Thursday 4 July 2024

Yup. US Independence Day AND UK General Election


I am weary of the UK GE at the moment, so let's go with a traditional USA Flag slide. Yeah.

Bonus - 

Wednesday 3 July 2024

This Fine Fungusy Fellow.


I did harbour a faint hope that I could figure out who this chap is, or was, but... my Google-Fu has deserted me. It could be DH Lawrence. It could be Ethel Merman in a fake beard.

I have no idea.

Pipe up if you know who this bloke is.

Bonus - 

Me Too

Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Door To Oblivion


I know that today is Tedious Tuesday, and that this is just a picture of a door and its frame...

...but that is one Bitchin' Door.

I Like It.

Bonus - ‘Now we know where the dead went.’ Did grave robbers plunder battlefields?

Monday 1 July 2024

Wilbur was astonished to see....


Let's play "Blankety Blank".

Walking through Central Park, Wilbur was astonished to see ....<Blank>

Your options :

  1. A squirrel carrying an AK-47 Kalashnikov
  2. The ascent to heaven of all the worthy, AKA The Rapture.
  3. The arrival of a Vogon Battle-Cruiser
  4. Mrs Victoria Olshansky cavorting naked on a horse. 

Postcards to the usual address.

Bonus - Debbie Harry is 79 years old today. Happy Birthday