Thursday, 31 March 2022

Meanwhile, In Switzerland


Oops.  Admission time.

I nearly forgot to post a slide today.

So, here's a quick grabbed slide, and it appears to be almost certainly Switzerland, in the 1960's.

Or possibly Austria.

Or might be Liechtenstein.

But definitely not The Netherlands.

Bonus - In bad weather / bad visibility, Slow The Flap Down !!!

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Sharon, The Skipping Girl


Hands up who wants a totally wholesome of Sharon, skipping, beside her best friend Gudrun.

< counts silently >

OK.... here you are !

Bonus - Every Single Scandinavian Crime Drama

Bonus 2 - 

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

It's Brown and Sticky !


It's a stick !

Or m ore technically, a branch of a tree.

And it's not very interesting.

But, a starting point for some psychedelic experimentation.

Bonus - The population of Uruguay is 3,457,000. In Australia there are 47 million kangaroos. If the kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, every Uruguayan has to fight against 14 kangaroos.

Bonus 2 - Italian sailors knew of America 150 years before Christopher Columbus, new analysis of ancient documents suggests

Monday, 28 March 2022




Fish, Fish, fish fish, fishy?

Fish !

Bonus - Fish.

Bonus 2 - 2013 Falklands Referendum

Quite Decisive

Sunday, 27 March 2022

A Mother's Day Punt


No, that's not MY mum, but it's someone's Mum. Probably.  Might be an aunt. Or a random stranger.

Point is, today is Mother's Day, at least in the civilised parts of the world.

Mothers are Great. 

Bonus : Why President Coolidge Never Ate His Thanksgiving Raccoon

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Just the Badlands

 There a lot of things about the US of A that make me think "Nope.  Ain't gonna go to USA for that."

However, the Badlands of (Montana??) looks like an environment worth a visit.

They really do look like they're a billion years old, and that the efforts of men to change them will be ignored, like a human attached by a ladybird.

Also, had a bit of a play and knocked up a windows background of that image.

Bonus - Yesterday, I spent the evening watching Half Man, Half Biscuit.  Excellent night guys !

HMHB - National Shite Day

Friday, 25 March 2022

"Reggie? What are you doing there?"


A couple of weeks ago, Reg my cat disappeared for 24 hours. Then, he just appeared sleeping on my bed....but reeking of perfume. Odd, as he doesn't wear perfume.  No clue where he was...I got the silent treatment.

Then, "coincidentally" I scanned this slide from the "To Do" pile, and ... Reggie ?   Is that you?

Has my cat mastered Time Travel?

Bonus - Pinched from, and so, SO wrong.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Enjoying the sun


It may still be March, but here in Slideville, it's been very Summery. In fact, after work today, I just sat outside in the sun, chilling with a can of cider.

And, here is a retro 35mm slide of someone else enjoing the sun.

Good for you, Mrs Smith.

Bonus - 

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Laying Low on the Costa Bravo


Slide number 5000 !

Google tells me that this post number 4943, so sometime I'll have to investigate...

But, Slide 5000 looks like Harry "Fingers" Hardy and Felix "The Wheel" Rochester of the Clerkenwell Mob have to hide out  in Spain until the heat dies down on the Ashbury Street Post Office job.

Bonus - Americans don't seem very good at estimating things.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

The Vision: Dante and Beatrice


There wasn't much info on this slide, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this was taken in Wolverhampton Art Gallery, which leans that this is The Vision: Dante and Beatrice by Ary Scheffer.

Bonus :


Monday, 21 March 2022

Rodeo Practise Night

 People sometimes ask what the point of collecting other folks slides is, and ... and frankly I'm not really sure.  Little moments of real life captured forever, but saved from the rubbish bin.

Sometimes, I happen across a slide and think that some band, somewhere is screaming out for a certain image for the cover of their latest CD, and I might just have it.

So, sometimes, I mock up imaginary CDs.  I guess even that is going the way of silver-based photography. CD Sales have been dropping since, well, since I started collecting slides.

Bonus - Erotic Squirrel Taxidermy

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Where did you get that hat?


Thus was in a bunch of Peruvian Slides, so I'd like to think that these are the local coca leaves / cocaine sellers, but it could just as easily be Alstroemeria sellers.

Speaking of which,  I could do with some fine, Columbian ... coffee.

Bonus - Eating a piece of cheese is perfectly acceptable, but if you shove a handful of grated cheese in your mouth people look at you like you are a psychopath.

Bonus 2 - 

Saturday, 19 March 2022

The Return of The Fish Slide


It's been a while since our last Fish Trophy Pic, so here's Magda with a whopper.

Bonus - Half Man Half Biscuit - If I Had Possession over Pancake Day

Friday, 18 March 2022

Granny and Gramps


Friday, and I've survived another week.

What keeps me going is this picture of an unknown Granny and Gramps.  They must have seen a fair amount of sheet in their lives, and still they smile and love each other.


Bonus - On the other hand, here's someone who is unloved, and deserves some sheet in his life. 

Created by the genius HappyToast

Thursday, 17 March 2022

The Singing Daughters of Mick O'Murphy

 To celebrate the 2022 St Patrick's Day, we have another dip into slide set number 87 "A Trip To Ireland".

And after a fair bit of correction (thanks for the massively underexposed slide) we have this image of the The Singing Daughter of Mick O'Murphy.  Few people know that their song "My Lovely Goat" was fourth placed in Ireland's "Song for Eurovision 1973", and was later plagiarized by Father Ted.

Bonus - 

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Fresh Brewed Coffee

 Nothing to beat a good cup of Fresh-Brewed Coffee.

Of course, it could be that Hilda is an alcoholic, and the percolator is filled with Bourbon.

Just saying ... It's a possibility.

Bonus - The crawfish farming industry in Louisiana grew after rice farmers began breeding them in their rice fields. They realized that they could farm crawfish throughout the year without it affecting their rice. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

"Just Park Where You Like"


Can you appreciate the beauty of concrete hotel design sixties and seventies?   I struggle with it.

You might imagine that the Hotel Albarella is located on the Adriatic Coast of Italy, close to Venice.

Alas, no. This one, thanks to some Google-Fu, is located in San Bernardino, Switzerland. 1600metres above the Adriatic, beautiful hills, blighted by this monstrosity

And it looks like it's still there, and (in 2014) still seemed to be its ugly, horrible
self. Yeuch.

Bonus - Rio de Janeiro was once the capital of Portugal. Following the conquest of Portugal by Napoleon, the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil (1808-1821). They then established the capital of Portugal in Rio de Janeiro.

.Bonus 2 - The equivalent of Fibonacci spiral in real life.

Monday, 14 March 2022

Tom Brady Returns


No. This image is NOT of Tom Brady. The slide dates from the early 1950's, so the photographed lad will be approaching his 80's by now.

But, with the recent announcement that Tom Brady might not have retired after all, this image seemed appropriate.

Bonus - However, with that news, one chap will be mightily pissed.(Beware - Link to Daily Mail, so news story may be 100% bollocks.)

Bonus 2 - Happy Pi Day


Sunday, 13 March 2022

A Wholesome Family Get-together


The Ladies of the McKinnon family get together to coo over Baby Clara, while strange neighbour "Mr Hibler" gazes at them.

And it's an early post today, as I'm out for lunch with The Gang.

Bonus - There are rumours that Nic Cage may have over0-indulged in Bolivian Marching Powder in the early 90's. Well, I think this clip from BBC TV's Wogan should quash those rumours. 

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Wedding Season is Upon Us


Two weeks into March, so it's time for the ramping up if weddings.

Today, we remember The wedding of ... ummm. No Info.  The Wedding of Cheryl and Gavin.  (They look like a Gavin and Cheryl). And the best man is called "Malc".  Not Malcom,  "Malc".

Are my prejudices showing?

Bonus - 

Friday, 11 March 2022

The Best House-Warming Parties


...always end up in the kitchen.  Beside the Electrolux BD-400 Built-In Infra Red Bagel Warming Oven.

Must be a classy event...everyone is drinking from glasses.

Bonus - Fun fact: "sugar" is the only word in the English language where "su-" makes a "sh" sound. . .

At least, I'm pretty sure that's correct.

Bonus 2 - Heat wave caused bees to ejaculate to death. Could Styrofoam 'protection' help?

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Kimberley, Beside the Swimming Pool


Something to remind us of the summers days spent lazing beside the pool.

No need for misleading or smutty descriptions.

Bonus - 


Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Two Girls on a Miniature Train Ride


No info on this slide, but "We're not in Kansas, Toto."

At least that's my assumption, based upon the mountainous background. (Slide was Very underexposed, so not the best quality, even with photoshopping.)

Bonus - Endurance wreck: Ernest Shackleton's lost ship found off Antarctica

Sorry. A bit distracted today.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

The Artisanal Potter


I dread shops like this.

Someone who's tired of the rat-race, and given up his career of domestic insurance sales, to start a small pottery in a remote corner of Britain.

A small pottery shop, getting a little passing trade, but with 98% of people saying "What?   Â£45 for that.... thing?"

I guess why I get thrown out onto the street at most of them.

Bonus - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Catching Smoke (Official Video)

Monday, 7 March 2022

Where Pole-Dancers Retire


They say that "Birds of a feather, flock together". 

And in the case of former pole dancers, they retire to the Floridian Community of East Bonitaville. Over 43% of the community is made of of former Pole-Dancers and Exotic Dancers.

Here, we have "Tina Tremendous", now living under her stage name of Molly Smith.

Bonus - 

Sunday, 6 March 2022

One For The Ladies !


"Hallo Ladies!"

This is Nathan, your Sunday Hunk.  He's 19 years old, studying Philosophy and Taxidermy at Whitby College, and just about to shovel 2 years of shit from the improvised toilet onto the tomato crops.

Bonus - The Failed Logistics of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Saturday, 5 March 2022

A Sunny Day at the Sea-Side


Today's been quite sunny (tho'breezy) and that started me thinking about sunny day trips to the sea-side. Alas, I'm currently as far from the sea as possible, here in Slideville.

These folks were found in one of my early slide sets, and circumstantially, they may well be in Jersey.

As usual, it's the small details that catch my attention - The bottles of beer, and a thermos of tea, for one.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Another Ice Capades Pic


In response to requests from very nearly one blog viewer, here's another slide from the 1964 Ice Capades.

No chimp this time.

Bonus -  Have a rest from all the bad news with some laundry art.

Laundry Art

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

And your star ... Spanky The Ice-Skating Chimp !


Somehow, it looks like I've not yet plundered Gallery 7 - The Ice Capades.

So, lets start with the Star of 1964. Spanky The Chimp.

Not an act that you're likely to see nowadays, but if you are interested, there is plenty of information and video out there of Spanky. 

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Anyone for a Creepy Statue?


While I await a response, I'll just post this image.

Which is slightly creepy.

You're welcome.

Bonus - I believe that I have a new favorite insult.

Wise words on Twitter?