Monday 24 June 2024

Visiting The Ruins


"The ruins of what?" you may ask.

I don't know. But, my suspicion is that it may be Masada.

Bonus - Wearable Bean Bag Chair

Ideal for the Office

Sunday 23 June 2024

Time For A Sharp Exit


Mischief abounds, pranks have been played, larks-a-plenty have been instigated, and the perpetrators (The McKenzie Boys) make a sharp exit  on water.

Little do the know, that the engine has been filled with water, meaning that very soon, they'll be adrift upon Lake O'Doom, and it's famous school of freshwater crocodiles.

Bonus - 

Saturday 22 June 2024

Picnic and a Paddle


FINALLY, sunshine has returned to The Shire at a weekend, so today will be a good picnic day.

Like Maureen , backing in 1967, and her trip to Cooper's Creek. Quite why she feels the need to cover her hoo-hah with a hat, is unknown.  Maybe a masonic thing.

Bonus - The world of early recreational vehicles

Friday 21 June 2024

The Flatulent Cleric


Little known fact.

In a survey of the major religions in 1998, the priests of the Greek Orthodox Church were found to be the most flatulent.

Whether that is due to diet or genetics needs further investigation.

This slide was labelled as Priest at Negades

Bonus - 

R.I.P. Donal Sutherland.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Name That Plane


It the midst of a large box of typically touristy slide, this slide appeared.

How Exotic!

Can you identify it?

If you muttered "bone", you're on the right track. 

Curious that this bomber was designed to replace the B-52, but the B-52 will probably outlast it.  Nice.

Bonus - Speaking of bones... Transi de RenĂ© de Chalon

Tuesday 18 June 2024

"And they sailed off without us!"


I can imagine the front page story in the Esher and Surbiton Gazette.

"Our Holiday Hell.
Mr and Mrs Edwin Falconbridge told the Gazette of the disappointment when, on their annual holiday cruise round the Bahamas, they were callously left behind on the harbour quay when a foreign er pretending to be the Captain, sailed off from Jamaica, just because they were 75 minutes late from shore excursion."

This seems to be the "SS Queen of Bermuda",  She had an interesting life, including the ship having the distinction of being the only ocean liner to have sailed with one, two and three funnels.

Bonus - One way to fill a container with wheat

Monday 17 June 2024

Brutalist and the Beach



What a contrast.  The gentle waves lapping on a golden beach, next to a neo-brutalist hotel.

My limited research suggest it might be The Sheraton, at Praia do Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro.

Bonus - When vinyl LPs came back, so did the bootleggers and scammers

Sunday 16 June 2024

Unseasonable weather


It's June, but it feels more like April. A chill in the air, and the occasional downpour.

Just like the downpour that swept this tree into the River Trent at Newark.

Bonus - Happy Fathers day

Bonus 2 - 

Saturday 15 June 2024

The Anxious Debutantes


From my limited knowledge of young ladies' fashion history, the outfits for these two Southern Belles looks late fifties /Early Sixties.

But what do I know?

I do know that from their facial expressions....something is wrong.  A broken suspender belt?

Bonus - How World War II led to the invention of super glue

Friday 14 June 2024

Surbiton Ladies Wine Club


The club started as a way that the wives could develop an appreciation of the finer things in life.

It soon developed into a chance to get sloshed, and attempt to charm that pants of the sous chef.

Bonus - Whitest Kids U' Know - Apollo 24

Wednesday 12 June 2024

It's a Bus !!!!!!


Sorry, I'm a bit distracted this evening.

Bonus - 

This Counts As A Win.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Brrrrr It's a bit chilly


Today is June 11th. 

In the Northern Hemisphere.

Less than two weeks before the Summer Solstice.

And it is Blooming Freezing.

Frost is forecast in Scotland.

Bonus - Blue Desert

Qesm Sharm Ash Sheikh, Egypt

Saturday 8 June 2024

A Focus Group of Photographers


I presume that that is the correct term for a gathering of snappers.

Looks like a day out for the East Finchley Retired Teachers Photography and Real Ale Club.

Bonus - Banana fight in Pennsylvania gas station leads to charges for employee

Bonus 2 - Live Breaking news 


Friday 7 June 2024

An Arboreal Avenue Cathedral


There's probably a better word for it, but this avenue of trees does remind me of a cathedral.

No info on the slide, obviously, but the lack of a formal road up this avenue does seem rather unusual. Perhaps one of you readers may be able to enlighten me.

As a pure guess, I wonder if it might be in Hidcote Manor Gardens... but purely a guess.

Bonus - 25 Minutes of Demolition Videos

Tuesday 4 June 2024

A Rose By Any Other Name


...would smell as sweet.

 "Not if you called 'em stench blossoms.

Or crap weeds.

I'd sure hate to get a dozen crap weeds for Valentine's Day.

I'd rather have candy. Not if they were called scum drops."

Yup, Tedious Tuesday, Flowers and Simpsons. 

Bonus - Swirling flight of a seabird caught in a huge typhoon high over mainland Japan

Sunday 2 June 2024

Will There Be Birthday Cake?


No, it's not my birthday today. You missed that by over a week.

However, today does see the the commemorative visit to El Swanky Nosh-Shop with "The Gang" for a Sunday Lunch. And, maybe there will be cake.

Bonus - The USA has granted itself permission to invade The Netherlands if it needs to rescue a US Citizen from the jaws of Justice. American Service-Members' Protection Act

Saturday 1 June 2024

Shocked by the Sandwiches


The scene is undoubted the Dronfield Parish of St Fittick's Church, welcoming event for the new vicar, and Edith Hackthorn's is shocked to find out how much cheese is in the Cheese and Radish Triangles.

Frank Hudson, on the right, tackles the mini-sausage-rolls.

Bonus - Umm, what about Donald Trump meeting Zig and Zag?