Sunday 30 June 2024

The Dedication of the Herbert M Munroe Elementary School


From the rather blurred plaque in the background, I'm think that the Herbert M Munroe Elementary School is probably what is now know as the Munroe Elementary , in Denver, CO

Digging in Google, 

Munroe Elementary, dedicated on 1962 was named in honor of Herbert M. Munroe, an appointed Attorney for the Denver Board of Education from 1897 until 1932, serving a thirty-five year span. He was a graduate of East High School class of 1891. As an advocate for public education he was instrumental in the securing of land for new elementary schools, and continuously advised the School Board to place high schools adjacent to city parks. Munroe served as a participant in the Big Brother movement, Old Timers Baseball Association, the Y.M.C.A., and Sons of the American Revolution, he died February 22, 1950 while refereeing for the Colorado State Industrial Commission. 

So, that's interesting.

Bonus : As we may have a few more American visitors than usual, here's something to annoy 50% of them. 

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