Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Marmalade Bob


Who can resist a picture of a cat?

Actually, from the last readership survey, quite a lot of you, actually.

Nevertheless, here's Marmalade Bob.

Bonus - Don't forget to vote in the Tiny Awards

Bonus 2 - America is getting weird-er.

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Roger's Proud of his Garden


Roger deVille (not visible in photograph) was very proud of his garden, and would take a weekly slide, so that he could do his annual "State of the Garden" show at the East Frinton Gardening and Taxidermy Club nights. 
Attendance was always low on those nights.
Bonus :

Monday, 29 July 2024

Cornwall, perhaps?


No info on this slide, not even a date. Dammit.

My first thought was this this was Burgh Island, in Devon...a small tidal island near Bigbury-on-Sea in England, which is remembered for its association with Agatha Christie and its grand Art Deco hotel. 

But, on second view....nah !

Bonus - 


Sunday, 28 July 2024

A Simpler Time


At the request of very nearly a blog reader, (a Mrs Trellis of North Wales, I believe) we have another slide from Mrs Beryl Blood's collections of slides. 

Today, it's from he 1964 trip to Canadel in South France, and as with her slides of St Tropez, it's from a time before massive gentrification. I suspect that this little fisherman's village may have changed in the past 60 years.

Bonus - Also in France, the 2024 Olympics have started, Here's a video reminder of the 1988 Olympic opening, with...ummm... an unfortunate accident with doves. Viewer Discretion may be necessary.

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Beryl in a Bustier with Buster

 No, I don't mean that Buster the Bulldog was in same bustier as Beryl. You're misreading that on purpose.

This is another slide for the Beryl Blood sets of boxes, and I have a suspicion that this is a self-timer self-portrait.

Bonus -  Skydiver Luke Aikins Jumps 25000 Feet Into Net With No Parachute

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Colin Emerges From Hibernation


He may have been derided but his neighbours, but Colin "The Bear" Attleborough had the last laugh.

Every November, Colin would find a cave in the Norfolk Alps, and settle down to sleep there for the winter, emerging usually in March.

Not only did he avoid the winter coal prices that crippled his neighbours, but I also slept through Nativity Services, Boxing Day Television, and his wife's affair with the milk-man.

Bonus - Justin Trudeau trolled Donald Trump with framed photo of his grandfather’s Canadian brothel

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

It may look like an aspidistra


but it is, in fact, Grandpa Henry.

You see, when he was dying, he asked that his ashes be mixed with some John Innes Number 4, and used to nurture an aspidistra. And his spirit would become one with the plant...forever.

So we did, and you know what.... that aspidistra  is very like Grandpa Henry. Stays indoor, likes a drink and doesn't do much.

Creepy, huh?

Bonus - What's the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo?

One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Behind the scenes of "The Stirling Seven"


Few people remember the children's book series "The Stirling Seven", and even fewer will recall the BBC TV series of the same name. The novels were written by Ewan McTeagle, as a rival to the successful Enid Blyton serieses, and as an attempt to dispel the stench of failure associated with his Poetry for Money output.  Strangely, the "Stirling" part of the name was never explained, and the series was set in Cambuskenneth.

Here, we have a backstage snap, featuring (from the left) Maggie, Kevin, Holly. Wilbur, S*mbo the Dog, Freddy and Mr Fordyce the Cat.  Yes, they were different times, and pet-names were, umm, odd.

Bonus - Speaking of cats. George The Cat and the US Navy. 

Saturday, 20 July 2024

The Start of the Venice Grand Prix


Yes, t's the starting line-up for the 1970 Venice Grand Prix. 

Inspired by the Monaco F1 Grand Prix, this is the highlight of the Italian Pickpocketing season, providing a real challenge for pickpockets and hucksters, especially the elite competitors operating from boats.

Bonus - Make Your Own Kaleidoscope Image

Friday, 19 July 2024

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot


It's been a stinking hot day, here at Slide Guy Central, so this slide seems to be appropriate.

(When I say hot, I mean hot for this neck of the woods. I'm sure that thousands of you blog-followers would thing that 27°C is normal. Well, I'm Scottish, so that's infernal.)

Don't know where this is, but I suspect that it's miles away from Stornoway.

Bonus - Eye contact with a gorilla

Bonus 2 -

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Taxi !!


Looks like somewhere in Germany, so maybe I should shout the German word for taxi, which is...

   . TAXI !!

Bonus - One in Three Biden Supporters Think Trump Shooting Might Have Been Staged.   ( Sigh... :-(  )

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Dinah in Devon


Actually, it might be Cornwall.

Anyway, Dinah seems to be enjoying her holiday in the southwest, and is still favouring the "Bullet Bra" look.

Bonus -  Our Latest Superhero - The Disappearing Cuttlefish

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Precious Moments


People take pictures to help them remember special moments.

With sides, the emotion is intensified, as it's an image that some wants to project, and share with others.

This precious moment, well someone wanted to share that special day when the 1004 Luton to Huddersfield (Calling at Watford, Rugby, Preston, Dundee and Madrid) very nearly left the station on-time.

Bonus - "Please tell me what you imagine this bag of dicks looks like"

Monday, 15 July 2024

Flowers and Decay


Around the exterior, flowers, foliage and beauty.

At the core, decay, desiccation and death.

Could be a metaphor for life in general.

Bonus - the Unique Punjabi Tradition of Adorning Homes with Sculptural Water Tanks

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Lazing on the Beach


As usual, no info on the slide, other than a date of 1978.

But no fear, my awesome Google and geographic skills mean that I can identify this as being Seaham, in North East England (Geordie-land.)  The clue is the topless bathing ladies in the bottom right, one of who's has a "Newcastle Brown Ale" tattoo,

Bonus - Current events... 

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Blessed Are The Cheese-Makers...

 It took me a moment (or two) to realise what this barely-labelled slide was of.

It didn't help that it had a strange pink cast to it (from the indoor strip lighting??), and the scrawl "industrie laitiere" confirmed my thought. Milk curds. For cheese-making...or maybe that Canadian...ummm... delicacy Poutine?

Bonus - They're back.


Friday, 12 July 2024

Leonora and Chico


When she arrived in town, she introduced herself as Leonora Marquez, with he canine companion Chico. She was the exotic flower of Morecambe Bay

Alas, it's wasn't long until the police identified her as Hettie Grimshaw, the Ottley Black Widow, and she spent the next 30 years in HMP Clitclink.

Bonus - 

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Looks Like The South Of France


No info on the slide, other than a date of July 1964 (cool - sixty years old), but after some digging around, I suspect that this is ...

... Plage du Canadel.

In fact,  maybe here.

Bonus - 

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Bobby and Bernie at the Condo


This is from a set of slides marked as "1963 - July at The Beach-House".

Not sure which state/town/beach it is, but.... Nice.

Pity about the camera shake and film fungus...

Bonus - How bog bodies were secured underwater. From the always interesting TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee")

Monday, 8 July 2024

Focus, Kevin, FOCUS!


Dang!  Another spoiled slide.

Bonus - If you had the power to know what happens after death, you'd either have the most reassuring or the most terrifying piece of knowledge in the universe, yet you could never share it without sounding insane.

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Deep in the Heart of ... Wales


After yesterday's totty-fest, we return to more scenic slides.

This is marked as Elwy Valley 1987, and most pleasant it is too. The River Elwy (Afon Elwy in Welsh) is a river in Wales forming a tributary to the River Clwyd. Though the source of the river may be on the northern flank of Moel Seisiog, south-east of Llanrwst, the river only receives the name Elwy at the village of Llangernyw, where three rivers meet.

Bonus - Liquid Layers

Saturday, 6 July 2024

Phew What a Scorcher


In response to one blog-follower (you know who you are) And his regular "Got any nudie or glamor shots?",'s a rather pleasant shot of a young lady.

Yes, I have a couple of boxes of slides from a bikini beach modelling selection. This is Brenda, who when she isn't modelling bikinis, she's an apprentice mortician in Cleethorpes.

Bonus - Fireworks and Fourth of July

Friday, 5 July 2024

Barry and Cathy's Tricky Menu Choices


Tonight, I have the delightful Miss T popping over for an evening of curry (Chicken Tikka Jeera and Chicken Tikka Bhuna, if you're interested) and Taskmaster (UK Series 5)

Today's throwback slide is of Barry and Cathy encountering Foreign Cuisine for the first time.

"Spaghetti Bolognaise????  What's That ???"

(Actually, the writing on the slide says Geoff and Jennifer 4-9-63.)

Bonus - Star Trek Voyager - Audition Video

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Yup. US Independence Day AND UK General Election


I am weary of the UK GE at the moment, so let's go with a traditional USA Flag slide. Yeah.

Bonus - 

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

This Fine Fungusy Fellow.


I did harbour a faint hope that I could figure out who this chap is, or was, but... my Google-Fu has deserted me. It could be DH Lawrence. It could be Ethel Merman in a fake beard.

I have no idea.

Pipe up if you know who this bloke is.

Bonus - 

Me Too

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

The Door To Oblivion


I know that today is Tedious Tuesday, and that this is just a picture of a door and its frame...

...but that is one Bitchin' Door.

I Like It.

Bonus - â€˜Now we know where the dead went.’ Did grave robbers plunder battlefields?

Monday, 1 July 2024

Wilbur was astonished to see....


Let's play "Blankety Blank".

Walking through Central Park, Wilbur was astonished to see ....<Blank>

Your options :

  1. A squirrel carrying an AK-47 Kalashnikov
  2. The ascent to heaven of all the worthy, AKA The Rapture.
  3. The arrival of a Vogon Battle-Cruiser
  4. Mrs Victoria Olshansky cavorting naked on a horse. 

Postcards to the usual address.

Bonus - Debbie Harry is 79 years old today. Happy Birthday