markings on the slide to say where this was, but it's such an
iconic view that I can say with 100% confidence, this is Norfolk.
Correction, Yosemite National Park.
Bonus :
RECRUITMENT 2016 from Victoria Valentine on Vimeo.
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