Sunday, 12 April 2015

The Nobel Prize for Literature

Sure, it's talked about a lot, and many people are aware that's there a substantial wad of cash that goes with it, but very few people have actually seen The Nobel Price for Literature.Well, now you have, and you can probably understand why few winners have wanted to be pictured with it.

Up until 1972 it was a rather orthodox silver-plated trophy, but under the influence of a certain N Senada and his Theories on Obscurity. Basically, what if the most revered prize in arts was also the most reviled. Authors would want the prize, but they wouldn't want The Prize.

So, The Swedish Nobel Prize committee commissioned N Senada's six-year-old neice to design a trophy, with a maximum budget of Kr 6.50. And this is it. The Nobel Prize winner gets to keep the trophy for a year, but must not alter the prize in any way. The names of the previous winners are embroidered onto the base of the folded towel.

Bonus - The interesting story of The McDonald's Cocaine Spoon Fiasco

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