Saturday, 30 April 2022

Luna and The Lander


This little lady may be called Luna, but should just as easily be called Belinda, or Katja, or Maureen.

But, she is standing beside a Lunar Lander, possibly serial number LM-9, but there was quite a few made and displayed.

Bonus : Learning to live without this common kitchen appliance is surprisingly easy.

Friday, 29 April 2022

"...and LOTS of Gladioli!"


Some children aren't greedy when it comes to birthdays, and young Wendy just wanted a large bunch of Gladioli.

Fascinating Fact. The Mancunian singer Morrissey is known to dance with gladioli hanging from his back pocket or in his hands, especially during the era of The Smiths. This trait of his was made known in the music video for "This Charming Man", where he swung a bunch of yellow gladioli while singing.

Bonus - Five million payphone calls are still made each year in the UK. Who is making them – and why?

Thursday, 28 April 2022

An Unexpected Outbreak of Happiness


It's 3.35pm in 1959, and there's been a rare outbreak of happiness at the St Cuthberts Episcopal Church in Akron.

Whether it's alcohol, weed or divine visitation, the parochial care crew are giggling like loons.

It's even affected the photographer...hence the blurred image.

Bonus -  How the English Found Cannabis

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Social Distancing - 18th Century Style


Looks like he's some sort of Musician. Might be a Hurdy-Gurdy Player, and you don't want their sort getting too close.

Bonus - Learn How to Draw a Sloth Hanging on a Branch in 9 Steps

Bonus 2 - 

Myth Bingo

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Some Sort of Mechanism


Something seems to have rekindled my intgerest in scanning in more slides.

Yesterday, this one caught me eye, and it's quite clearly ....

... some sort of mechanism. Possibly steam powered.

Bonus - Giant Medieval Manuscripts!

Bonus 2 - dance, Dance DANCE !!!

Monday, 25 April 2022

Neighbourhood Watch


Who needs CCTVs when you have black-clad grannies keeping an eye on what's happening in the street.

Bonus - Huge Asteroid to Pass Earth Thursday May Be Over 2,500 Feet Wide

Bonus 2 - 

Once upon a time in Paris...

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Pretty Girl on a Bridge


Frustratingly, the only info on this slide is a scribbled word "SANI".

So, I'm assuming that it's from somewhere on the Sani Pass, in South Africa. 

Pretty girl, I'd say. (Probably be criticized for saying that :-(  )

Bonus -As you know, I sometimes find a slide, and try and track doing exactly where it was taken. Well, other people go to MUCH more extremes to do that.

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Wedding Fashion - 1974


From June 1974,Wendy O'Toole, and the nieces Lulu and Laura show what the well-dressed wedding team are wearing in 1974. And it sympathy with the austere times, the bride's gown is recycled from a freshly laundered tablecloth, and the flowergirls are wearing a repuposed pair of grannies curtains.

Bonus - Laver's Law

From the Wikipedia entry on James Laver and his "law" of the public's attitude toward fashion :

  • Indecent 10 years before its time
  • Shameless 5 years before its time
  • Outré (Daring) 1 year before its time
  • Smart 'Current Fashion'
  • Dowdy 1 year after its time
  • Hideous 10 years after its time
  • Ridiculous 20 years after its time
  • Amusing 30 years after its time
  • Quaint 50 years after its time
  • Charming 70 years after its time
  • Romantic 100 years after its time
  • Beautiful 150 years after its time

Friday, 22 April 2022

Troop 88 and the Southwest Indians 270

 Today, we have one for the subset of Blog Readers who are teenage girls and / or fans of American Domestic Architecture.

In the frame are Douglas (left) and Zacharia (Not "Zack"), standing in front of a simple domestic habitation.

I wonder where they are now...

Bonus - 

When life just ... clicks.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

The Old Argument Continues


Mrs Mavis McGinty (left) argues that Milk should be added to the cup BEFORE the tea is poured.

Mrs Nora Clavicle (right) vehemently disagrees, and Milk should be added AFTER the tea.

Silly old bats. It's not important.

Bonus - James Brunt Organizes Leaves and Rocks Into Elaborate Cairns and Mandalas

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Name That 'Plane


OK.  It's a difficult one, so there's double points if you name the manufacturer of this distinctive  "Parasol" monoplane.  Quadruple points if you get the model number right.    

OK. Give up??   The Answer

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

"Would suit serious DIY-er"


Over Easter weekend, I could spend the whole time consuming Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns, so I spent some time scanning in a box of slides. And this was one of them.

The slide is marked "1984 Old Building Llanuwchllyn"

I suppose I could use Google Streetview to find this building, and see how it's changed, but ... Nah.

Fair chance it no longer exists.

Bonus - As Easter is over - how about some Reel Rabbits?


Monday, 18 April 2022

A Happy Easter Monday to You !


Here in Slideville, we have sunshine, so I might look out the pizza oven later.

The gang above have another thing to amuse them - Mr Gold, the Golden Retriever.

Bonus - 

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Easter Bonnet


For Easter Sunday, I was going to hunt down a very Easter-y slide. You know, church, eggs, crucufiuxtion, etc. But, looking around the neighbourhood, ... Nah.

Everyone seems to be washing cars, cutting lawns, house repairs, heading off for golf.  I suppose I could make a trite point about the deterioration in Christian values, but...Meh.

Bonus - Egg Collecting Apron | 18 Pocket | Denim

Bonus 2 - breaking ice on the river in quebec, sped up

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Holiday Expo '69


Easter seems to be the time when many folks start thinking about Summer Vacations, so who not visit Expo '69 and its wide range of interesting suggestions.


Bonus 2 - Guess the heavier...

Friday, 15 April 2022

Good Friday


I've previously mentioned that 80-90% of slides are of "pretty scenery", "interesting churches" or fascinating "stuff" from people's holidays.  This is one of the better "churches" slides.

Have a good Good Friday Folks.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 14 April 2022

The Something Something Health Club


To my eyes, this appears to be a perfectly natural geological feature, which has been re-used as a Health Club.

Perhaps the treatments include the entirely logical and medically backed Reiki /Hot Stones and the utterly medical Cupping Treatment.

Bonus -  

( Pinched from SleeveFace )

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Heavy Machinery


No info on the slide, but might be in Hawaii, so could be sugar cane farming.

But, some nice vintage heavy tracked machinery.

Bonus - 

if you lined up all of the other planets in the solar system, they would fit almost perfectly between Earth and the Moon.

Manatees regulate buoyancy by farting They eat a ton of plants and accumulate a lot of methane. They then release gas when they want to sink and hold it in when they want to go to the surface or are being polite.

If every person on earth fought 1v1 until there was only 1 winner, that person would only have to win 33 times

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Things to do in Hollingbourne


Today's slide bore the message "Another of Hollingbourne".

Hmmmm.   Not exactly inspiring. I suppose I could go for a walk over the farmers fields. Or not.

Bonus -  'tis amazing what you find on Ali Express

Bonus 2 - 

Monday, 11 April 2022

The Mansion on the Mound


Lady Samantha "Nibsy" Nibblewick, showing her friends around "The State", showing the best view of her new mansion.

Alas, two weeks later, the earthen mound that it was built upon was washed away. Three days before the home insurance policy came into effect. Such a shame.

But .... Nibsy?  Phwoar !

Bonus - Last Night - Teenage Fanclub at Rock City.  Excellent.

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Cherry Blossom Moment


Yes, I know.

Two consecutive beautiful scenery slides, and a complete lack of "Funny Looking Kids". Well, It's my blog, and there are few other blog visitors. Yes, it's true, I have less that 500,000 visitors a day. (Far less)

Bonus - But, Today is Dancing Cow Day

Bonus 2 - Two scientists walk into a bar. The bartender asks what they would like to drink. The first scientist says “I’ll have a glass of H2O please.”

The second scientist says “I’ll have H2O too.”

The second scientist dies.

Saturday, 9 April 2022

The Beautiful Land of "Finks"


That's a most pleasant slide today, but the only information on it was the word "Finks".

Wherever Finks is, it looks like a great place to live.

Bonus : The Novel That (Seemingly) Predicted the 'Titanic' Disaster

Bonus 2 : Last Night : Teenage Fanclub at The Leadmill.

Friday, 8 April 2022

The View from the Penthouse


As promised yesterday, the view that Millie sees from her crime-spotting penthouse.

First sign of trouble, and she'll fire up the Owl-Light, for the cowled crusader OwlMan to leap into action.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 7 April 2022

The Viewer in the Penthouse


As an experiment, 

Today we have a view if Millicent Montgomery,  watching the world go by from her 11th story penthouse.  Some folks say she watched for criminals, like a tweed twinset Batman, ready to strike down evil-doers.

Tomorrow, we get the view she sees.

Bonus - Bridgerton’s Beloved Corgi Is a Total Fraud

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

"Obsessed with Bicycle Clips"


"Obsessed with Bicycle Clips".

I know, that title seems unrelated to this image. However, this morning, I awake suddenly at 4.25am with the phrase "Obsessed with Bicycle Clips" bouncing around my head.

No other memories of dreams, nightmares, or suchlike, and that phrase just remained for the rest of the day (so far). 

And Google reveals nothing about that exact phrase.

And the image ?   Marked as 

1951 June - Don Taylor before his wedding with Sooke

Bonus -  Beautifying the neighbourhood.

Bonus 2 -  There’s a 12ft tall replica of the Washington Monument under a manhole near the actual monument

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

The Last Snow Patch of Spring


I was looking for a Tedious Tuesday slide, and happened across this one.  

OK, it's not exactly an action-packed image, but it does have a certain calm restfulness in it, and I like it.

Bonus - Damn! Video file doesn't work, so....


Monday, 4 April 2022

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Sunday Afternoon, Family Time


Ah, Sunny Sundays, and the Rubin family have a day at Fort F'tang, a colonial era military fort that's now a woody national park. Perfect for  family to visit, and have a wander and a picnic.

Here, Glenda Rubin shows Meghan and Kate how to roll the perfect doobie, while Cuthbert mopes at the lack of squirrels to turture.

Bonus - The Spiralist

Bonus 2 - Wallabies to damselflies: Scotland’s newest animals get Gaelic names.  The leathery sea squirt is now spùtachan-mara leatharach, for leathery little squirting creature of the sea.

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Happy Birthday, Ted


Today is Ted "Theodore" Newt's first birthday, so Happy Birthday Ted.
This picture is not of Ted. No sirree, it might even be of a Tess, rather than a Ted, and it does date from March 1958, so.... Not Ted.

But, that cuddly toy skunk doll thing.     Scary as flute, or what?

Bonus - 
Some days, things just get weird

Friday, 1 April 2022

Jimmy Gribble, King of the Jokers


In celebration of April Fools Day, today's slide is of Jimmy Gribble, the King of Pranksters.

In the 1950's, Jimmy invented many of the pranks that would entertain rural Wisconsin. Wiring the main electricity to the toilet, that was his. Replacing sugar with DDT?  Yes, Jimmy's.  Hiding deer intestines in the attic. Yup, him too.  Sending fake arrest warrants for Rabbis?  Yes, Jimmy's invention.

I'm glad he's gone.

Bonus -  Illegal massage parlors outnumber Starbucks 2 to 1 in NYC