Monday, 28 February 2022

The Contrast is Extreme


One of those cases where a bad photograph (underexposed, and too much into-the sun) results in an intriguing slide.

I could try Photoshopping to get some detail back...but I like it like this.

Bonus - In Sweden, starting with The Producers, the titles of most Mel Brook’s movies begin with “Springtime For

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Seniors on the Go


Yes, that's what the destination sign on the bus says.

Not quite Pensioners Go Apeshit, but each to their own.

I was going to label this "The search for Putin's Brain" but let's not get too political.

Bonus - Happy Birthday Chris !

Bonus 2 - 


Saturday, 26 February 2022

The End of the World?


No, the title is not a reference to the current Russia / Ukraine "Unpleasantness".  It's a reference to this found slide.

And No, I don't think it's a spirit photo / vision of a forthcoming apocalyptic ending.

It was with a bunch of slides of someone's trip to New Zealand, so I think that's where it is. 

Still, Bloody Awesome, isn't it.

Bonus - Why is the Moon so Important in Arab Culture?

Bonus 2

Friday, 25 February 2022

The Firefighters' Memorial

I came across this slide, and ... it intrigued me.

Some sort of memorial, and the bell would be significant. Firefighters perhaps?

Some digging suggests that it's Firefighters' Memorial
Kings Square, St. John, NB, Canada

Bonus - Damn you Blogger for refusing to arrange as I wish !

Thursday, 24 February 2022

"Yes, over yonder. Beside the weeping willow."


Oh dear.  "Space Cadet Johnny" is at it again.

Every town has it's nutters, and in Cleethorpes, it's "Space Cadet Johnny".

"Yes, over yonder. That's where the King of the Potato-Men landed his space dustbin, and readied for battle against the swingbinnians."

Sad.  He could have been an accountant, until ... that's trauma.

Bonus - How Putin manipulated the perception of reality into anything he wants it to be.

Bonus 2 - I believe that Vlad Putin HATES this image... Anyone know for sure?

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

On the Cruise Ship Veracruz


A slightly unusual view from the S.S.Veracruz, with a lucky (?) couple being serenades by Trumpet, Trombone and Drums.  Lovely.

The S.S. Veracruz, was one of two ship of the Bahama Star Cruise Line.

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

It's Twos-Day !


To mark Twos-Day (the once in a lifetime? day of 22-2-22 ) I went looking for an suitably appropriate slide.

And gave up quite quickly.

Instead, here's a tedious slide of a slightly interesting event.

It seems to be a muddy lake with a writhing mass of catfish (?) feeding on a raccoon carcass. Or something.


Bonus - Movie trailers have undergone a huge evolution. They’ve gone from those cheesy voice-of-God narrators in the ‘80s and ‘90s, to boojes and bwaas.

Today : Today is a palindromic ambigram day

Monday, 21 February 2022

Stoves and a Station


Slide - detail
35mm Slide - 1976?

Google - 2012
Now, this is the sort of slide that I like. A nice little slice of America, with no info. 

So, a chance to look around for clues, and work out where it is, and ...ideally, what it looks like now. (Thanks to Google Streetview.)

So the result is that this is Chester in Vermont.  And I reckon that it's around 1976.

Bonus - That station makes me think of The Station Agent...well worth a watch.

Bonus 2 - In 2013, Russian soldiers finally replaced foot wraps with socks

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Pavel Struck An Oddly Heroic Pose


That was his thing.

After a surfeit of vodka, Pavel would strike a heroic pose, inspired by his childhood hero, Superman.

No-one knew why.

Bonus - Philosopher Zeno of Citium, the founder of the stoic school, once tripped and fell while leaving his school, breaking his toe. He saw this as a sign that he shouldn't live any longer, so he commited suicide on the spot

Saturday, 19 February 2022

The Star Of The Motor Show


Although the sign in the background is Peugeot, I actually think that this vehicle is a Renault 6. And that starring role on the display stand makes me think that this image is taken at the 1968 Paris Motor Show, where this car was unveiled.

Delightfully Retro Vehicle.

Bonus - Space  is big. Very Big.

Bonus 2 - Mmmmmm. Squirrel. Nom

Friday, 18 February 2022

Henrys Stinky Horn


Henrys Stinky Horn  (macrodorous lemurus henrii) is the common name of a variety of Melon Conifer, endemic to Eastern Utah..

Discovered by Omar Henry in 1873, it gets it's name from the overpowering scent of Belgian Waffles exuded from it's spent seed carrier (shown).  The reason for the odour is unknown.

Bonus - My Life at the moment.

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Vintage Pick-Up and a....

Gotta admit, that's a nice looking old pick-up. No info, but the number plate suggests that it might be a 1930's model something.

I'm sure a vintage auto enthusiast could well me.

However, beside it is a drooping plank, which I suspect is a Benson B-8 Gyrocopter.  Much more interesting.

Bonus - A Compilation Of Chelyabinsk Meteor Footage From February 15, 2013


Wednesday, 16 February 2022

I've got them old "Digging A Hole" Blues


"Well, I woke up this morning"

Twang, twang, twang

"And know I had to dig an 'ole"

Strum twang twang

"So I thought to myself"

Twang, strum, twang

"What'll I put in that hole?"

Yes, that famous opening to Charlie Stickelback's classing "Digging A Hole Blues".

And this is the accompanying MTV Video, themed around a Scientology Ritual.

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

The Entrance to Hades??


Actually, No.

Closer inspection reveals that it's the entrance to the Grosvenor Hotel, and it's Ballroom (on Floor 2A).

While utterly tedious, there is the mystery of where this Grosvenor Hotel actually is. The obvious candidate in London is actually The Grosvenor House Hotel.

Bonus - For those who missed it yesterday, Titanic With A Cat.

Monday, 14 February 2022

St Valentines at the Steak Bar


Exactly 36 years after a St Valentines Blind Date went disastrously wrong, Hilda and Brian decided to get married, and celebrate at "The Rotting Carcass Steak Bar" in Pontefract.

Second Time lucky.

Bonus - A Joke.

Devil: This is the lake of lava you will be spending eternity in

Me: Actually, since we're underground, it would be magma

Devil: You understand this is why you're here, right?

Sunday, 13 February 2022

God Loves Me


"God Loves Me"    "God Loves You"   "I'm so glad that this is true."

"©  Daisy Baskett 1976 - Artist Carol Murray"

I wonder where Misses Daisy and Carol are now. Maybe this slide / page will turn up when they Google.

Bonus - Why the U.S. Government currently stores 1.4 billion lbs of cheese

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Urban Planning 101


They gotta start somewhere.

Urban planners don't just arrive in an Amazon box, ready to go. You gotta train and teach them, and starting in school is a good way to begin.

Bonus - 

Friday, 11 February 2022

Like The Grand Canyon ... But Green !


I'm genuinely intrigued by this slide, or particularly the location. The shape and weathering looks distinctly "Grand Canyon-esque", and I have seen pictures of a snow capped Grand Canyon, proving that there are a variety of weathers possible, but this ... it's so damned lush.

Any suggestions?

Bonus - Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Stack Rocks in the Wilderness

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Ralph and Daisy and ... Inga


Just to make things clear, Daisy is wearing a daisy print dre4ss because she was christened as Daisy,   NOT that she is known as "Daisy" because she habitually wears floral print dresses.

Glad that that's been clarified.

Inga, however is the au pair, and nothing else.

Bonus - Dutch torture container ‘shows cocaine users the consequences of their habits’

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

One for you Milk Transport fans out there.


There's bound to be an internet discussion group for vintage french milk tanker vehicles...

... but No !   That would be an error, as a simple use of Alta Vista (or later search engine) reveals that Cremerie des Trois Rivieres is a Canadian company.

Heavens. Who'd have thunk it.

Bonus - The creamery is now closed, but the name lives on as an Ice Cream Shop and  Pest Control Service.  Is it just me or is that a strange pairing of businesses?

Bonus 2 - 

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

A hike to the waterfall


That's a nice waterfall / cascade, and I'm sure that someone will be able to identify it. Alas, it's not somewhere I've seen on my travels, suggestions from me.

It's a decent size as well : the full size image shows the people under the waterfall for scale.

Bonus - 

A motto to live by.
Bonus 2 - Fried Chicken vending machine in Hokkaido, Japan

Monday, 7 February 2022

Art in Helsinki


I'm sure I've posted other slides from this set (Yes I have) but with only "Helsinki Hvittrask 1-1987" on the slide, it's difficult to credit the sculptor.


Bonus - Razzie Awards 2022 Nominations: Bruce Willis has his own category this year after featuring in 8 movies in 2021.

Bonus 2 - 

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Middle England and their "Tapas"


In the midst of a bunch of slides of a mature couple visiting Chatsworth and Cheshire, there's some of the bloke's birthday. And a dull looking event it was too. However, this slide caught my eye.

Very much an aspirational buffet spread... decorated salmon AND two pork pies.


Friday, 4 February 2022

Reynolds Tavern - est 1747.


Early 1980s? Slide
Sept 2018 - Google

Today's Slide has NOT been sponsored by Reynold's Tavern, in the heart of Annapolis in Maryland.

However, if Reynold's Tavern would like to send me money/food/stuff, please contact me.

An undated slide, but circumstantial evidence suggests it dates from early 1980's. And, unsurprisingly, the Tavern hasn't changed much in the intervening 35 odd years. (A screengrab from Google, and there are a selection of years images.)

Bonus - June was probably a terrible month to be a dinosaur. Here’s how we know.

Bonus 2 -

Out of the mouths of babes...

Thursday, 3 February 2022

The Class Trip to Dove Holes.


Limited info (better than No Info) and this is a school trip to Dove Holes. My first thought was the small village of Dove Holes, close to Buxton.

However, it's probably /possibly Dove Holes Cave in Dovedale. As seen here.  Or here

Bonus - 

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Is that Kevin and Pepper??


It's the debate that has enraged the Twitterati.

The question that has bamboozled FaceSpace.

The subject that has eclipsed Wordle.

Is that Elaine or Kevin?

So, I had another delve into the murky depths of Gallery-185, and found another picture of Pepper and Pepper's food-provider.

And .... well, it could be a Kevin.

A Kevin in a dress.

A Kevin in a dress wearing a knitted-dog-hair hat.

So, the answer is ...undecided.

Shall I call in Sherlock Holmes??

Bonus - 


Tuesday, 1 February 2022

The Correct Inclination of Gibberish


Tedious Tuesday.

But for variety, here's a Bad Photography / Double-Exposure slide instead.

Still not very illuminating.

Bonus - Trying to define Gibberish is ... well. Wiki

Bonus 2 -