One good tornado, and we won't be in Kansas any more !
Bonus - two videos for you.
"Leave Me" Downbeat but...
"The Secret Powers of Time" Interesting !
Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
One good tornado, and we won't be in Kansas any more !
Bonus - two videos for you.
"Leave Me" Downbeat but...
"The Secret Powers of Time" Interesting !
Looks like a cracking day in this slide, rather like the cracking day we've having here in Slideville.
Wonderful colours in the slide - must be a Kodachrome.
Bonus 1 : A Masters' Degree in Irony ?
Bonus 2 : Things to do with your Dyson AirThingy
There seems to be a strange tendency for holiday makers to photograph the staff in hotels, bars, restaurants and suchlike. I like to think this is a measure of their appreciation ("Gee Hank, this bar served the best beer ever ! It didn't even taste like the pee-water we call beer in America") rather than as an aide-memoir for some xenophobic comment ("Hank, these Belgian were so damned ungrateful. I fought there in 1944, but this Frau didn't even remember me !")
Bonus - Unusual headline. Man dies of uterine cancer
Bonus 2 - Teenage Fanclub last night. Fan-Blomin'-Tastic Reading 1992
I wonder how long it lasted.
Bonus - Can you judge a book by it's cover ?
Happiness - I'm off to see Teenage Fanclub tonight.
It looks like these two may well have a very close relationship - the tightly clasped hands are a strong hint. And does it matter? Not to me.
Bonus - 101 Uses for an Ex's Wedding Dress
Nothing much happens in Regansburg. Partly because the meat-packing facility closed down, and partly because Regansburg, Idaho doesn't actually exist.
But either way, it's rather dull.
Bonus - To cheer you up - Das Joker
Bonus 2 - - Owl Scratching Time
Or fondle, if you so wish.
My only chef-ing this week was yesterday, in readiness for visit of sis and S.O. I adapted my recipe for Lemon Posset, and made Lime Posset. Delicious, and complemented the pub meal we'd just had.
(The New Inn at Shardlow, if you care. Rather tasty food, beside the canal. Stinking hot weather, so indoors was quieter and more relaxing. Beside, I had insufficient tattoos and a surfeit of fingers to fit in with the beer garden clientèle.)
Bonus - Slo-Mo golf ball against a wall.
Phew. What a Scorcher !
It's a rather warm day here in Derby, so I'm just taking a break in the shade.
If I had a pool like there ladies, I may well be lazing beside it !
Bonus Allie is having a bad day
Yes, a balmy Sunny Friday night is perfect for the High School Hop, or even The Prom.
Chet clearly opes to score with Mindy, and has dressed to impress in his Bobby Vee style White Tux.
'tis a pity that Chet's Dad didn't use Kodachrome. Ektachrome does rather lose it's vibrancy over the years.
Bonus - How not to move a statue
(Apart from the "Menaced" bit)
Bonus - Scientists devise algorith to detect sarcasm. Oh, that's useful
In honour of my visitors from the Interstate Aviation Committee, I thought I'd post a slide of the downtown Moscow brach of Starbucks Coffee.
Bonus : Damian Aspinall's Extraordinary Gorilla Encounter Heartwarming !
It's Tedious Tuesday, and you're itching for a Bitching slide.
Sorry. This one is rather dull.
So, to make up, the best time-lapse film of Eyjafjallajökull.
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.
Yes, another shameless attempt to drum up even more Google passing visitors.
Still, she looks quite happy about it.
Bonus - Experience a Wibbly Wobbly World in your own home.
How better to salute the invaluable work done by farmers, millers, pickers and milkers than by getting four trollops parading through the streets on a giant motorised skateboard with fringes.
Still, I guess they do things differently for the "Calgary Exhibition and Stampede".
Bonus : Why not try some Hybrid Art
Bonus Tasteless comment : "I dated a girl with eczema ... Nice breasts, cracking nipples."
"Don't do it, Edna. Holiday romances with waiters never work out. He's only after your money."
There's no fool like an old fool. Especially a "cougar". Or velociraptor in this case.
Bonus - If I was ten years old, this would be the coolest thing ever.
In fact, dammit, it probably is.
Tell me.
Have you ever seen a more disgruntled poodle ?
( 5 hrs OT tonight - I'm in a similar mood.)
Bonus - Kemonozume episode 8 intro. Not Safe For Kids. or nervous adults.
Of course it's great art !
It's hanging on chains, and features no boobies. It must be great art.
And the clincher? It's worth some holiday-maker photographing it so that they can invite the rest of the church commission round as see as part of someones "Reflections from our vacation" slide show.
Bonus - Not every museum features great art. MOBA
Sometimes, I just find a slide that's a complete write-off, but with a little bit of effort, it turns into quite a worthwhile shot.
Like this one - massively under-exposed, but with some photo-manipulation, here's an image that I'm possibly the first to have seen in it glory - ever. Before PCs, this slide would mot likely just have been projected onto a wall, and there's no easy way to boost its visibility and brightness. And yet, someone kept it.
I'm glad they did.
Bonus - Possibly a forgotten memory for many of you - Shock-a-doobie
Bonus 2 - Creative Magazine Cutting
So, what should have been a rather heartwarming picture of a babbie with three sets of grandparents (THREE sets of grandparents ??) is distorted by one man's choice of tinted glasses.
Rather than a kindly old bloke, it reveals him to actually be an escaped Nazi doctor, hiding out in the badlands of Paraguay, occasionally visit his former colleagues, and for the christening of young Adolf.
Bonus - Gives Me Hope. Strangely uplifting.
Back to full speed Interweb, and I'm hungry for "stuff". Starting with today's Tedious Tuesday slide.
From a south American selection, so who knows what mystery meats are included in these platters.
Bonus one - The Internet shows that it really does care. Heartwarming
Bonus two - Europe wakes up after volcanic ash flight ban.
In blankets !
"Roland Reynolds. Reynolds Wrap's Son"
An undated Red-Edged Kodachrome, so I can't provide any more info, but this is possibly as close to a celebrity as The Slide Guy gets. (Unless, I mention that time....with Madonna....when we... No. Better not.)
And for MayDay Bank Holiday, grab yourself a wallpaper calendar.