Tuesday, 31 October 2023

It's Halloween


And these three Weird Sisters are here to steal your soul. Or maybe just steal your car keys to head off to some frat party.

Bonus -  Extreme Pumpkins.

Bonus 2 - Halloween, so you want something scary?


Monday, 30 October 2023

Think Of The Children !!!!


If you're like me, the info written on this slide ( "Cabanel - Nymph and Satyr - Montpellier " ) is unnecessary.

It's clearly a Pierre Cabanel, but I think it's actually Nymph surprised by a satyr 

And I've censored The Naughty Bits.

Bonus - 

Sunday, 29 October 2023

Autumn Walks.


With the end of British Summer Time, it is now officially Autumn. Or for our American readers, "Autumn".

The time of golden trees, slight chills in the air, thick comforting soups and warm crackling fires.

Bonus - And this time Mr. Bone is working in a pizza delivery shop.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Bert and Gert's Fiftieth


Congratulations to Wilbert and Gertie Waddlemeyer, on the event of their fiftieth wedding anniversary

Fifty years of welded bliss. Nice !

Bonus - .The Bizarre Cottage Industry of YouTube Obituary Pirates

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Time for some .... Folk Dancing.


No, this ain't the lowest scoring act from Midwest America's Got Talent.

No, the slide was labelled as "Sep-79 Bucharest - Folk Dancing".

And it's probably better than 90% of the shite on Simon Cowell's shite-fest-TV.

Bonus - Deception, Misinformation and Ruses in Warfare.  Horrible formatting, but fascinating stuff.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Ungawa !


Yes, all it takes is the cry of the magic word "Ungawa" and all the mighty beasts of the Jungle (and the savannah-dwelling African Elephant" will seek you our to,assist you.

Bonus - Neil Innes - Ungawa

Bonus 2 - What the internet was made for - Strange obsessions.  Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek


Tuesday, 24 October 2023

The Rose Beds


It's amazing how Tedious Tuesday comes round. It's like clockwork.

But fear not .... there's a Vast supply of tedious slides, such as this...undated, unlocated, uncommented.

And uninteresting

Bonus - The global population milestone of 8 billion represents nearly 7% of the total number of people who have ever lived on Earth.

Monday, 23 October 2023

Another " The Staff Were Great" slide


Coincidentally, one of the boxes I checked for Monday's slide also had a "Hotel Staff" slide.

And very nice she looks too.

Bonus - Teuchter Funk, by Guy Roch MC.  Yes, Aberdeen patois, Doric Hip-Hop.

Bonus 2 - 


Sunday, 22 October 2023

And these were the housemaids....


I can imagine the thinking behind this slide. Someone on holiday realising that they could invite the neighbours round for a cheese and win and "we're just back from our holiday" Slide-Show.  A chance to go one-up on those Snooty Braithwaites at Number 47. They boasted about their Pontins holiday... wait till they see our FOREIGN holiday....


Bonus - Wow. 

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Moments before the "Tragic Accident"


Who could have know that seconds later, a passing bald eagle would drop a salmon that it was carrying, and Jenny and Jimmie would be knocked backwards, plummeting off the Fredrick Snyde Hydro-Electric Dam.


Bonus - I think my neighbours have a new hobby...

Thursday, 19 October 2023

The Pink Cockatoos


...would be a great name for a gay nightclub in Sydney Oz.

That is all.

Bonus - Roads ... Flights ... Ships  

Click  for Big

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

See My Beautiful Baby


Proud Momma with typical Churchillian crotch-fruit.

Nowt to add to that...

Bonus - 

Wise Words

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Monday, 16 October 2023

Filling Station


One of those slides that just appears with nowt but a date (June 1985), but it intrigues me. So....what and where?

In case it's of interest, he'smy thought process.

In the background - "Barley Brewery". That leads to a site saying it's defunct...but saying it was in the village of Barley, and giving a postcode.

So, then it's easy to Google, and see that 38 years later, there's still a Fox and Hounds pub there.   And, Street view shows that nothing much has changed. 

Oh, and kids.... the petrol station on the left, in 1985. That's £1.65 per Gallon.

Bonus - Florida man whose arm was ripped off by 10-foot gator, was peeing in pond because bar line was too long.

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Joyce shows some Thigh


This is Joyce, trying to cheer me up, through the decades, by displaying her right thigh while at a ... something. Could be some sort of museum, or stately home.

Either way, it's not working. I'm still disappointed by England's continued progress at the Rugby World Cup 2023.

Bonus -  

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Happy Birthday Cliff

 This is not Cliff.

At least, not my Bro-in-Law Cliff who's having his xxth birthday.

No, this slide is of some random dude, having a holiday moment in Malta, in 1974.  Nice hat !

Bonus 1 - UK Address Oddities!

Bonus 2 - via B3TA 

Friday, 13 October 2023

Ahoy Shipmates


This is the welcoming committee for the SS Mid-Life-Crisis.

You'd be wise to escape now, while you can.

Bonus - ‘Andy Warhol is the only genius I’ve ever known with an IQ of 60.’ –Gore Vidal

Bonus 2 - Humans Have Pumped Enough Groundwater to Change the Tilt of the Earth

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Old Wetton Post Office


Yes, I know that this one is a bit of a cheat. A 35mm Slide of an earlier (much earlier) photograph. From the other slides in the box, the original photos seem to be late 40's early 50's....but what do I know.

The slide box was marked Wetton in Derbyshire, but that wasn't a surprise. I recognised many of the locations, and Wetton retains it's rural charm to this day.

In fact, here's the same view more recently, courtesy of Google Streetview.  Wetton PO
Bonus - ‘Like butter for bears’: the grizzlies who dine on 40,000 moths a day

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Plate XVI - Literary Antiquity Tedium

 I'm of a particular age, and do recall lecturer using slid projectors to illustrate certain subjects, so can understand the background to this Tedious Tuesday image.

But it's still very tedious.

You want more info?  Sure

Bonus - on a similar, tho' more interesting slant... 

The Great Pyramid of Cheops has eight sides, not four. Each of the pyramid's four side are evenly split from base to tip by very subtle concave indentations. 

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Summer vacation


The only info on this slide - It was in a box marked "B Anadel" (it's companions had names of places, but this has eluded me.) and the slide was dated June 1964. It does has a South of France feel to it, aided by the twit in that hat.

What's interesting to me is that when people think of fashion in the sixties, think of sharp suits and mini skirts, whereas this...   very bo-ho chic.

Bonus - 


Saturday, 7 October 2023

Do Not Trust This Man


This slide was labelled as K, B & Vic, Nov-56, but those of us in the know, know that that isn't "Vic"

That's Martin Brumble of Esher. AKA Squadron Leader Philip Chesterton, AKA The Rev Harry Throckett, AKA Mr Edward deVinson, AKA Pierre la Romain, AKA Captain (Retd) August McAllan.  AKA The Surbiton Poodle Strangler, AKA "Cheese-Dish" Harry Crumb.

Undoubtedly a Cad, a Rake, a Blackguard and a Wastrel.

Do not trust your ration card with this POS.

Bonus - "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" performed on Benjamin Franklin's glass harmonica

Friday, 6 October 2023

I Think I Know What You're Thinking...


"That rather looks like an Oldsmobile Curved Dash, driving along Brighton beachfront."

And you're probably right.

BL749 is a 1902 Oldsmobile, and does appear to be a regular on the London to Brighton run.

No info on this slide, but looks like the early 1980's.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Style Never Goes Out of Fashion


As evidenced by Clara in this 1976 picture.

That would be as stylish now as it was then.

Bonus - Honk.

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Flight over Barsetshire


One of the least known of the English Counties, on account of the residents' unintelligible accents, Barsetshire is seen in its glory in this shot.

In the foreground, the area known as The Gruts.

In the middle ground, Barset and the plum tree mines (supplying plums to the Bishop of Lincoln).

In the horizon, the hills of the "Humble Alps".

Bonus - The last remain parts of a dodo. 

Monday, 2 October 2023

The Picturesque Bridge


Possible, the MOST picturesque bridge I've seen for a long time.

I could spin you a story about it...but let's just appreciate it for what it is.

Bonus - 257 years ago today ... The Nottingham cheese riot.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

"And the winner is ....!


...Miss Suburbia...Miss Shelly Martinez-Frankenheimer!"

It's October now, and probably a little late in the season for the outdoor line-up of flimsy eveningwear.

Bonus - Crazy Train Stunts

Bonus 2 -