December tomorrow. Ow Shit. Another year almost over.
This slide was marked "Zion Natl Park - Utah - Russ Nov 1950".
Yup. Looks Awesome.
Bonus -
Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
December tomorrow. Ow Shit. Another year almost over.
This slide was marked "Zion Natl Park - Utah - Russ Nov 1950".
Yup. Looks Awesome.
Bonus -
I knew I could find one. Labelled as "Thanksgiving, 1971".
Clearly, the matriarchs of the family are unhappy that Bobby has Skipper the Dachshund on his lap. No Pumpkin Pie for him.
Bonus - Wearing A Salmon On Your Head Is Back In Fashion For Orcas, After A 37-Year Break
I know that I have some Thanksgiving Day slides for our 'merican visitors, but...I'll be damned if I can find them just now. Dammit.
So, let's have Minnie and Wilbur and their barbecued turkey hotdogs.
Bonus -
It's the rules. Any visit to an ancient Roman or Greek amphitheatre will always involve a middle-aged "wit" thinking he can launch into his pub comedy routine.
If only they could release the wild animals on him.
I think that this the Roman Theatre, Sufetula, Sbeitla, Kasserine Governorate, Tunisia
Bonus - Strange and wondrous creatures: plankton and the origins of life on Earth
Scrubland....road...distant hills ... clouds ... small shack.
Lot's of potentially interesting details, but overall... dull.
Bonus - I Say !!
But some quick checking on Alta Vista (ah, nostalgia) suggest that this might be Blarney Castle, home of the infamous Blarney Stone.
So there.
Bonus - Hey USA, It's almost Thanksgiving! Are you getting your eels ready?
January 1964, and your choice is between Euphemia McGlumpher and Hortense O'Toole. What a dilemma.
Bonus - The Bodysuit Collector: Doctor Fukushi Masaichi And The Art Of Preserving Tattooed Skin
I've seem several houses with Christmas Decorations already (In fact, I suspect that were there all year, but not illuminated until recently.) but as November fades, it's almost time for the depressing selection of tat to brighten the festive season. Because, it's what Little Baby Jesus will have wanted.
Maybe I'll head over to Bronners. Except, that's on the wrong side of the ocean.
Bonus -
...that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F Kennedy
This, as is tradition, is an image of JFK's temporary grave.
Bonus - again, predictably, Destroy All Monsters
Last night saw the arrival of the first snows of this winter at SlideGuy Chateau.20 Hours later, most of the ground is free of snow, tho' the trees still look good.
So, it seemed appropriate to post this slide of a fence. In the snow.
Sort of artistic. Sort of tedious.
Bonus - Today is World Toilet Day.
Alvin the Alligator sunbathing on a rock, or sometimes chomping down on a stray sheep. He had been released into the river as a Rag Week Prank by Zoology Students at Matlock University, in 1958.
Initially, there were some attempts to recapture him, but after the disappearance of a couple of gypsy shoemakers, the locals sort of adopted him as an unofficial vermin-catcher. Nice.
Bonus -
In commemoration of last night's visit to Nottingham to see GOAT (a Swedish Psycho-Voodoo group....honestly), this slide seems slightly appropriate.
No details on slide, but clearly from the 75th Anniversary Celebrations for Skansen. That is the oldest open-air museum and zoo in Sweden located on the island Djurgården in Stockholm, Sweden. It was opened on 11 October 1891 by Artur Hazelius (1833–1901) to show the way of life in the different parts of Sweden before the industrial era.
Bonus :
There's precious little sunshine hear today.
But in his slide ... plenty.
I suspect that this might be the Boardwalk, at Atlantic City in Noo Joisee.
Bonus - CEEFAX
The Bride and Groom??
That was my first thought, but I'm not convinced. It certainly doesn't seem like the Happiest Day Of Their Lives, does it.
And the deep blue dress, rather than the traditional white? Maybe this is just the Best Man and Bridesmaid.
It sort of fits, with the audience / congregation focusing on something else, behind them.
Who knows?
Bonus - Also in the What The Hell corner...
Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." . It is based on the assumption that if the publishers were confident that the answer was yes, they would have presented it as an assertion; by presenting it as a question, they are not accountable for whether it is correct or not.
In this case, a better answer would be "Probably not."
Bonus -
I was going to spend some time figuring our where this was.
But, life's too short.
Bonus - There are 86 billion neurons in your brain
Really makes you think
a.k.a.Danaus gilippus (I think).
It might be a marsh fritillary, which would give me a reason to invoke
I got a letter from Stringy Bob:
“Still on suicide watch
Screws not happy
Spotted a marsh fritillary during association
Was roundly ignored
Bonus -
Mid way though a Double-Twisting, Triple-Flip, Rolling-Salco.
A high degree of complexity, and marred by Wes's mistake of not checking the water depth.
Bonus - The Joy Of Cat Ownership.
This was a rather under-exposed slide from 1966, so I've given it a slight lightening, and thought I'd have a bit of fun with you, dear reader.
But it is clearly Castello di Frederiksborg, in sunny Denmark.
So, not really a challenge.
Bonus - Trump is back. :-(
Bonus 2 - When you stare into the abyss
I suppose I should spend some time searching for slides of Fireworks, or Bonfire or Guys.
last night I scanned new selection of slides, and yes they were mainly dull.
This one is basically tedious, but the presence of a chinese style lion sculpture, with a paw on a ball .... looks intriguing.
I wonder where it was.
But I found this and ... It's Madrid !
Bonus - Has poppymania gone too far?
While he was official just Professor of Needlework, Kevin "Illinois" Johnson spent his weekend and vacations chasing down important quilting artifacts from under the noses of the Italian Fascists.
Do you suppose he inspired a later film hero??
Bonus -
November continues, and Vickie and Stringy Bob have decides to get away from the hustle and bustle of bust London life, for a quiet, relaxingweekend at the beach.
Back in 1967.
Bonus - Rarely seen headlines ... World’s largest GPS penis traced across Bannau Brycheiniog for charity
A perfectly good image a Type 42 and a Type 63B Electricity Pylon, spoiled by little Timmy wandering into the scene.
Naughty Timmy.
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