These two know how to party...
Bonus - Snow Time Lapse
Being a construction of your humble blogger Tepid Halibut, with the aim of posting one vintage slide image per day, from now until Kingdom Come. (Or until Mr Halibut gets bored.)
Hannah is very proud of her new shoes - and who wouldn't? The McCracken two-tome victor-deluxe is the king of tn-pin bowling shoes.
Bonus - Don't mess with my Big Brothah!
Date of Photograph - Classified
Location of Facility - Classified
Reason for Photograph - Classified
That's what I like about slide collecting - it's so educational.
Bonus - A Late Chrimbo Gift Idea...
Unlike these two, I'm not ready for the Christmas season...and first guess arrives in a couple of days. Must break out of this lurghi-lethargy, and just do something.
Bonus - Not really unexpected, but sad anyway. Captain Beefheart / Don Van Vliet has died. More influential than popular, but was an icon of do-as-you-please.
As you can see from this view from my kitchen, winter is set to return to Derbyshire. I'll have to send Heidi up to the high pasture to collect the cows, sheep, goats, oxen, llamas and manatees, and bring them down to their winter quarters. And some will get slaughtered. Nothing to be manatee roast n Christmas Day.
Bonus - Wrong in all possible ways.
Bonus - Stupid in all possible ways.
Derby has now (virtually) thawed out after ten days of snow - and copes slightly better than I expected. So, let's celebrate with another slide from Snowy Derbyshire.
Unusually, this slide is of a known location and a know date. "Off the Wetton - Butterton Road - Feb 1991". Over the Chrimbo break, may trace the route and see if I can do a Then / Now shot.
Bonus - Now, This is unexpected...
Three ladies, who were promised a Sunday afternoon at a country park or stately home, but who were deceived by wily husbands. Not an afternoon of tea with Lord and Lady Spondon, but found themselves at what seems to be a car rally. A fine selection of British post-war cars there in the background, (and the image is bigger than usual for you car spotters.)
Bonus - A Surfing Sheep. Sounds like a Father Ted story, but...
I would have expected that it was impossible to take a boring slide / picture in Hawaii...but the evidence is here. Not a good picture.
Bonus - If you've not heard / watched this...be prepared for something rather exceptional.
One of those iconic images - a San Francisco Trolley Bus. Of course, you knew that....
Bonus - Damn. That was close
Seems like quite a while since the last "Funny Looking Kid" post, so to make amends, here's Kevin. Yes, Kevin.
You see, his mother wanted a daughter, but the lord blessed her with a son. However, whenever he was naughty, mom would punish him in panties. Kevin grew up to be a rough tough quarterback. Odd.
Bonus - Cash 4 Gold scam....rumbled.
Been a while since my last Architecture post, so here's an odd one. A merging of traditional low-rise porched cantina and a hyper modern.... umm... Sports-hall ?
Bonus - Festive Fail !
(To use the local vernacular.)
Last night, it got down to -9.9ºC in the garden, which for Derby is blooming cold. So, not surprisingly, the whole of Derby was slipping sliding and generally driving like a lunatic.
Of course, we had the usual "It wasn't like this years ago..." which is clearly rubbish. Still, it makes for a pleasant pic.
Bonus 1 - Statue made from Giant Panda dung sells for £30,000 - Ronseal
Bous 2 - Iron and Wine - Boy With The Coin - Live Version.
Yes, someone who looks a bit like William S Burroughs, with his previously unknown great grandchildren, enjoying a bit of Bike-On-Snow action.
Bonus - Tokyo underground have aproblem with commuters leaving umbrellas on their trains. So, they've come up with posters to remind passengers to take their umbrellas with them. Stylish Posters
"It is I, Blunbintle. Scourge of the Nackataka Indians, and inventor of the concrete trilby."
Bonus - Snowbear