Tuesday, 31 January 2023

"Blessed Are The Cheesemakers..."


"What did he say?"


"He said Shhhh?"

" No. He said something about the Meek, but I couldn't hear because you were prattling."

"Shhhh you numpty"


Bonus - First rule of Medieval Mixed-Gender Fight Club. Don't talk about Medieval Mixed-Gender Fight Club.

Bonus 2 - 

Monday, 30 January 2023

Spinal ... Something

 Today, we are dipping into the Medical Illustration box of slides.

And ... ummm.  A spine, apparently, and no other info.

Maybe any passing surgeon or osteopath may be able to assist.

Bonus 1 - Chickens were first tempted down from trees by rice

Bonus 2 - Bacon

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Baby Metrics


Baby Metrics - The obsession with measuring and recording the basic features of a new born baby.

Such metrics as age, weight, height, alcohol content, skin tone, length of tail, number of nostrils, etc

Bonus - Juliet Prowse in Joseph Cates’s Who Killed Teddy Bear? (1965)

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Farmer Palmer's Barn


Nothing to say on this slide. I just Like It.

Bonus. Tokyo officials were going to honour Sogen Kato, who may have been Tokyo's oldest man at 111 Years Old. Except...

Bonus 2 - 

Friday, 27 January 2023

The Dodge Meat-Dragger


This was the vehicle that ignited suburban America's love affair with the Pick-Up. 

Alas, it was a love affair that started with a ribbing. Don Draper was a young advertising exec, and as with many corporations, there are some initiation rites / pranks. A long stand, a left-handed frying pan, sky-hook etc.

Don got the "Sell Pick-Ups to Middle Americans" task ... and he nailed it.

Bonus -  Matt Berry and Peter Capaldi read letters between Sultan Mehmed IV and the Zaporozhian Cossacks

Thursday, 26 January 2023

Mandy and Keith On Holiday


Mandy Fothergill (46, Former Undertaker's Hole-Plugger and Part-Time Topless Barmaid) and Keith Fothergill (55, Apprentice Florist) enjoy a moment on the veranda, while on their romantic tour of Schleswig Holstein.

The book at the front - Der Grosse Shell Atlas - was a gift from the local chip shop. Apparently. 

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

The Startled Grandmother


She certainly seemed surprised.

In the photographer's defense, he had always said that he was usually a nude photographer, and there may have been some misunderstanding.

I'd also like to comment of the awesome floor-to-ceiling door. Great!

Bonus - The Cube Rule of Food Identification.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Trees, Clouds, Blue Sky .... and a UFO.

 My heart leaped when I saw this slide image. What was that UFO on the right?

A super-secret USAF Spy Plane, caught on camera for the first time?

A undiscovered species of Frog-Eating Bat, swooping onto the Tadpole Pool ?

A visiting researcher from Planet Flambion Six?


Some optical crud on the surface of the slide. Damn.

Bonus - What did American shove into orifices in 2022?

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Dogging in the Caravan


It's fascinating seeing what Hilda and Matthew get up to, on their summer holiday in Derbyshire (in 1987.) Especially, when their doggos, Skip and Flash, with them.

Bonus - one of my Go-To relaxation channels...  Thanks Phil

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Building on the Glacier?


I am intrigued by this slide.

It seems to show some western American dudes standing on frozen water - a glacier?? - but the earth bank behind them is devoid of snow ... or plants. 

Is someone burying / hidinga glacier? Why ??

Bonus - Blondie in their prime.

Friday, 20 January 2023

The American Consulate ... Somewhere


I was debating whether to spend several hours /days trying to track down where in the world this was.

From other slides in the box, it was likely to be South America, but .... Nah. Life's too short to bother.

Bonus - werner herzog's sad beige toys

Bonus 2 - 

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Feeding Time


Nourishment direct from the bottle. 

Sixty years later, that hasn't changed.

Bonus - Man died from heart attack while burying woman he strangled, South Carolina deputies say

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

The Epitome of Tedious Tuesday.


Golf, I believe, is the zenith of tedious spectator sports.

So what could be more sports-tedious that a golf course, and without even any golfers.


Bonus - Straw Bear festival

You've just missed it. The traditional event features a ‘Straw Bear’ and its children being led through the streets of the village of Whittlesey in Cambridgeshire followed by morris dancers. 

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Pratts in Hats


1966, and while the youth of UK were beginning to Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out, the cadavers and stiff shirts of Esher were still sporting Morning Suits for events as simple as Bare-Knuckle Boxing and Dog Fighting at the Grosvenor Rooms of the Esher Ritz Hotel.

Bonus - 

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Chillin' with Wilbur the Wolf


Enjoying a patch of winter sunshine, Aggie, Felicity, Graham and Wilbur. 

Bonus - Mushrooms communicate with each other using up to 50 ‘words’

Bonus 2 - The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can

Friday, 13 January 2023

A Priest On Points Duty


Well, that's what it looks like to me.

If you want a challenge, starting just with that image, and nowt else, see if you can figure out who, what, where.

For the rest of us, the info is below the cut.

Thursday, 12 January 2023



I believe that that is the correct call for this odd game of Rounders that the colonials seem obsessed with.

Over here in civilization, it's a game played solely by school kids.

Bonus - Better Call Saul was robbed.

Bonus 2 - 

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

God Will Provide


OK.  It's a inspirational plaque, hanging from a branch.  Definitely a Tedious Tuesday subject.

Even better, it was from a set of slides which aged badly, taking on a severe red tint. Alas, I played around with the colour corrections, and may have inadvertently made the image non tedious.

Bonus -  Actually, the Biblical quote is "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."  It pertains to when Abraham was going to sacrifice his own son, in the absence of a real lamb. People are stupid. 

Bonus 2 - People. People are still stupid. 

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Etiquette Notes - When Offered A Clam...


...on a windswept, January beach, by a Maternal Grandmother ....

....it is normal to respond with "No, granny. I have no interesting in your fishy stinking clam. Put it away."

Bonus - A Wonderful Life: How Postwar Christmas Embraced Spaceships, Nukes, Cellophane

Saturday, 7 January 2023

A Weekend Communing With Nature


A weekend spent in teh woods, appreciating nature by burning it. And perhaps hunting some local wild animals.

Actually, a remarkable colorful and well-preserved slide from 57 years ago. That's the wonder of Kodachrome.

Bonus - How Santa Survived the Soviet Era

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Whacked Out on Smack


Yes, only the fourth of January, and already Marjory is "Comfortably Numb".

What a lush.

Bonus - Is it too early for "2023's Newspaper Headline Of The Year"?

New Year's Eve fireworks cancelled due to ‘masturbating’ walrus

Monday, 2 January 2023

Faith Of Our Fathers


You know the story. Americans....parades ... overly serious themes ... New Years Day .... 74th Tournament of the Roses ... 1-Jan-1963.

Info from the official info sheet attached.

Bonus - B747 at 35,000 ft overtakes B737 at 37,000 ft

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Hello 2023


Just I've managed to stop myself from typing the date as 2021, along comes another new year.

Happy New Year to any readers I may have.

Bonus - Not sure if I can be bothered to carry on blogging. It seems so... 2009-ish.