Friday, 30 June 2023

It's the weekend


Pull up the drawbridge

Repel all outsider

Settle down, and do whatever you fancy.

The slide - only info was "Summer, 1988, Italy"

So, I reckon this is the Castello Scaligero in Sirmione. Also known as the Scaliger Castle or Scaligero Castle.

Bonus - Man with world's longest tongue uses it to paint

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Food, Friends, Drink !


Today is my semi-regular Curry with Mel, so this slide seems lightly appropriate.

Not much else to say today.

Bonus - 

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

A Summer Evening's Wander


Yes, It's out of focus... I Know.

But, for a sunny evening, George and Hilda loved to lace up their hobnail boots, and have a walk to Old Hobb's Groto, the scene of much of their courting.

Bonus - If this was real, I'd buy it/them.

In Action Figures

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

No. Not Gibraltar


Today's tedious slide was selected from the box marked "Rotten Holiday", and my initial thought was "That's possibly The Rock of Gibraltar."

But, No. It's a completely different shape.

Any suggestions?

Bonus - 

Monday, 26 June 2023

Russell Johnson 19th


Alas, that title was the only information on the (out-of-focus) slide.

We will probably never learn who Russell Johnson was, nor what happened on his nineteenth birthday (or on the 19th of the month.)

Bonus - Creative and Educational. A Bristol Stool Scale Birthday cake.

Sunday, 25 June 2023

A Highland Coo


Gasp... It's not from a 35mm slide!

As some of you may know, this time last week I was travelling the North Coast 500 with my family, and had an Excellent time.  Weather, Scenery, Roads, Food, Accommodation, Company ... all of them Tip Top.

Arnold Clark, on the other hand....Meh.

So, this lovable lump was found at the roadside at The Croft Cafe 

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Emptying The Ocean bucket at a time.

Another sunny summer day here in Slideville, so It's appreciate a few hours lazing on a beach.

Bonus - Proposed (and rejected) addition for vehicle access to Eiffel Tower 1939.

Friday, 23 June 2023

Sunny Holiday Scene.


I'm just back from a week away, enjoying fabulous weather and superb scenery on the Scottish NC500 route.  Maqnifique!  Highly recommended.

This slide, however, is probably not of Scotland, tho' I did see palm trees, bikes, blue skies and sunshine.

Bonus - Conrad Heyer, born in 1749, is the earliest-born person ever to be photographed. (Photographed when alive, to be pedantic.)

Bonus 2 - The earliest known photo of doner kebab (meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie) by James Robertson, 1855, Ottoman Empire

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Cable Mill Area


Perfect for Tedious Tuesday. Cable Mill Area

Bonus - Quack

Bonus 2 - And then you have this - it's a statue of a skating banana and  it's in Little Rock, Arkansas for god knows what reason...

Monday, 19 June 2023

The Ice Capades of 1964


1964...A very good year, in my honest opinion.

And what finer entertainment than ladies balancing on blades on ice, shaking their collective tushies at an appreciative audience.


Bonus - 

Sunday, 18 June 2023

KLM Midway House


Nope. Nothing to do with UK Father's Day.

It was intrigued by this slide, or more exactly, it's subject. Ended up heading down an interesting Rabbit Hole, as this turns out to be in Karachi, and was the KLM Airlines half-way stop-over "hotel" for crews flying between Netherland and Indonesia.

Bonus - When it comes to self-defense, skunks and spitting cobras have nothing on the bonnacon. If threatened, it fled. While fleeing, it defecated. Violently. According to Pliny the Elder, the excrement voided the animal’s body with such explosive force that it could hit targets more than a football pitch away.

Bonus 2 - The Ejection Tie Club

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Meanwhile, in Limone sul Garda


I know what you're thinking ... "Isn't that Helmdale, in Northern Scotland, on the fabled NC500 route?"

'fraid not. There's no info on this slide, but it didn't take long to figure out that this is Limone sul Garda, in the northern lakes of Italy. 

In fact, a little searching tells me that this is Piazza Garibaldi

Bonus - Dennis Feldman’s Guide to Hollywood Boulevard’s Fantastic Weirdos, 1969–72

Friday, 16 June 2023

Canal Boat Trip


So, having had an odd half hour to myself, I scanned in a box of slides - something I've not done for ... months.

The 1971 Wedding fashions can wait for a suitable weekend, but this one seemed appropriate for families off on holiday, and looking for things to do. Hint, hint.

Yes, there will be other slides of their trip on the "Tivertonian" in August 1976.

Bonus - Why is there a statue of a diver inside Winchester Cathedral? William Walker

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Worryingly Convincing Ventriloquist Doll


Sorry, not very talkative today. I'll explain in a few days.

Only info on today's slide was "Ray and Keith".


I can't disagree with that.

Bonus - For the terminally bemused out there.... My Hands Are Bananas.

Bonus 2 - 

Not watched this for yonks.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

A Whipsnade Cheetah


I the midst of a box of VERY under-exposed slides, there were a few decent ones from a trip to Whipsnade Zoo.

I particularly liked this blissed out cheetah, sunning himself on the grass.

Bonus - Like humans, the notoriously nervous cats can use a surrogate best friend.

Bonus 2 - Found Photography: Pictures of People Standing Next to Their Televisions

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

The Mud Flats


Today's Tedious Tuesday is a Doozy.

Mud Flats.   And a distant tree.


Bonus - 


Monday, 12 June 2023

A Brilliant Sunny Day, and then...


Today, in Slideville, has been a gloriously sunny, painfully hot day, one which left me thinking "This is uncomfortable. I'd appreciate a break from this." Rather like the day this bookworm is enjoying.

So the, the past 45 mins has seen Thunder, Lighning and a veritable monsoon.

Great...I like that.

Bonus - The book he's reading?  The Long Saturday Night

Bonus 2 - 

Well, that works...

Sunday, 11 June 2023

It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like ...


...the hottest day of the year here in Slide-Ville.

The slide, however, makes me longer for a chillier part of the year. Lovely.

Bonus - Aaarrrggghhh.   Why does everything go wrong at the same time?   Car....outside toilet .... CCTV ... my right knee. Dammit.

Bonus 2 - 

Saturday, 10 June 2023

The Higgins Sisters


Sorry. I'm feeling a bit fragile today, so I'm just gonna Post And Run.

Friday, 9 June 2023



I've just had a rather excellent Indian Takeaway, from a local place. (Chicken Tikka Karahi, with mushroom rice, and a Garlic n Cheese Nan, if you must ask.)

These guys, seem to have had their lunch...and I bet it wasn't as good.

Bonus -     A priest says he briefly went to hell in 2016. He saw men walking like dogs and heard demons singing Rihanna songs. While many of the most publicized near-death experiences are more positive than this journey to hell, negative NDEs also occur.

Bonus 2 - 

Thursday, 8 June 2023

The Menace, Dennis.


While I'm more aware of the Scottish one, I believe that this you scamp resembles the chuckle-free US one.

Strangely, the two strip cartoons are the same age. To the day. Both debuting on 12 March 1951

Bonus 2 - 

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

The Tinkling Waters


Modern Art, waterfall, fountain, sculpture...whatever.

Sorry, I'm suffering from Friday lethargy.

A bit worrying, as today is Wednesday.

Bonus - 

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Winter Bird Condo


I know that technically, this is a Tedious Tuesday slide, but I do actually like the subject.

Just a simple bird house / feeder, but .... with some 1960's architecture. Noice.

Bonus - 

Also nice...


Monday, 5 June 2023

Wave Breaks at Breakwater


Evening All.

Today's exactly as described in the title. I was wondering where on earth it was, but ... so few fixed could be anywhere.

Also, I was wondering if that was a scaffolding viewing platform on the very extreme left.  I guess I'll never know.

Bonus - 

Nope. I have no idea

Sunday, 4 June 2023

The Welcome Party


These ladies are here to make your visit as much "Fun" as possible.

If you need anything, just ask.

No.... don't be smutty.

Bonus - 

Saturday, 3 June 2023

The Municipal Pleasure Gardens, in Brechin, Scotland


Of course it isn't.

This is the Taj Mahal, which was built as a riposte to Brechin's Municipal Pleasure Gardens, and their 1874 claim to have "The most luxurious Gentlemen's Convenience in the British Empire."

Bonus - 

Friday, 2 June 2023

Textbook Milling Around


A text-book example of "people milling around aimlessly."

Slightly surprised by how few men are wearing hats.

I thought I'd manage to track down the location via teh Belk's Building Store. but .... alas, No.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 1 June 2023

That Forced Smile


Who knows the true emotions behind a forced smile?

Bonus - 

The Alps, as seen from The Pyrenees

Bonus 2 - Profound