Saturday, 30 December 2023

Friday, 29 December 2023

Happy Fish Day


As regular readers know, Americans love fishing, and photographing their success.

Here we have Gilbert "Gil" Gustavson, and the results of his Boxing Day exploits.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 28 December 2023

I'm Back !


Yup. I've been away for a couple of days, but... I'm back now.

What?   You didn't notice ?? 

Oh. OK.

So, have another half-frame Christmas shot.

Bonus - For The Smiles ...

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Not Opening Presents Yet


I know it's the 27th December, and "everyone" has opened their Christmas Presents.

Well, Almost everyone.

"You're not opening your presents until Derby County secure promotion!" Could be a long wait.

Bonus - 

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Saturday, 23 December 2023

The Christmas Choristers


From the days when an impressive outside Christmas decoration display was a bunch of cardboard cutout choristers (rather that 100,000 twinkly lights and a 12ft Animatronic Santa.

Friday, 22 December 2023

Druids at Wetton C Hall


That was all that was on the slide, and the slide was in a box of Wetton - Then and now slides.

Probably a slide of an earlier photo...but could just be a modern recreation.

Anyhoo, I suspect the location is the carpark of The Royal Oak pub.

Happy Winter Solstice, Druids !

Bonus - Unexpected Winnie-The-Pooh. 

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Are You Almost Ready For Christmas?


Have you looked out you special new Christmassy Outfit?

Decorated the Tree yet?

Post for that creepy photographer from next door?

Bonus - 

Travel Safety !

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Waiting For Santa


Full disclosure. This slide was date-stamped July 1964, and the yellow balloon says "You are Always Welcome At The May....".

But, she looks so Christmassy in her red velvet dress.

(And sitting beside her cutprice vamp mother.)

I'm assuming that she's waiting for a chance to tell Santa what she wants for Christmas.

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 19 December 2023



So, yes, yesterday's slide was a little tedious. Mundane Monday??

So, posting another Tedious Tuesday slide could be viewed as uniquely unfair on you, they loyal viewers of this blog.

As a result, today's slide is from the "Huh?" side of teh tracks.

Being cultured users of Google, I'm sure that you've worked out that this is the Inscription Rock from El Morro National Monument. 

Bonus - 

Monday, 18 December 2023

I'm Sure That You Recognise This...

If you're struggling, it's from the Russia     1985 set.

Oh...come on.

It's easy.

  Pavlovsk Great Palace, St Petersburg

...and that's Sergei The Pigeon in the foreground.

Bonus - 

Never Give Up !

Sunday, 17 December 2023

Swinging on a Swing


Even in Mid-December, playing outdoors in the best.

Here, Audrey gets some exercise swinging. Which is ironic, considering her proclivities later in life.

Bonus -  Cats are Stupid

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Before The Christmas Ball


After yesterday's Evening Wear of 1987, here's reminder of what the well-dressed Ball-Goer would be wearing in 1958.

For Hank - a White Tuxedo, Black bow-tie (pre-tied) an a buzzcut.

For Lorna (a real "go-er, to ne honest) - a black evening gown and white over- the- elbow gloves.

Fashion standards that I still adhere to. Except for the white tuxedo. And  bow-tie.

Bonus - 

Friday, 15 December 2023

Hollings - Evening Wear


It's been a while since we visited the "Hollings in 1987" collection, so let's have reminder of what we were all wearing back in those days for intimate Dinner Parties. Yes, and I do mean all all of us. 

Classy and Sassy.

Bonus : We Asked The Creator Of 'Rotating Sandwiches:' Why?

Bonus 2 - Aluminium reacts with Mercury 

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Girls Christmas Playtime


Well, it is December. And only 12 days until Christmas.

So, you gotta expect some kids playing with Christmas Gifts slides.

Bonus - Turkish Lawmaker Declares Israel Cannot 'Escape The Wrath Of God,' Instantly Collapses From Heart Attack

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Road Swine


I was browsing the collection for a suitable Tedious Tuesday slide, when this one caught me eye.
Not really very tedious... more of a warning  of the surprises when driving around the countryside.

Bonus - Tesla’s Pigeon
An inventor, a bird, and a plan to connect all the minds in the world.

Bonus 2 -

Monday, 11 December 2023

Christmas Shopping Season - Pre-Amazon


There's no info on this slide, not even a date, but the image does remind me of the days before the iBehemoth Amazon.

A trudge around the shops and malls of the heaving city centre, hoping for inspiration.

Better days?

Bonus - Could humans have babies in space safely?

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Rodrigo's Rushing Rapids

 Just south of my home in Slideville is this.  The locals don't really appreciate it, referring to it as RoRuRa and ignoring it (apart from the annual midnight raft race (death-toll 274 and rising)).

Bonus - â€˜Kiss ur cuzin’: Redneck Christmas Parade brings cheer, charity to Louisiana town

Bonus 2 - Happy 30th Birthday Doom

Saturday, 9 December 2023

A Timeless Scene


This slide was dated April 1984, but it could really be for anytime in the past 100 years. A snowy lane, a dramatic sky, and a simple composition. Classic.

Bonus - 

Friday, 8 December 2023

Thursday, 7 December 2023

On This Day...


I could have chosen a more iconic image for today, I have quite a few from someone's visit to the famous location.  But this one is relevant, even if the location "The Punchbowl" is lesser know.

For those who haven't twigged, this marks a date that will live in infamy.

Did You Know: The United Kingdom declared war on Japan nine hours before the U.S.

Bonus - The naming of snow-ploughs

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

The Knitted Foot Blanket of Saint Gregory


Allegedly, this is one of the most valuable items in the Victoria And Albert Museum's Coptic Church collections.

The Knitted Foot Blanket of Saint Gregory. Knitted by the Nuns of Saint Brenda, it was used to apply the Blessed Athlete's Foot Cream to the Gout-ridden foot of St Greg.

Bonus - Tonight is KrampusNacht.

Monday, 4 December 2023



No info on this ere slide, but .... Oops.

Sorry.  Meeting of the Neighbourhood Watch committee tonight, so I have to head off and hide the stuff that I nick from neighbours' gardens.

Bonus - 

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Meanwhile in Ipswich...


Today, our Nostalgia-o-meter goes back to 1962, and the Ipswich branch of the Lion's charity group ill-fated decision to build a scale model of Niagara Falls, as a charity fund-raiser.

Alas, the scale chosen was 1:1, and the water meter charges were monstrous, and the fund-raiser turned out to be a fund-reduced.

Bonus - 


Saturday, 2 December 2023

Outdoors in Plaid


I wonder what the reason  is that outdoors folk, particularly in the 1950's and 1960's (like the folk here) seemed compelled to wear plaid. Trousers or shirts.

Bonus - 

Friday, 1 December 2023

December? Hell !


Every year, December sneaks up on me and makes me think "December?  But I'[m not ready for Christmas "

But, at least I should have  few Christmas-time slides to choose from.

Bonus - 

Unexpected Human

World Class Sneakiness

Thursday, 30 November 2023

An unusual View


On this St Andrew's Day (hint) you might be surprised by this view of a famous location.

It includes part of the famous feature, but .... some might struggle

I like this view

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Beach. With people.


Time for a Tedious Tuesday slide.

This.... almost painterly in its simplistic, and unfocussed form.

In fact....

This might actually sell as Wall Art

Bonus : From Kurt to Elvis, JFK and more, what movies did stars see just before they died?

Monday, 27 November 2023

"The Pigeons Followed Me From Norwich to Nepal."


I think the title explains the slide well enough.

Norfolk pigeons, loyally following their master around the world.#

Bonus - 

It's the natural way...